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AN- buckle up xox <3

When Lexie had lost her father, she felt a unbearable amount of pain. The amount of sorrow and grief one goes through when losing a lost one is a pain that no one shall wish on another.

Lexie and her Aunt weren't able to stay in their apartment when they got the news about her father, instead they stayed at a hotel, only going to the apartment to pack everything up.

Lexie experienced a feeling of lostness, and inability to be able to function. From seeing someone everyday to nothing, losing someone so significant in her life.

A pain Lexie never wants to experience again. Though about to feel it all. over. again.

- - -

"It'll be fine" JJ said from the front seek, breaking the uneasy silence. " It'll be fine with the Phantom, " He continued, swirling the keys in his hands. "She'll get out of here quick - whoa whoa whoa"

JJ cut himself off as three police car sped past them with sirens on. "They're still looking" Kie sighed.

"It's a good sign" Lexie said, trying to be positive, it was obvious that the girls were freaking out.

The three pulled up to the storage unit, JJ whipped the cloth off, The three instantly felt better when they saw the Phantom in a good condition.

"there she be" JJ chirped, Kie tilted her head.

"hey girl, A 1983 formula 402 SR1, The Phantom" JJ clicked his tongue, turning the girls expecting a reaction.

"mhm" Kie nodded, "the first boat to make the run to Bermuda in under 16 hours girls!" He said happily, Lexie couldn't help but peel her lips slightly upwards as the boy spoke highly of the boat.

"how old?" Lexie said, JJ whipped his head to her with a massive grin, "40 years old!" he chuckled. "its still the fastest thing that Kildare's ever seen"

Kie shrugged, not impressed, "It's kind of a Junker" she said bluntly, Lexie biting her lip to compress a smile.

"Really? she's right there Kie" JJ said sarcastically. "she can hear you, lets just put it this way, you would not be smoking' weed right now if she never existed okay?" JJ said plainly.

Kie sighed, "lets just hope she runs"

"oh it'll run alright" JJ's smile grew again, "She's faster than any cutters the boys in blue got"

After hearing a bike engine going, Kie perked her head up and sighed, looking at Lexie, she threw back a sympatric smile, both assuming it was Pope. Kie lifted her self up, "Pope. Finally!" She went to walk out to the boy.

"hey there"

The three turned around to look at Rafe. "shit" Lexie whispered.

JJ slowly stepped in front of Lexie holding his hand out slightly to imply to Lexie to stay behind him. "What's goin on?" Barry said from behind them

Barry whistled as Rafe cheered. "well well" Barry said as Rafe and Barry walked closer to the three.

Barry chocked his gun, pointing towards JJ. "no" Lexie stepped in front, Lexie felt JJ tried to move her. "not gonna happen, there is cops everywhere, around every corner, are you really stupid enough to shot a gun? which is probably unregistered" Lexie quickly snapped at him.

"Oh i remember you, you have a pretty little face, you're the one Rafe wants, and i'm gonna give it to him" Barry chuckled looking her up and down. JJ stepped forward moving Lexie back, she gladly stepped back away from Barry.

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