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- TW: violence and abused -

The next morning, JJ was awoken by the sound of a guitar and soft singing in the background, He walked outside to see Lexie, laid out on the hammock, in her moment, not a care in the world.

She strummed so lightly, her voice was harmonic, she sat effortlessly singing to the words, he slowly started to make his way down.

"Love is the answer, at least for most of the questions in my heart
Like why are we here? And where do we go?
And how come it's so hard?
It's not always easy and
Sometimes life can be deceiving
I'll tell you one thing, it's always better when we're together

Mmm, it's always better when we're together

Yeah, we'll look at the stars when we're together"-

"Better together, Jack Johnson, good song" JJ said as he at leaning against the tree. "you cut me off" she pouted at the boy, the laughed leaning back.

"i wanted to talk to you in private" JJ said, The girl sat up to look at him, "i understand your home life, and what is like to be ah - abused" the girls look softened, she signalled for him to sit on the hammock.

The sat on opposite ends, facing each other, "i know you aren't telling us the full story because i can't tell them either, they don't understand, but you do, and so do i, so tell me, what's yours like?" Lexie looked at him, this was different to how he usually acted around her, he was opening up.

"well, i was 5 when my mother left me and my dad, i begged her stay, this time she had beaten so bad i spent three weeks in ICU, i nearly died, as i grew up i understood why my father didn't fight for her to stay, I went years without seeing her, without contact until 3 weeks ago. She has already since, slapped me 3 times, and her husband, well he will do whatever she says, and she thought because i hung out with guys, that i was pregnant, so he came and yeah did this, and i know this isn't going to be the last one, but i'm strong enough to live with it for now"

She had completely exposed herself to him, he knew more about her than anyone did. which for her was a massive step to take, especially to someone like JJ, their relationship wasn't all friendly. "fucking hell" JJ said, running his hand threw his hair. "i'm so fucking sorry" Lexie just smiled at the boy, "well, what's your story?"

"Mum isn't here no more, she left when i was young, barely remember, dad blames me for it, so he'll beat me any chance he can get, that's about it, i haven't been back in a couple days, but he doesn't care, i usually hide when we have had a fight, i make up some stupid excuse" He said smiling. "i'm sorry"

The two bursted out in laughter. "oh my god" Lexie said

"just put down our walls and laugh about it" he said giggling.

He sung himself off the hammock, "don't tell anyone though, this stays between us"

she nodded, " of course" he started to walk away, "still hate you though Maybank!" Lexie called out with a smile. "i hate you too styles!" he walked away with a smile.

Safe to say the pair did not hate each other, they now stood as mutuals, maybe even friends?

- - -

Lexie sat sitting on the doc, soaking up the sun, Kiara and John b were under the water testing out the camera thing. Pope was on the other side playing around the with toy. JJ stood next to him "what's this?" he asked. "don't touch that" Pope spat, Lexie smiled at Pope.

"I'm trying to work out this thing" He said, focused on buttons. "god bless geeks pope, what would we do without you to control the drone" JJ joked.

"please, JJ, i'm sure you would be dead by now if you didn't have Pope" Lexie stood up and messed up Pope's hair while he grinned at her, she took off her shirt and jumped into the water.

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