October: Baby Day

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Third Person POV

   Rene comes to open the door, letting Daphne and Chris inside. Immediately both Ellie and Sarah are on their aunt, begging for hugs. Daphne happily obliges. But in the next breath she's arguing with her brother over the fact that they were late. 

   "I had a mandatory meeting, James," she snaps at him. "What did you want me to do? Quit? That way you could eat your dinner precisely at 6?"    

   James shoots Chris a look. "Don't look at him. He's got nothing to do with this. It's my fault okay, blame me." Daphne's eyes are beginning to tear up. "Excuse me," she says before leaving for the bathroom.

   "What was that?" James asks.

   Chris notices the whole family looking at him, waiting for an answer. They hadn't told any of them about starting this medication. But, after that show, he's guessing he should fill them in.

  He motions for them to join him on the back patio. The Jeffries all file out quickly and huddle around him so he doesn't have to speak loudly.  "Daphne hasn't been ovulating. Her body lacks the necessary means to do so. The doctor gave her a med that is suppose to make her ovulate. Which means a massive rush of hormones that she's not use to. Today's day three and the side effects are starting. Obviously, you've witnessed the mood swings. She really has no idea that it's happening."  

   Each member of the family nod and offer sympathetic sighs. They give small, short words of encouragement and promise to try and watch what they say to her and around her.

   The back door opens, interrupting their moment. "Are we eating out here tonight?" Daphne asks. 

   Yes," her mom says. "I was just wanting everyone to get situated and then I was gonna bring everything out. Do you want to help me, baby?"

   Daphne smiles back at her mom. "Sure. I'd love to."

   Ollie pats Chris on the back. "Good luck with that, brother."

     The actual dinner part of the night went off without a hitch. Everyone watched their words, maybe even a little too much, and somewhat left Daphne out of several of the conversations.  At the moment Daphne doesn't seem to be paying too much attention as she plays with the girls in the playhouse Sarah received for Christmas last year.

   "Is she gonna be able to handle this, Chris?" Adam asks his son in law.

   "Honestly, I'm not sure. The meds are only for a week, assuming she doesn't have to take them again next month." He looks longingly at his wife, playing with her nieces. She scoops Ellie up into her arms and swings her around.  

   "I always knew she wanted to be a mother," Laura tells them. "But it seems like with all the medical issues this year, she's in a bigger hurry to  make it happen. I wish she wouldn't push her body so hard."

   Chris sets his glass back on the patio table. "I want nothing more than to give her a family. I'm just afraid it's not going to come the way she wants it to.  If her body doesn't start ovulating, then the only hope she has of carrying will be IVF." 

   "You could always adopt, or even find a surrogate," Rene mentions.

   Chris nods his head. "We've talked a little about adoption. But her desire is to carry a child, and she struggles with the fact that it just may not be in the cards for her."

   "Son," Adam starts, "how are you doing with all of this?"

   "I am dealing with it however I need to in order to make sure she's okay, that she's seen, that she's heard. It's all I can do."

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