Chapter 2

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Arizona's POV

Callie ended up needing to stay over night at the hospital with a patient. It's not very often that we stay away from paisley. But in some cases we do. To make sure a patient is okay and hopefully makes it through the night and like any other surgeon sometimes we are on call and have to go back in for an emergency.

Callie got pulled into another surgery so it's just me picking up the baby from daycare. She might not be an actual baby but she will always be mine

I changed back into my clothes and out of the hospital scrubs and walks down to the daycare floor

It was 4:58 which is not an unusual time for us to get her

When I walked in she immediately spotted me and ran over to me

"Momma here!" She yells and puts her hands up for me to pick her up, I did and rested her on my hip so I could sign her out with Michelle, she is one of the staff in the daycare

"She do good today?" I ask and she smiles

"Of course, although she did not go down for a nap so a little fussy the past hour or so" she tells me

"Thank you," I say and grab her bag and the two of us go out to the car, Callie and I drove together but she said mark is also here all night and he will be bringing her home in the morning

"Momma no!" Paisley fights as I try to buckle her in her car seat,  there is a reason toddlers need naps because of not they become little terrors

"Paisley we are going home now stop it" I tell her and she stops fighting but starts crying but I was able to buckle her in and get in myself.

I looked back in the rear view Mirror and she was rubbing her eyes

She stopped crying halfway home and when we did get home she was almost asleep,

"Come on bug" I say getting her out of the car seat and she clings to me,

I put her bag by the door and hung my purse up laying my keys on the kitchen table

Seeing as it was already past 5 it was too late for a nap so I figured we'll just do an early bed time,

For dinner I was just going to make a noodle mix, it was cheesy noodles with small pieces of chicken and vegetables, something easy and I know Paisley will eat it.

I took her to the living room and sat her on the couch and she got off to follow me

"Here momma will get you some juice and you can watch cartoons" I tell her and she nods and runs back into the living room

I got her cup with apple juice in it and took it back out to her and put on Bubble Guppies while I made dinner,

Dinner was easy it just goes on the stove and it takes about 10 minutes for it to cook,

Once it was done I let it cool and put some in a small
Bowl for her and some for me,

I walked back into the living room and she was still in the same position that I left her in.

"Done?" She ask and I nod and she climbs off the couch with her cup and follows me into the kitchen, I at her in the high chair and gave her the bowl and sat down next to her

"Why didn't you take a nap today?" I ask her and she shrugs

"Not sleepy" she says and I chuckle, finding that hard to believe

"I draw" she says proudly

"Oh really? What did you draw?" I ask and she smiles

"Mommy and Momma!" She giggles and suddenly stops

"I left it!" She yells and starts to get upset

"Hey hey, we'll get it tomorrow," I tell her

"Tomorrow?" She ask and i nod

"Yes, tomorrow. Now finish up" I tell her and she starts eating like she wasn't about to breakdown. Toddlers.

After dinner I took her upstairs and got her in the bath,

We added some bubbles and she had a few Barbie's she put in there with her and was playing with them while I washed her hair,

By time we were done she was already done with her toys and didn't fight about getting out like she usually would, she was definitely getting more tired

I put her down and let her use the potty before setting dressed for bed. Her pajama set was a light blue with clouds and butterflies on it. I brushed her hair that is now in the middle of her back. I had way less hair then she does when I was her age

It was just before 7 now, still a little early but it will be fine,

"Are you sleepy?" I ask and she shakes her head And I chuckle as she continues to rub her eyes and yawn

I cut her lights out in her bedroom and left only her nightlight on.

I grabbed her blanket and little frog stuffed animal along with her pacifier and sat down on the rocking chair with her, she instantly laid on one of my breast with her hand on the other gripping her blanket.

I rocked us back and forth, and gently pat her bottom until she fell asleep which didn't take long.

I waited a few more minutes for her to be completely asleep and laid her down in her crib and went downstairs to clean up from dinner and went to take a shower,

After I got dressed in my night clothes I went to check on Paisley once more before getting into bed and waiting on the call from Callie,

She didn't call but I heard the front door open and close, a few moments later she was walking in the bedroom and getting into bed next to me still in her clothes

"What happened?" I ask, holding her close to me

"My patient didn't make it" she says sadly

"I'm sorry baby" I say and kiss her head

"Is she asleep?" She ask and I nod

"I'm going to take a shower quick" she says and gets out of bed and walks into the bathroom,

Once she was done and in her pajamas she walks out of our room and back in with a sleeping two year old in her arms

"Calliope" I chuckle and she smiles and lays paisley in between us

"She wanted to sleep with her mommies" Callie says and I smile and kiss paisleys head and Callies lips

"I'm sure she did."

Till next time ❤️


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