February: Taking Charge

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Third person POV

Wedding date has been set for April 8. Venue is booked. Next step is dress shopping. Daphne is already struggling with the type of dress she likes.
"Do you want me looking like a princess, mermaid or sexy goddess?" she asks Chris over dinner the night before her dress appointment, seeking someone else's opinion in the hope that it helps her decision. "Modest or leave nothing to the imagination?"
Chris gives his future bride a strange look. "First off you're gonna be a sexy bride no matter the style of dress. Second, I'm the only one allowed to use his imagination when it comes to you and I'd like to leave it that way."
"So long sleeves and a turtle neck then?" She says with a smirk.
He rolls his eyes as he responds, "no, but remember it's gonna be hard enough for me to keep my hands off of you the closer we get to the wedding date. We may have to take a detour after the ceremony." There's that dang eyebrow wiggle of his that sends Daphne into a fit of laughter.
She shakes her head at him. "No sir. I have not waited this long to lose my virginity in a bathroom or coat closet. No pressure or anything."
"No worries. I've got ideas and they don't include a bathroom or coat closet," he says as he captures her lips with his. "At least not for the first time," he says against her lips.
"Mm...I'm looking forward to it," she tells him as she continues the kiss.

Daphne POV

I run to answer the door as I realize I'm yet again running late. "Girl, we've got to go or we're gonna be late for your appointment," Hazel tells me. She points to the car and I see mom and Rene waiting for me as well.
"Two minutes," I say running back to my bedroom to grab my shoes and coat from the closet. February in Florida is about the only time it actually gets cold so I try to dress appropriately because ya girl doesn't have time to be getting sick.

  February in Florida is about the only time it actually gets cold so I try to dress appropriately because ya girl doesn't have time to be getting sick

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  I grab my bag and keys. I make sure to lock the door behind me. Hazel climbs in the backseat with Rene and I join my mom upfront.
  "Don't you look cute," Rene says. "I remember wearing sweats to go find my wedding dress."
  I give a chuckle remembering that day as well. "I lack comfortable clothing," I reveal. "My closet is full of teacher clothes."
  Hazel leans up towards the front. "Well I know some things that'll be finding their way into your wardrobe soon."
  I look at her slightly confused. "Are you talking about Chris's clothes? Because we're still hoping to be moving in at least close to the wedding date."
  "Oh honey, what are we going to do with you?" Rene asks.
  "We've got to throw you a shower!" Hazel exclaims.
  "A bridal shower isn't really necessary. We've both been living on our own for a while so I'm sure we have everything we need. Maybe a housewarming party in May," I respond.
  This time my mom is the one laughing. "That's not the kind of shower they're talking about, sweetheart."
  "Even your mom understands what we mean. How do you not get it?" Hazel says. "We are throwing you a lingerie shower!"
  My eyes grow wide at the thought. "Oh gosh! Yeah no my mind didn't go there at all."
  "We'll have to ask Chris what he likes," Rene says.
  "I imagine he'll tell you whatever looks good laying on the floor," my mom says with a straight face.
  My eyes have now grown to be the size of saucers. "Mother!"
  "Daphne, please. We are all grown women. And you could ask any man and they'd probably say the same thing," she tells me. "It's what your dad said."
  I want to act like a small child and cover my ears and sing lalalala over and over. This is way more information about my dad than I need to hear.
  "We know that you'd be happy in flannel pajamas the rest of your life. That's why we need to either take you shopping or throw a shower," Rene says.
  I decide to join in because let's face it, I'm the unmarried virgin in the car. "Maybe Chris has a flannel fetish. Ya never know."  I decide to find out.

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