Chapter 21

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Arizona's POV

Paisley turns 3 in just over a month, my baby is getting big.

Callie and I have to work today but we don't have to go in until 10 and it's 8 now.

Paisley had spent the night with my mother so Callie and I are alone

I laid my head on her chest and got as close to her as I could

"You're cuddly this morning" Callie chuckles, still half asleep

"I started my period" I pout and she kisses my head

"Aw my baby" she chuckles

"Stooop" I pout childishly and she hold me closer to her

"Okay. Okay I'm done" she says and and I smile And it falls as I get a wave of nausea

"You okay?" She asked and I get out of bed so I could run to the bathroom

"Oh zona. I don't know why you have so much trouble with your periods" Callie says

" I don't know but I hate it" I groan and stand back up, brushing my teeth

"How about I go make us some breakfast and we can spend some more time together before work?" She suggest and I nod

Once I finished getting ready for the day I went downstairs and Callie had just finished breakfast

"Thank you" I smile and sit next to her at the table

"You're welcome my love" she says and we finish eating and we go to the couch,

"We have an hour before we need to leave, come sit" she tells me and I waste no time sitting in between her legs, holding my arm's around her stomach and laying my head against her

"Can we call out of work?" I ask

"What? You never want to call out. Are you feeling okay?" She ask and I nod

"Yea I just want to cuddle. We don't get to do it often with Paisley, by time she is in bed so are we." I admit, wanting to stay as close to her as possible

"Okay. I don't have anything someone else can't do. I'll call Bailey and we can stay on the couch or in bed with each other" she says and I smile

I can't remember the last time Callie and I called out of work. We never do so I kind of figured Callie wouldn't mind.

Callie Called Bailey while I stayed where I was, trying really hard not to fall asleep again.

"Okay that's done" she says and I smile

"Do you want to lay down here or go upstairs and lay down? We can cut a movie on" she says

"Upstairs... but I might fall asleep" I say and she laughs

"Yea I figured with the way you are almost sleeping on me now" she says and I smile as we walk upstairs

I used the bathroom while Callie got into bed first. I made sure to take some pain relief, not only for the cramps but also for the headache that was starting to form

I quickly changed out of my work clothes and  I crawled into bed next to Callie and laid my head on her chest and she wrapped her arms around me

"Go to sleep baby. I'm going to take a nap too" she says and I smile and nod, my eyes already closed


I woke up a few hours later. Callie was already awake and scrolling on her phone

"Hi" I mumble and she chuckles

"You feel any better?" She ask and I nod

"Yea. I do. I don't remember the last time I slept that much" I say

"Oh god.... Probably before Paisley was born" she says and I nod

"Yea... a very long time" I say and roll off of her so I could use the bathroom again and I got back into bed

"What time is it?" I ask

"Just before noon" she says and I nod

"Okay. When you want to go get the baby?" I ask her

"Whenever you want" she smiles and I close my eyes again

"Do not tell me you're still tired" she laugh and I frown and interlock our legs so I was as close as I could get

"Be nice to me, my insides are rearranging" I say and she laughs once again and kisses my head

"Go back to sleep my big baby" she says and I glare at her

"You're a bully"'I mumble and she hums

"You didn't think so last night" she smirks and I roll my eyes

"You were a nice bully yesterday" I laugh and she kisses my head

"I love you" she smiles

Callie and I have now been up for a while and we were getting ready to leave to go get Paisley from my moms

Once we got there she was on the floor with my dad while my mom cleaned the kitchen

"Mommy! Momma! Here" paisley exclaims and runs over to us for Callie to pick her up

"Hey bug, did you have fun with Grammy?" Callie ask her and she nods

"Lots of fun" she giggles and we stayed and talked to my parents for a little before leaving and heading back to the house and the entire car ride paisley told us all about her time

It's hard to believe that she will be 3 soon, makes me want another baby. Callie and I talked and we both wanted to wait until paisley was potty trained and she is most of the time. She doesn't have accidents anymore and she is fine during nap time.

At bedtime we still use a pull-up but she stays dry almost every night.

I think having another baby is something I want to bring up to her again. I know Callie enjoyed being pregnant before and I'm not even sure if I would want to be.

Maybe it's something I would think more about but if Callie were to want carry again I would be more than okay with that.

But on the bright side of being pregnant I wouldn't have to deal with my periods for a while

I actually enjoyed being able to take care of Callie while she was pregnant. Minus the whole mood swings, those sucked

One minute she could be happy and if I were to leave the room for even a second she was pissed at me the entire day.

When we got home the three of us sat down on the floor in front of the couch while paisley gave off orders about how to play with her

I am so in love with the little girl in front of me

"I think I want another baby" I blurt out and Callie smiles

"You think?" She questions

"I do. I do" I say and look back at Paisley

"Maybe start in a few months?" Callie suggest and I nod 

"Yea... that way we have time to get everything in order" I say and she smiles and I lean over to give her a kiss

"I love you"'I tell her and she smiles and kisses me again

"I love you too"

Till next time ❤️

I'll love you forever  (Calzona)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora