November Thanksgiving and a Wedding Part 2

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Wednesday night was spent eating leftovers and snacks while hanging out between the game room and movie room. Around 9 pm Rene and James put the girls to bed. Laura decided to start prep for the Thanksgiving meal the following day. Adam was passed out in the movie room, snoring. Oliver and Hazel were returning texts and calls to friends that would be arriving on Friday. Daphne and Chris decided to play one more game of pool before calling it a night. 
  At around 10 pm everyone decides to call it a night. They each retreat to their own rooms. After a quick shower Daphne walks over to Chris's room and knocks quietly. "Come in."
  Daphne opens the door and comes in. She finds Chris sitting up in bed with a book. "Hey you," said Chris. "I thought you were down for the night?"
  "I wanted cuddles," she says simply with a pout.  He lays his book on the nightstand and opens his arms wide. "I'm at your service," he tells her with a smile. 
  She climbs onto his bed and finds her place beside him. She lays her head on his chest over his heart and rests her hand on his stomach. Chris reaches up and gently curls his fingers through her hair while holding her to him with the other hand. "This is nice," he says closing his eyes. The only response he gets is "mhm."
  "Daph?" No answer. "Daphne?" Still no answer. "Come on love, this isn't your bed."
  "But it's comfy," she says snuggling in closer.
  Chris stops for a moment. As much as he is enjoying this he will not let her fall back on her conviction. Some would say they're just laying with each other. But he knows a body's carnal desire would eventually win out. He refuses to put her in that situation.
  By this point her breathing has evened out again. He quietly gets off the bed. Gently he picks her up and carries her to her own room. Pulling back the covers he lowers her down and tucks her in. "Good night my beautiful girl," he says as he tenderly kisses her forehead. He closes her door and returns to his own room alone.

Thursday morning found Chris knocking at Daphne's door this time. No answer. He goes towards the kitchen and notices no one else is up. Quietly he starts the coffee pot and pulls two mugs from the cabinet. While the coffee brews he goes back to his room grabbing a hoodie and a blanket. Once the coffee is finished he makes Daphne's the way she likes it best and takes the mugs to the back porch. He goes back to Daphne's room once more. Knocking again he opens it to see her stir. He kneels down by the side of the bed and gently moves the hair out of her face.
"Babe," he speaks low. "Can you wake up for me?"
Nothing. Good to know she is dead to the world when she sleeps. He starts kissing her cheeks. Then her forehead and finally her nose. Nothing. "Daphne, you've got to the count of three before I tickle you. 1...2...".
"No tickles," she murmurs. "Yes tickles if you don't get up. Come on, I've got a surprise." He pulls back her covers, takes her hands and makes her sit up. Tossing her his hoodie he instructs her to put it on. He chuckles as she grumbles. He leads her out of her room. "I'd tell you to close your eyes but I'm pretty sure you've not even opened them yet."
Finally they reach the back door. Chris opens it and ushers Daphne to the swing and urges her to sit. Slowly she's becoming aware of her surroundings. She sees the two coffee mugs, the blanket, the start of a sunrise and the handsome man next to her.

 "Oh, my," she says stunned

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"Oh, my," she says stunned. "Thank you."
Chris sits down on one side of the swing and motions for her to come next to him. He hands her the coffee cup and lays the blanket over the two of them. He takes a sip of his own coffee and hums.
"This was my idea and yet here you are setting it all up. Why? You could've slept in."
"Because it's important to you. I'd do anything to see your face light up. And maybe that long nap yesterday wasn't the best idea for sleeping last night," he tells her while chuckling over the last statement.
Daphne snuggles deeper into him. "This is my happy place."
"The mountains mean a lot to you, huh?" He asks.
"No. I mean they do. But I meant being by your side. It's my happy place," she says glancing up at him. He holds her tighter to him. "I know what you mean," said Chris as he leans down to kiss her. "Love you," she tells him. "Love you more babe." Shaking her head she says, "not possible."


The men decided to go for a hike while the ladies are busy preparing the Thanksgiving dinner. They offered to help but were quickly kicked out of the kitchen. "Alright fellas. What do you say we go burn some extra calories so we can replace them with the feast?" Adam Jeffries suggests. "Not a bad idea. Gotta make sure I can fit into my tux Saturday," Oliver responds. They bundle up and head out.

"Finally. Now, let's get this party started," Laura shouts. Daphne cranks up the speaker that's already connected to her Bluetooth. "Your choices are 80s, 90s pop or 90s country. What'll it be ladies?"
"Let's go 80s. I'm feeling nostalgic," Laura tells the girls. Daphne sets her 80s station on shuffle and presses play. As if it was planned Whitney Houston's I Want to Dance With Somebody starts blasting through the speakers. Immediately the women start dancing around the kitchen grabbing items to start the cooking.
The chorus starts and Daphne grabs little Sarah by the hands and starts dancing and singing along with her. Twirling around, the little girl let's out a joyous laugh. Passing her off to her mom Daphne picks up the baby next. She holds Ellie close to her and dances around the living room singing to her. As the song starts fading out Daphne turns around once more to see Chris at the doorway, cell phone in hand and a grin a mile wide. Daphne let's out a startled cry. "Sorry ladies. I forgot my hat. Is that a one time only performance love?" He asks Daphne pulling her in for a hug.
"Tell me you weren't recording," she pleads.
"Oh I most definitely was. Saving it to my iCloud too."
"You're lucky I love you mister," she says while jabbing her index finger into his chest.
"Not lucky. Just blessed," he tells her with a kiss goodbye.


The family gathers around the table ready to enjoy the amazing feast the Jeffries women have created. After Adam leads the family in a prayer of Thanksgiving they each begin ladling food on to their plates. Once everyone has filled their plates James suggests that they go around the table and tell something they're thankful for.
James starts and mentions he's thankful for his newest daughter Ellie. Rene follows giving thanks for the fact that both girls are sleeping through the night at the moment. Sarah goes next telling everyone she's thankful for her dolly. Coming around to Hazel she says she's thankful to finally be getting Ollie down the aisle. This earned a round of laughter from everyone. Oliver let's everyone know he's thankful Hazel said yes. Laura gives thanks for having all of her babies under one roof. Adam piggy backs on his wife in agreement.
They've now reached Chris. He has so many things that he could say. He's thankful for moving to the small county. He's thankful for his job. He's thankful for having met Daphne. But he chooses to say, "I'm thankful to not be at the station this year. It's been a long time since I've gotten to celebrate Thanksgiving with family."
He looks over at Daphne letting her know she can go now. Her eyes meet his and they're already filling with tears. "I'm thankful for my accident. It brought me you," she says placing her hand on top of Chris's. Words escape him. There's nothing profound to be said by anyone at this point. He simply says, "me too."

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