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After 20 minutes of deciding what to eat, the group decided to get pizza and go back to Jb's house. They sat out on the porch, soaking up the nice night, it was quiet, besides the birds cooing and the music JJ insisted on putting on. Lexie threw on some shorts and a big shirt to relax in.

As Pope and Kiara spoke about how boring their day was, JJ went ahead to tell them about their day, he started pacing around. "and we were right outside like this" he placed his back against the brick wall, "and all we hear is, BAM BAM BAM" Banging his head and fist along with his words.

"knocking off paint from the wall, G! from the inside, All right?" Lexie looked over at Jb as the two tried to hold in their laughter, "and i'm just looking at them like - wait first off" he walked over to were Lexie and Kiara sat across from pope, shaking his hair, "look at this shit" implying it was paint.

"That's dandruff" Kira said, The girls looked at each other, "disgusting" Lexie rolled my eyes as she giggled in response. JJ stuck the finger up at her, "look at all that alright! thats paint!" JJ insisted. "at that point, i was just, like .. waiting for death" Jj said dramatically, Lexie couldn't hold in her laughter, she started bursting out laughing, Kira joining in and john b and pope giggling under their breaths.

"shut up styles you were just as scared!" JJ said  glaring at the girl, "yeah but i wasn't waiting for death!" She mocked him and he rolled his eyes, paying attention to Pope speak. "Oh, okay, so you saw the guys that shot us right?"

"yeah" JJ said, flapping his arms around.

"did you get a good description of them? what'd they look like?" pope said straight away.

"Anything is helpful" Kiara said, "anything we can bring to a police report?" Pope said cutting off Kiara. JJ nodded, "Burly" he said confidently

Lexie giggled once again, "they, uh, wore all black, beards, uh - both white, both dark hair, ones kinda tall, ones shorter, that's all i can remember" she said opening a new beer. " John b and JJ looked surprised while Kie and Pope up at her, "how-" Jj spoke but she cut him off.

"Being a girl in band, especially in the city Sydney, you learn to take mental notes of people appearances in case anything happens, it's just a habit now i guess." Lexie skulled the rest of beer, and everyone looked shocked at her, "What?"

"i can tell you with full confidence guys" Jj backed up onto the brick wall and pull out his juul, "these boys, these killers.." taking a hit of the juul, " they're square groupers" Jj said seriously

"like narco square groupers? "Pope asked with his head in his hands, Lexie noticed john b was being very quiet, "oi, jb wanna beer?" she whispered and he looked up at her, a small smile appeared on his face, "yes thanks" Lexie handed him one and went back to listening to JJ ramble on.

"Dude! i wasn't taking mental polaroid's the entire time" Jj said, "i was" Lexie smiled up at him, Kira and John b giggled behind her "man i under duress, okay?" jj panted. " but i can tell you, by the way Ms Lana was screaming, these boys are serious serious hombres man" JJ took another hit of his juul.

Lexie noticed how his jaw line stands out when he puts his head back, he took a effortless long puff and blow back out, Lexie couldn't lie when she thinks that was hot

Lexie cracked open another beer not paying, attention, JJ knocked her shoulder, "hurry up" he said walking back,  she followed him and the others to big john's office, john b unlocked it. by this time Lexie have already downed 4 beers, she wanted to celebrate but no one else was on her level.

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