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As soon as Lexie got home she collapsed on the couch, Lana didn't want to wake her because she looked so peaceful.

Lexie got up at 9:00am and went straight to the shower, she was happy, things were finally looking up, except that her best friend was macking on with the she-devil.

She was in the shower for 20 minutes, she shaved, washed her hair and had a little concert, she was so excited for tonight. tonight was the first night she got to play in the band. 

She had told her friends from Australia but they never answered her messaged, she did feel a bit upset, assumed they were mad she moved on. 

Lexie put on some denim ripped shorts with a rolled up long sleeve white shirt, she had left the top couple button un done so her neck and collarbone was showing, of course she wore her sliver chain which stood up, she smiled happily at it. Her father gave her that chain just before he died. she never took it off.

Lexie walked happily down the stairs, "hey Lan!" she called out, hugging the woman.

"Hey darling, how did you sleep?" she questioned while giving Lexie a salad sandwich. 

"so good!" Lexie said with a mouth full of food, Lana smile and shook her head at the girls horrible manners.

"what are  you up to today?" Lana asked. "uh- i'm about to meet up with everyone at Jb's then head out for my first gig tonight" She smiled widely, "i can't wait for it" Lana said. 

Lexie's smiled dropped, her eyes widened, "your coming?" she said, surprised. 

"of course, i wouldn't miss it for the world!" Lana said, something so small made Lexie's heart jump around, Her mother didn't care when she told her about the band, Lana was like her American Aunty Jo, it made her feel safe, which was just what the girl needed in this house. 

- - - 

"no effing way!" Kie said angrily. Lexie watched the girl, while she sat on the railing on the porch, she watched as her friend paced around, upset and angry, heartbroken too.

"you brought her here? so what? She is on this now?" Kie said angrily. John B shook his head looking at the boys. "i dunno" Pope shook his head violently. 

"Look, all i care about is her cut comes out of your share" JJ said pointing to John B. 

John B looked at Lexie pleadingly, "JB, you are my best friend and i love you but, her, bad idea man" she shook her head.

"you know i don't remember taking a vote!" Kie yelled. "this is our thing! A pogue thing!"

"I gotta say i'm just a tad uncomfortable with all of this" Pope said, Lexie noticed the pain on JB's face.

"thankyou!" Kie yelled. "when are you not uncomfortable?" JB said in defence.

"I don't know, i rode here on the back of JJ's bike pretty comfortably" Pope snarked back. Usually Lexie would giggle but the mood was not a giggly mood. 

"it's true, most relaxed I've ever seen him" JJ shrugged. "it's cute guys" Jb put his head down. Sarah just sat uncomfortably on the couch next to him. 

"you know we were all extremely comfortable until you bought her here" Kie said spitting at Sarah.

"stop talking about me like i'm not here!" Sarah yelled. 

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