Chapter Seven

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              I wake up with the worst headache of the century. I groan instantly. I open my eyes and look around me. I don't even recognize where I am at first. I see the window on the right and see a clear view of the ocean.

                 I get up slightly and see Topper passed out on the bed opposite mine. It all makes sense then. I was on Topper's boat. We were in the room with the bunk beds. I close my eyes to try to stop the headache and it doesn't work.

          My body feels so sore and my thigh is killing me because I was sleeping on it. I groan some more and then finally get out of bed. I notice the small burn on my thigh and start to remember last night. I realize I'm wearing an oversized football Tshirt.

           It definitely has Toppers name on the back. I look over at Topper sleeping peacefully on his chest. I walk over to his bed and climb on top of his back. He groans. I rest my head on the back of his and close my eyes. "What the hell happened last night?" I ask him. My voice hoarse as hell. He groans.

          "Got cooped." He says. The cops had shut down the party for sure last night. "You couldn't even stand. Everyone was leaving so quick." Topper begins to narrate. His voice is so rough and I can barely hear him as he talks into the pillow.

           "I fucking hauled your ass over here because I couldn't take you home." He says. "Well thank you Topper." I say and he groans.

          I laugh lightly and he turns around, nearly making me fall off of him. "We got into so much trouble last night." He says looking at me and I smile. "No you started all the trouble last night." I tell him. He touches my face and I feel him picking at some dried up mascara around my eyes. "You look like shit." He says laughing and I smack his face lightly.

                I get off him and take a look at myself in the mirror. "I look like shit." I say. My hair was a disaster and my face was even worse. "I didn't lie." Topper says as he sits up too. "This tee is comfy, I'm keeping it thanks." I tell him. "Sure." He says while yawning. I try to flatten out my hair and as I touch my chest I realize I don't have my bra on.

             "Where is my bra?" I ask him. He reaches down and picks it up off the floor. I look slightly concerned. "Did we?" I ask him. He laughs.

            "No we didn't. I was too drunk to figure out the aircon last night." He begins explaining. I notice the AC which is turned on but the main power switch is off. The thought of Topper not being able to work the AC because the main switch was off makes me laugh. "You were sweating to death and you kept telling me there was lake of sweat between your boobs." Topper laughs and I begin laughing too.

           "So I did the needful and turned that lake into a desert." He says. I roll my eyes. "How'd you even get my bra off if you were that drunk?" I ask him. "About that." He begins. That's when I notice the scissors by his bed. "Nooooooo." I begin saying and I grab my bra from him. Sure enough, Topper had fucking cut through my bra.

           "Topper this is my favorite bra." I yell at him. "It's not my fault!" He yells back. "URGH!" I scream as I fall back onto my bed. Topper's phone rings. "Fuck this thing has been going off all night." He says as he answers it.

           "Yeah I'm alive. I'm on the boat. Ev's with me. Yeah sure. See ya." He hangs up. "Who was that?" I ask. "Kelce and Rafe. They are calling up everyone. making sure we're all alive. We're supposed to meet at the Country Club in 20." He tells me. "My clothes are at Sarah's." I groan. "Let's go there first then, come on." He tells me.

            We pull up at Sarah's and the place is an absolute disaster. There's litter everywhere. The whole place is trashed and there's already people cleaning it up. I spot Rafe ordering some people around as we enter. "Glad you guys are alive." Rafe says as he sees us.

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