November Vacation Part 7

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Daphne POV

"You sure you're up for this?" Chris asks me once again as we enter Magic Kingdom.

When he told me had secretly made reservations for dinner at Cinderella's Castle, I couldn't say no. We had stayed in our room all day, only having left when it was a little before our reservation time.

"Yes," I assure him for the fifth time since we had first boarded the bus at the resort. "I've kept down all the food I've eaten today." I stop walking, causing him to turn in my direction. I place my hand on his cheek, reassuring him, "I'm fine. I promise." He leans down to kiss me as I lift up on my tiptoes to meet him. "Now, Prince Chris, take me to the castle."

I've been trying all day to keep myself in check with my emotions, even though what I witnessed last night and my dream keeps festering inside of me. I don't want to ruin the little bit of time we have left before we return home. I feel like I'm putting on a huge act, just praying along the way that Chris is buying it.

Chris smiles at me as he offers me his elbow to hold. "As you wish, love."


The hostess seats us, next to a window, overlooking an area of the park. The sun is setting, casting a beautiful glow over Main Street, USA.

We look over the menu, attempting to decide from all of the many delicious sounding items.

"Wanna do the usual?" Chris asks.

I crinkle my nose at him. "You don't mind?"

He smiles back at me. "Not at all. You know I love sharing with you."

The waiter comes back, ready to take our orders. We decided to split the Sea Scallop pasta dish and the Beef Tenderloin.

"So," Chris starts. "What do you want for Christmas?"

I can't help but start laughing. "Chris, it's just Thanksgiving. How are you already thinking about Christmas gifts?"

He sits back in his chair, crossing his arms against his chest. "I mean, I think I need plenty of time to top last years gift."

"Pretty sure that's not possible." As I think back to last Christmas. The surprise of the engagement was one thing, but then learning he had purchased land for us to build a house on. It still amazes me.

"So, give me some ideas Daph."

"Um..." my attention turns back towards the window as I try to think of something. "A new coffee cup?"

Chris' head drops a little as he watches me through his long lashes. "Seriously? A coffee cup?"

"What do you want me to say?" I laugh out.

"What do you really want, babe? That's what I want to hear."

I pause, holding in a painful sigh in my chest. What I really want is to know he's not going to leave me when I can't give him a baby, but I don't say that. I can't say that. If I did then I'd reveal that I saw what took place in the food court last night, and the dream that accompanied it.

"Same question for you then," I say, trying to toss it back in his direction, too afraid I may burst at this point.

He leans in closer to me, leaning across the table on his forearms. He motions with his finger for me to lean in as well. I look at him confused but follow his request. Chris' head swivels around the room before his eyes settle back on mine. "You, naked in our bed, for two whole days," he whispers as his gaze intensifies.

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