Chapter 23

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Arizona's POV

"Alright baby girl, let's say goodbye to mommy" I tell paisley, it's been 4 days since I last had a conversation with Amelia,

And now, it's time for us to take paisley to daycare so we can start work

"Bye bye mommy" she giggles and Callies gives us both a kiss before we head in different directions

When I got to the daycare Amelia was there checking in her son

"Arizona" she says

"Not now Amelia" I say and sign paisley in and she immediately goes to play with the other little kids

"Arizona we need to talk about this" she says after we both leave the daycare

"I don't want too" I say, helplessly

"I know, I know you don't and I'm so sorry but we need too" she says and I shake my head

"I have paperwork to fill out" I say and walk past her to my office, the daycare is on the PEDS floor so I'm never too far away from her

I sat down at my desk and drowned out the rest of the world as I concentrated on my papers

About an hour later I got paged 911 so I quickly left my office

"What's going on?" I ask as I walk into a seemingly empty room until Amelia pops out and locks the door

"Amelia" I sigh

"Look" she says sternly and I look around the room. My scans on the lights

"Amelia" I say again

"No. Look at them. Arizona you're sick." She says softly and I look up to avoid looking at any of the scans

"What happened?" I ask quietly, knowing that I was completely clean at my last scan

"I don't know, we got the entire tumor last time you know this" she says and I nod and walks over to me and takes ahold of my hand and leads me to one of the walls

"I can't" I say, tears already forming in my eyes

"It's not just a Tumor anymore Amelia" I shout

"There's Mets everywhere." I say looking at the scan for the first time

"There's- there's no coming back from this is it?" I ask, not making any eye contact

"Arizona" she says softly and I shake my head

"Just tell me" I say and she takes a deep breath

"Okay, well you have 14. I can remove them, from what I am looking at but I'm worried about something else" she says honestly

"You think they spread?" I ask, not able to stop looking at the scans

"Yea... yea I do. I want to get a scan of your abdomen" she says

"And what happens when that comes back full of Mets as well?" I ask

"If it does we talk to Meredith" she says

"Paisley turns 3 in a month, I don't want to be bed ridden for her birthday" I say and she sighs

"Let's just take it one step at a time" she says and I nod and I follow her down to get my scan now since I can't operate anyway

I laid down on the table, nerves wracking my body

Once it was done I left, I couldn't stick around to see what they looked like, I left and went to the daycare

"Momma back?" Paisley ask coming over to me with her arms up

"Hi my baby" I smile and kiss her cheek

"You want to come with me?" I ask and she nods excitedly

"Let's go then" I chuckle and I sign her out before taking her back to my office and locking the door, I don't want anyone coming in here right now and Callie has surgeries all morning so I don't have to worry about her

"Momma play?" She ask and I smile and sit down on the rug I had in my office while paisley got some toys off a shelf

Callie and I both keep some essentials to keep her occupied in our offices in case we need them

As we were playing I heard someone knock on the door and I ignored it

"Whose it?" Paisley yells

"Paisley" I sigh and she looks at me confused

"What?" She ask and I motion for her to come sit in my lap and she does

"Robbins... open the door" Amelia says

"No ones here" I say and paisley laughs

"No one home" she yells and I smile at my daughter

"You have to come out sooner or later" she says

"I don't want to know right now." I say and I could hear her walk off

"What's wrong?" Paisley ask

"Nothings wrong" I smile and kiss her head and we continue to play until she fell asleep and Amelia came back again and this time I let her in

I could already tell by her face that is was bad news, I just held my daughter tighter while she sat down in front of me

"Tell me what I need to know" I say and she hands me my scans and by heart drops

"Did you tell Meredith?" I ask and she shakes her head

"Not yet, but we need to. And you need to tell Callie" she says

"No, I'm not telling Callie anything" I snap

"I'm not telling her anything until I know more" I say and she sighs

"Okay... can I bring Meredith in here?" She ask and I nod

"My daughter is sleeping so id like to keep it that way" I say and she nods and we stay silent until Meredith comes in

"What going on?" She asked and Amelia hands her the scans

"Patient of yours?" She ask but doesn't wait for a reply and starts looking at the scans

"This isn't good" she says and Amelia looks over at me

"What do you think?" I ask, holding paisley closer to me

"Honestly, surgery won't help, not right now. I guess you can suggest chemo to try and shrink them and then surgery but, even with that it doesn't look good." She says and I nod

"Who is this anyway?" She ask and Amelia looks over at me Subtly and I nod

"They're mine" I say and Merediths head shoots up

"Arizona I'm - im sorry I didn't know" she says and I nod

"It's okay, now that you do. How long?" I ask and she sighs and looks like she doesn't want to answer

"Honestly, maybe 6 months if you do nothing and less than a year with chemo..... does Callie know?" She says and I nod... okay. Less than a year, a year.

"Thank you... and no and I intend to keep it that way." I say and both her and Amelia frown

"You have to tell her. I would actually like you admitted so I can run some test" Meredith says

"You just said less than a year, what test could you possibly need?" I ask

"I still want to. Please" she says and I sigh and look down at my sleeping daughter, tracing my finger up and down her nose

"Fine. But, not a word of this to my wife. Understand? I will tell her when I'm ready" I say, still trying to appear strong in front of everyone, knowing I'm dying on the inside, knowing I won't get to see my daughter grow up


Till next time❤️


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