September 20

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Looking at the large clock on the wall Daphne realizes the substitute should be here any minute. It's almost noon. She takes one final look over her desk at the plans and notes for the sub. 'Something is missing,' she thought. Bus map! The door pulls open as she grabs the clipboard off of the filing cabinet.

"I'm here, I'm here!" Mrs. White calls out trying to catch her breath. "Why must your room be the furthest one out?"

Daphne just smiles back at her. "Now you know how I feel. It's normally not too bad but with this thing," she gestures to her brace "it's been extra."

"Any fun plans for your afternoon off?" asked Mrs. White. "You better believe it!" Daphne responds. "Saying a final good bye to a dear friend." Mrs. White looks at her with sadness, "oh honey, I'm so sorry!" "Don't be," Daphne says with sass. "The 'friend' is this gosh awful brace. I'm ready to get back to normal. Maybe the kids and I can have a funeral for it tomorrow," she laughs.


It's been over a week since Chris and Daphne had their first date. Chris did let her know his schedule for the week but at every turn there was a conflict with her schedule.

However, that didn't keep either of them from doing small things for each other. For example Daphne would drop off a coffee to Chris's apartment on her way to school because she knew he'd be pulling in moments after she pulled out. More than once during the week Daphne came home to take out on her porch that Chris would drop off before going home to go to sleep for his night shift.
On Friday afternoon she came out from work to see a sweet note under her windshield wipers. Chris was working the football game that night but Daphne had parent teacher conferences. 'Just wanted to let you know I've been thinking about you. Our second date needs to be planned soon.' He signed it with a line that had become their little term of endearment 'miss your face.'

Chris knew from their text conversations that Daphne was getting her brace off on Monday. He hadn't told her that he wasn't working Monday, but he'd chosen to leave that information out so that he could surprise her.


"Oh my goodness! It's so hairy!" Daphne exclaimed when the doctor removed her brace for the first time in six weeks. The doctor, unphased by her outburst, asked her to stand and take a few steps. Carefully she put all of her weight on her leg as she took those first steps again. She couldn't contain her excitement as she did a little wiggle and giggle. The doctor gave her a paper of simple exercises she could do at home in an effort to not have to go through physical therapy.

Walking back through the front of the office she wished the receptionist farewell and told her she'd hope to never see her again (all in jest of course). Pushing open the glass door that leads to the parking lot she stops, her mouth agape. Leaning against her car is that tall and handsome man she hadn't seen in over a week. "What are you doing here?" she exclaims.

Chris, unable to hold back his megawatt smile, "I had to see those first few steps. How ya doin there Bambi?" Although Daphne rolls her eyes at the nickname her heart is beating incredibly fast and she can't hold back her mile wide grin. "Take it all in, Christopher," she says as she strikes a pose putting her hands on her hips and her leg out in front of her. "Notice the dry flakiness of the dead skin. Oh and don't forget the length of the hair that could be used as a wig. I know, it does things to you," she winks. "Makes your stomach churn doesn't it?" Daphne's stomach is in knots as she didn't want anyone to see her leg until she could shower and shave. Hiding her discomfort behind a smile and humor had been her way of deflection for years.

"You're beautiful." A simple statement. A simple statement said by a man with a sparkle in his eye. Daphne's stomach flips. Chris reaches out for her hand. "I want to take you out."  Not realizing he means now she says, "I'd love that. Are you working Friday?"  "Now, Daphne. I want to take you out now," he states simply.

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