Chapter 5

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Callies POV

Arizona and I have a date tonight which means leaving Paisley with a sitter that happens to be Mark.

She loves spending time with her favorite uncle, or Marky, as she likes to call him

Arizona and I are going out to dinner tonight and will be back around 11 or so maybe a little before, we don't do the whole night out like we used too but it's definitely not a bad idea to get a few friends and go to Joes for a little, I mean Paisley still hasn't gotten her sleepover with Grammy yet.

It's only Friday which means we still have to get up and go to work, when the alarm went off Arizona And I still stayed in bed for a few minutes before getting up to get ready

She put her hair in a quick braid and I just put mine in a low ponytail

Once it was time to get paisley up Arizona went downstairs to make her a small breakfast and I went to go get her ready

She had her pacifier in her mouth laying on her back with her arms up at her head and her legs where spread. Her hair was everywhere, she has long hair for being two. I really didn't want to wake her, she seems too peaceful but I knew I had too.

I let her sleep a few more minutes while I got her new clothes and sat them out

I walked over to her and ran my hand over her stomach until she woke up

"Paisley, wake up bug" I say And she opens her eyes and blinks a few times before closing them again

"Sleepy" she says through the pacifier and I reach down picking her up and she lays on my shoulder

"Mommy" she whines and rubs her eyes

"I know but we have to get going. You're going to see Uncle mark later remember?" I ask, getting her undressed and re dressed

"Marky?" She ask and I smile

"Yea bug Marky" I chuckle and she reaches. Up for me and I take her downstairs to Arizona

"Nini stays in the crib" Arizona says when we get down there and Paisley still has it

"No momma" she says and turns her head away

"But momma made you some pancakes" she says and Paisley  looks back over and takes the paci out and drops it on the floor

I sat her in the high chair and got her nini and put it on the counter

We have been trying to ween her off of it. She uses it at nap time and bed time and if she has just having an off day, we usually keep one in her diaper bag incase of emergencies

After Arizona gave her the pancakes she was looking a little sick

"Hey, you okay?" I ask walking over to her and she nods and walks back to the bathroom

I cleaned up the mess from earlier and Arizona came back out

"Everything okay?" I ask her and she nods

"I'm okay, I think I'm just going to start my period soon" she says and I nod. Grumpy Arizona is never fun and even Paisley knows that once a month her momma is a monster

After breakfast we left for the hospital. I had to go do rounds so Arizona took Paisley to Daycare

Arizona's POV

After dropping paisley off at daycare I started to feel sick again so I went to the bathroom and splashed some water on my face and waited a few minutes and I was good to go.

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