Chapter 39

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Pavol POV

Things have been kind of dull around here with Miguel being held up in our room all day. It's been about a week since Xavier broke his heart and now I have to watch him cry himself to sleep every day. Even though I'll never be able to understand what it's like to be heartbroken I still have empathy for my dear brother. I just feel so bad when he cries himself to sleep it's just so... depressing.

My parents have been confused trying to find the cause behind Miguel's sudden depression. I'd tell them that in fact, he got heartbroken by his asshole of a friend but that's confidential information so much so that I can't even tell my love, Avery. I do feel bad lying to my parents about not knowing why Miguel's so sad but it's not my story to tell, when he's ready he'll tell them.

Getting up from my bed and tiptoeing out of the bedroom I silently walk down the stairs and tiptoe into the kitchen. Twirling a strand of my hair around my finger I open the fridge as my stomach grumbles. I look in and see food with my name on it. My maman sometimes packs our lunches when she's feeling generous and this time she's packed me a tuna sandwich and carrots. I tear off the plastic wrap and take a giant bite out of the sandwich before stuffing some baby carrots in my mouth. After chewing and munching silently my hunger is finally satisfied and I tiptoe back upstairs.


12:30 p.m

" Hey, Pavol i-is Miguel okay?" Avery says with her armed looped through mine. She's staring at him concerned with worry in her eyes. It's lunch and we're sitting in our usual spot but the feeling isn't right. Miguel is just pushing his food around with a sombre expression and glossy eyes. He has bags under his eyes and looks so sleep-deprived he could pass out at my moment.

" Oh yeah he's uh... sick like the stomach flu," I say lying. She looks at him with a frown across her face before biting her lip.

"Oh well Miguel I hope you get better," she says with a sorry tone. He doesn't even look up at her and mumbles a quick thanks before going back to sulking.

Alright, I think enough is enough! I think to myself as I stand up and leave the cafeteria. Where is that little bastard? 


After wandering up and down the halls for a few minutes I finally spot the little shit in the courtyard. He standing in a group full of low lives smoking a cigarette while laughing at some joke a guy just told.

"Xavier!" I yell from across the courtyard. All their heads whip in my direction as I speed walk up to him. Balling my fist I grab the collar of his shirt and swing causing my to fist collide with his cheek. He hits the ground while the group of guys stare at me in shock. Before they can say anything walk over to the fallen boy and stare down at him. 

"That was for Miguel you piece of shit," I say through clenched teeth before kicking him in the side. He yelps in pain before balling himself into a fetal position. 

"And that... well that was just because I hate you," I say before turning around and walking away. The moment I get back into the building I know I've already fucked up.


"Pavol Rommily to the principles office immediately." The announcement says my name loud and clear as I'm halfway through last period. Merde. Everyone looks at me eyeing me with their beady eyes. I ignore the curious students and grab my stuff before heading to the principles office. I knot in my stomach begins to form signalling that I'm feeling anxious. 

I'm in deepshit now. 

10 minutes later

"Unprovoked attacks and assault of a fellow peer, not to mention this isn't the first time you have had an altercation with Mr.Duvey is that correct Pavol?" The principal raises her brow along with an icy stare. I re-adjust myself moving around in my seat before clearing my throat and speaking.

"Uhm... ouai," I say glancing at the window behind her. She gives a disappointed sigh before picking up her phone receiver and dialling a number. I wait silently as she mumbles a few quick words to the person over the phone before putting the receiver back down. 

"Well, Pavol I think I am going to have to give you an in-school suspension." My eyes nearly bulge out of my head as I sit up in my chair.

"Quoi?! m-mai-"

"Pavol this is your last strike. If something like this happens again you could be facing expulsion. I will be contacting your parents later today to discuss your in-school suspension." All the colour drains from my face and the same sick feeling in my stomach hits me full force causing me to feel nauseous. 

Pourquoi moi.

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