December Christmas Day Part 2

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Chris POV

  I caught the glance that Adam gave me. It was his way of telling me Laura was struggling being around Daphne. I hate that for her but I have a very specific way I want this to all play out. Lord willing it'll be soon.
  Noticing the time on my watch I tell Daphne we need to head out soon.
  "Going to your family's Chris?" Hazel asks.
  I nod. "Yeah, my brother's place is on the beach. My sisters came into town so we are just getting together there for lunch.
  We begin our goodbye hugs and attempt to get Dodger away from his little best friend. After another ten minutes of talking we head to the car.
  "Ready," I ask Daphne as I start the car.
   She shrugs her shoulders. "As I'll ever be I guess."

  We head towards the east side of the county, towards the ocean. Dodger is asleep in the backseat trying to gain his energy for our next stop.
  "Tell me I don't have a reason to be as nervous as I am, please," Daphne pleads. I'm already holding her hand in mine so I give it a small squeeze. "I could tell you not to worry, but I know you will anyway," I say as I pull her hand to my lips.
  "I've already told Carey all about you when I visited her. I'm sure she passed it on to Shannon since they live in the same town. And Scott has been begging to meet you for awhile now.  It's going to be fine, I promise."
  "These are the most important people in your life since your parents passed. I just want them to like me. If they don't, I know it could change how you feel about me," Daphne says unconvinced, gazing out of the window as we cross the bridge to the island.
  "Hey, none of that," I tug at her hand that is still in mine, urging her to look at me. "This is going to be very laidback. None of us are uptight. This will not turn into twenty questions, I promise you. Just be you and they'll love you."
I watch her take in a few deep breaths, in through her nose and out through her mouth. She pulls down the sun visor and opens the mirror checking her make up. "You're beautiful, Daph," I tell her with a smile.
"First impressions are everything, even visually," she says as she reapplies her lipstick.
I think back to the first time I saw her, beaten up and bruised in her car. I shudder at the memory. The cuts that covered her face, the black eye that formed before we even pulled up. The fear in her eyes as she came back into consciousness. While that is a memory burned into my brain, I'm thankful to add these memories as well. I much prefer the smile that reaches her eyes.
  I bring the car to a stop on the side of the road in front of Scott's beach house. I give Daphne the lead for Dodger's collar and grab the gifts out of the trunk.
  Out of the corner of my eye I see both of my nephews come barreling towards me from the side of the house. "Uncle Chris! Uncle Chris is here!" Mikey yells. I have him carry the two boxes that are on top of my pile as Evan wraps himself around my leg. "Hey buddies! How's it going?" I ask them. By now we've reached the front porch and the door swings open revealing both of my sisters. Carey grabs the gifts from my hands to pass to her husband. She and Shannon both throw their arms around me before I can even say a word. I return the embrace and give each a kiss on the cheek. Stepping back from their hug I pull Daphne forward towards the group.
  "Carey, Shannon, this is my girlfriend Daphne," I introduce them. Immediately both sisters grab Daphne into a hug making her cackle. She willingly hugs them back just as forcefully. They pull apart, each with huge smiles covering their faces.
"Scott is on the back deck finishing up the grilling," Shannon tells us. "We're finishing up the salads now. Everything should be done in about ten minutes."
I take Daphne's hand and nod my head in the direction of the back deck.
"About time, big brother," Scott calls to me from his spot on the deck.
"Daphne, Scott. Scott, Daphne," I say.
"It's so good to finally meet you," Scott says as he pulls her in for a hug. "Chris won't shut up about you so I know you're fantastic."
"Oh really," Daphne says wiggling her eyebrows in my direction. I hang my head, embarrassed, shaking it back and forth. "I mean, I am pretty incredible," she says flipping her hair over her shoulder. I reach my arm around her side and pull her to me, kissing the top of her head as she giggles.
"How can I help?" Daphne asks Scott.
"I think most everything is done out here. Maybe check with the girls," he tells her.
I watch her go back inside as I lean against a beam on the deck. "How'd it go this morning?" Scott asks.
"Good. No slip ups by either of her parents," I tell him. "Although her mom practically ignored her because she's so scared of saying something."
Scott narrows his eyes at me. "Not much longer though right? Cause ya know I might slip too."
"Soon, I hope."

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