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Back in Australia Lexie didn't do these sort of things, no dangerous and shit like this, the most dangerous thing i've ever done was surf in a storm, though it wasn't bad, well now being shot at is top of her list, and she'd be sure to keep that out of her call to Aunty Jo tonight.

- - -

There was a bunch of yelling, crying and glass smashing. The three were sitting underneath a window with their backs on the wall, John B had turned around trying to see what was happening, Lexie started to shake, last time she heard this much violence was from her mum or the violent Sydney streets on weekends.

Lexies knee was bouncing and it was clear she wasn't the only one freaking out cause JJ went pale, and John B had no expression whatsoever. sorta freaky

Whatever was broken or pulled on the walls let a whole bunch of white paint into their hair, JJ groaning from it, a second later a man from inside threw photo frames out the window which scared the fuck out of Lexie.

JJ noticed and put his hand on Lexie's which was on her knee, She looked at it with confusion, another smash and cry from Lana and Lexie grabbed onto JJ's hand, both squeezing each others.

"let's dip" one man said after another minute passed and they had soon driven off, "they were the men from the boat yesterday" John B said, he stood up and marched into the house, Lexie quickly let go of JJ's hand straight away, before walking in the back door. Lexie quickly spun around and ran back, "what the fuck styles!" JJ yelled, "hang on!" she said back.

Lexie walked back with the photos that were thrown from the window to give them back to Lana. She looked up at Lexie longingly, reaching out her hands out, they were shaking, "thank - thankyou so much dear" she held onto Lexie's hands.

She smiled down to her, while John B walked to her to talk Lexie noticed the glass shattered all over her house, and doors ripped off its hinges.

She focused back in conversation when ms Lana yell out for no cops, JJ hummed, "mm, that's not good, come one dude. lets just go" JJ pleaded, Lana crying made out "you shouldn't be here."

"that's enough for me come on." JJ spun around to walk out, grabbing Lexie's wrist with him, she looked at JJ, "what are you doing?" she said sternly said, he looked her dead in the eye,"it isn't safe here" he sighed looking away, JJ started to grow agitated, "John B, hurry up" John B didn't listen, he kept talking to Lana about her husband and his dad, as soon as he pulled out the compass, Lana yelled out "Go! Get Out!" crying even more now.

- - -

The car ride back was so quiet, "can you drop me home" Lexie asked quietly, "sure, erm, you okay?" John B asked, "yeah yeah of course" lies, "i just wanna have a shower before my thing this afternoon"

She sat on her bed once she got home, trying to breath. Lexie felt so bad for that woman, her house is unlivable, she has no job and nowhere to go. that's it

the line kept ringing until she picked up. "What Alexis! I'm golfing!" her mother shouted. "do we need another house maid, cook or gardner?" she paused on the phone, "i've been thinking about hiring a new one, why?" she asked. "Lana Grubbs, she was robbed, her house is trashed, no doors or windows remain up, she's all alone without a job and i was thinking-" she cut me off. "shes is hired, tell her start ASAP" she hung up on Lexie, the feeling a burst of happiness, she got my things together, and got changed.

Lexie decided to wear green satin dress with a thin denim jacket. She straightened her hair and put some mascara on. feeling somewhat better, she rode, yes in her dress, her bike to John B's place. they were all there.

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