Wedding Day Part 1

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*video above is strictly for the song*

Third person POV

Chris returned to his room just after midnight. Scott was already snoring away. He decided to sit down at the desk and write a letter to Daphne to accompany the gift he brought to give her before the ceremony. He's tearing up while writing it so he knows she'll be a mess. 'I better make sure she gets this before her make up is done,' he thinks to himself.
  He takes his phone out to set an alarm and sees a missed text from his sister asking to meet for breakfast at 9:30 am. Chris sends a thumbs up emoji hoping he doesn't wake her or her family. After setting his alarm he prepares for bed.
  Laying his head down he sends one last text.

Chris- Today, you become Mrs. Evans. Sleep well my love.

  Unbeknownst to Chris, Daphne has just completed her own note to him. After she finishes her nightly routine her phone dings. Looking at the clock she realizes it's already 1 am. Plugging her phone into the charger she sees the message from Chris. She can't help but smile and holds the phone over her heart.

Daphne- just a few hours until I call you my husband.  I'm going to sleep with a smile on my face. I love you more.

Daphne curls up under the covers, saying prayers of thanksgiving for the man God brought into her life.


The Evans family met for breakfast at a cafe just around the corner from the hotel. The kids enjoying pancakes as the adults eat on eggs, bacon and biscuits. Conversation flowing freely over multiple cups of coffee.
  The cafe door lets out a jingle as it's opened again. Chris sees Hayden and invites him over to join them.  "You sure you wanna do that?" Scott asks after his brother insists Hayden join them.
Chris looks at Scott confused. "He wasn't the drunk skank."
"Yeah, I'm still confused as to why you went on a date with her to begin with. She really didn't seem like your type," Shannon speaks up.
"Last blind date I ever accepted," he tells them. "Hey man!" He greets his friend with a handshake and waved his hand at the empty chair across the table.
"So," Carey starts, "how did your night end Hayden?"
He looks back at her chuckling. "Well, after listening to Sophie go on and on about this guy," he points to Chris, "and listening to her vomit for an hour straight I went and got a room to myself. I did however pay the exuberant bill for her Uber home this morning. I really am sorry about last night, man."
The look on Hayden's face is one of pure sincerity. Chris honestly feels bad himself because he knows how much Hayden found Sophie attractive. "Me too man. I know you like her."
Hayden quickly corrects him. "Liked. After last night I want nothing to do with her." Chris nods his head in understanding.
"So, what's the plan for the day exactly?" Scott asks as if he hasn't already been told multiple times.
  "Photos are at 4:30, ceremony at 6. We need to be at the park by 5:30," Shannon reminds him before Chris has a chance.
  "I've been thinking about shaving for the wedding,"
Chris tells his family.
  "What does Daphne think?" Carey asks.
  "She's never seen me without the beard," he says.
  Each one of them are shaking their heads from side to side. "No way. Don't do it today. I'm afraid that would upset her on such a big day. Shave on the honeymoon but not the day of the wedding," Carey says.
  Chris nods. "You're probably right."

Meanwhile Daphne's POV

  I hear a knock on my door, waking me before the alarm. I see it's just 9 am. 'I thought I had til at least ten,' I think to myself.
Looking through the peep hole I see my mom and sister in laws. When I open the door to invite them in I'm met by singing. "We're going to the chapel and we're gonna get married!" They all sang in unison. I can't help but giggle and join in, dancing around the room.
  "I can't believe it's finally happening," Rene says. "I mean I know y'all only met seven months ago but I'm pretty sure we all knew Chris was it before you did."
  My mom speaks up. "I knew the night you brought him to meet us back in October."
  "Really? That quick?" I ask her in disbelief.
  Mom nods her head as she sits down on the couch. "There was just something different about him than the other before. The way he looked at you that night. The way you both were with each other. You were both smitten."
  "It's been really exciting to see your relationship unfold," Hazel tells me. "Even Ollie has mentioned how grateful he is that you've got someone like Chris in your corner."
  "Must be a brother thing. James has said the same to me," Rene says. "I think the guys all get along together so we'll because of how similar they are."
  I feel myself getting emotional. "Is this how I'm going to be all day?" I ask my family as I blot at my tear filled eyes. They all yell out "Yes!" in unison.
  "How about breakfast?" I ask them as my stomach starts rumbling.
  "We need to do it as room service. James said Chris was going out with his brother and sisters. You don't want to run into them," my mom mentions.
  "True. We are trying to be traditional as much as we can. In fact he left last night at one minute to midnight."

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