Chapter Eighteen

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"Are you sure you even wanna go?" Kie groans as I finish zipping up my bag. "I don't want to go anymore than you do Kie, but we can't do nothing for the rest to the summer." I tell her.

It's been two weeks since everything with Rafe went down. I hadn't spoken to him or seen him since then. He'd called me only a billion times and tried to come over dozens of times.

I had nothing left to say to him and I felt like all my feelings for him were gone. Today we were all heading to HawksNest. Initially, we wanted to cancel it and mind our own business all summer.

But Topper and JJ had talked everyone into coming on the trip finally, including Rafe. Even though I couldn't really stand being around him anymore, it wasn't fair of me to try to kick him out of the group.

I appreciated what JJ and Topper were trying to do for everyone though. I knew things had really shaken up this summer.

But if there was a possibility we could all enjoy this weekend away and reconnect, I knew we needed it.

I did care about Rafe, just from a very very far distance. I hear John B toot his horn from downstairs.

"Leggo," Kiara says as we leave. I say bye to my parents for the next three days and we head off. JJ, Pope and John B are in an amazing mood.

"I just think it's time for us all to bury the many, many hatchets and just have fun." John B says while driving up to the Cameron's house.

We were meeting the rest of them there. I'd avoided the Cameron's for a while now, I just didn't want to be in a position where Rafe could confront me about things.

There was really nothing left for us to say to each other. I just wanted to leave it behind in the past.

Topper, Sarah and Kelce are all standing outside. "Alright big summer road trip baby!" JJ screams enthusiastically and Sarah groans. Kie and I go stand near her.

I was glad I would get to spend more time with the girls this weekend. John B and Sarah still weren't on good terms and Kie was being avoided like the plague by JJ and Pope.

I knew the three of us really only had each other at the moment. "Oh my god." I say as I notice the dozens of crates of beer and alcohol in the back of Topper's jeep.

"What, there's no wine stores up East?" Sarah asks in shock. "Just in case," JJ explains cheekily as he grabs himself a beer.

"Alright are we all set?" Topper asks clapping his hands together. "Where's Rafe?" Kelce asks.

I swallow lightly. I tried to allow myself to be un phased by anything to do with him. But it was hard not to be. "I'm here," Rafe says as he walks out of the house.

He throws his bag into the back of Toppers jeep and winces when he hears the bottles rattling. He looks over at us.

He slows down when he sees me and our eyes meet. I hated moments like these but I knew we'd obviously be seeing each other a lot more all summer.

That was one of the reasons I partly wanted this trip to happen so that we could get more used to each other this way. He gives me a sad look and I look away instantly.

"Alright let's get outta here." JJ says. We all pool into Topper's Jeep and John B's truck. Rafe, Sarah, Kelce and Topper are in the jeep and the rest of us with John B.

JJ sings country roads take me home for the entirety of the journey and we actually end up having the best time.

"Alright let's play a very mature game." JJ suggests. "It's called fuck, marry, kill." He tells us and we all hysterically laugh.

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