Chapter Ten

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           An hour later everyone begins to leave. Kiara, Sarah, Rafe, Topper and John B are the only ones left. We're all standing around the kitchen.
        "Are you feeling okay?" Sarah asks me and I nod slowly. It was such an intense night I don't think any of us really had anything left to say. Rafe seems the most quiet, he fixes his eyes on a spot of the floor and doesn't move them.
         "We should get going," John B says to Sarah. "No I think I'll actually stay over if that's okay," She says looking at me and I nod. "Me too," Kiara says.

        I instantly feel comforted that both of them would be there for me tonight. I wondered whether Rafe would've asked to stay over again but I wasn't sure if I really wanted him to.
        "Alright then," Topper says as he and John B make their way to the door. Sarah and John B hug before him and Topper leave.
        Rafe is still standing in the same spot in the kitchen. "We'll be upstairs." Kiara says as she and Sarah leave. They both seem so much calmer about the Rafe situation and I couldn't appreciate it more.

         I walk over to him and lean against the counter opposite him. We don't say anything for at least a minute or two. "I should leave." Rafe says slowly.

        I nod. He looks up at me and I see how sad his eyes are. Before I can really stop myself I walk up to him, give him a small kiss and wrap my arms around him. I nuzzle my head into his chest and hug him tighter than I ever have.
        He doesn't respond to this at first, he slowly wraps his arms around me and leans his head on top of mine. I watch the little kitchen clock near the counter and count as three minutes of us staying this way passes by. I finally let go and Rafe sighs.

       He looks at me and nods before walking over to the door and letting himself out. We didn't really speak any words to each other but I didn't feel like we needed to.

         I head upstairs and find Kie and Sarah talking in bed. "How'd it go?" Kie asks me as I walk in. "We didn't really talk or anything." I say softly.
        The vibe of the night had taken a really sad turn. I think all of were faced with an actually scary situation and we didn't have time for our petty drama anymore. "I just feel so bad for him." I say and Sarah and Kie nod.

        I take a seat on the bed next to them and they both hug me lightly. I feel some tears swell up in my eyes and wipe them away slowly.

       I wasn't exactly sure why I was crying. "What should I do about Rafe?" I ask them. "I think it's obvious you both really like and care for each other." Kie begins. "Did you not see him do coke off another girls body?" I ask her and she nods.

          "I hate to tell you Ev, but that's the way it'll always be with Rafe. He's chaotic as shit and he's not the type of guy who stops to think about anyone else's feelings." Sarah says softly.

         I knew she actually meant what she was saying and was putting her feeling aside. I nod and lean onto her some more. "It'll be okay." She says.

         "Do you think that Barry guy would come back here for any reason?" I ask them and they both shake their head. All three of us can't seem to take our mind off what took place tonight. We eventually fall asleep later on.

         I wake up the next morning and the three of us get ready and leave to John B's. All the boys crashed their last night, except for Rafe.

        We wake them all up and decide we need to call for another group discussion. "What is this, our fourth family meeting for the summer?" JJ asks and we all ignore him.

        "Look you guys, the kind of shit that went down isn't what we're used to normally. I mean we never get held at gunpoint by a fucking drug dealer." Topper says and everyone agrees.

Lost - Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now