Chapter 4

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Callies POV

We were just now getting ready to head to the park to meet Barbara, Paisley is ready and has her shoes on for the past hour because she wanted to be ready to leave

"Mommy I thirsty" she says bringing her empty cup to me, she still can not pronouncement T's so it sounds a little off

All morning she had been in underwear and hasn't had an accident and Arizona just changed her into a pull-up so we could go to the park and not worry about her playing and not realizing if she has to use the bathroom

I filled her cup with more apple juice and handed it back to her

"Thank you" she says and I smile as she runs back to the door

"Go bye bye?" She ask

"Yea we're going" I tell her and grab her bag and Arizona takes her hand and we go out to the car

Arizona got her buckled in the car seat while I put her bag in and started the car,

The ride to the park was a quick one, we don't live very far which is one of the reasons we chose this house

We had music playing and each time we would look back in the mirror and Paisley would be bobbing her head along with the music

When we got to the park we waited in the car for Barbara to show up before getting out, much to Paisleys protest

"Out now" she says and pushes against the straps of her seat

"Grammys almost here" Arizona says

"Out" Paisley says again and Arizona turns around in her seat to unbuckle her and brought her to the front seat with us

"I can Drive" she says and climbs into my lap, I chuckled and pushed the seat all the way back and sat her in my lap and let her play with the steering wheel until Barbara pulled up next to us

"Grammy!" Paisley exclaims Barbara quickly gets out of her car and comes over to us to get Paisley

"Were  you driving?" She plays with her and she giggles

"We Go play?" Paisley asked Barbara and she put the two year old down and followed her to the play ground

Arizona and I smiled and got out of the car and followed them and sat on a bench watching her mom and our daughter play. I used to upset about the fact that Paisley would never have a relationship with my parents but I'm okay with that now

Barbara and Daniel are amazing grandparents and they are all she needs

I looked over at Arizona and she was already taking pictures of the two of them going up the structure to the slides and I chuckle

"What?" She laughs

"I just love you" I say and lean my head over to her shoulder and back up

"I love you" she says and gives me a kiss

"I love the way your parents are with her. She has so many people in this world who love her" I smile. Our daughter is definitely loved by so many. Even our friends at the hospital, she is a charmer and has everyone wrapped around her little finger

"They are happy with their granddaughter and mom has been bugging me about having more" she smiles

"Is that something you want?" I ask, we never really talked about more kids,

"I think so, not right now. I want Paisley to be potty trained so we aren't buying two different sizes of diapers" she says

"Me too" I smile and kiss her again

"Tim would have been the best uncle, he was always going on about how he would spoil my kids" she smiles, her brother died years before we got together but we keep a picture of him and her up in our living room. The two of them were super close

"I'm sure he would have been. But he is still with her, keeping her safe" I say and she turns to me

"You're right" she smiles

I have a sister too but she hasn't met Paisley. She knows about her. My parents do as well but they dont want to know her. Or Arizona for that matter

My parents made me choose, Arizona, who loved me and accepted me or them. They didn't accept me and I'm not even sure there was any love there

So I chose Arizona and I would a million times over again. She is my rock. My everything. And I absolutely love my little family

Arizona and I eventually went to play with Paisley for a little, her little giggles are the most angelic sound.

We decided on taking a break to have lunch Barbara made.

We went to a tree near the swings and placed a blanket on the ground and sat down on it. Paisley of course had to help her Grammy get everything out. We also packed some things for Paisley since she was sometimes picky or couldn't eat everything

She ended up eating some noodles while the rest of us ate some sandwiches Barbara had made. Paisley still took small bites out of all of our sandwiches

"Mommy potty" she says after she eats

"You have to potty or already did?" I ask and Arizona goes to get her bag incase and I got up to pick paisley up and she was dry, I looked around for a bathroom but didn't see one

"Just take her behind the tree" Barbara says and I sigh,

Paisley looked at me as if I had just eaten her cookie when I told her to pee behind the tree

"Help me" she says and I chuckle softly at her trying not too fall over

I held her under her arms while she peed and after she was done and got ready we went back to the other side of the tree to find Arizona laughing slightly and held out a baby wipe to me do I could wipe her hands off

After that we sat back down and Paisley was playing on Barbara's phone. We don't like giving her our phone too often but it is hard to say no to her and sometime if it calms her down then it's worth it

We talked and caught up a little and decided to head home since it was approaching Paisleys nap time

Getting her back in the car was a fight since she wanted to stay with Barbara. She eventually let us buckle her in after we told her she could have a sleep over with her Grammy soon

When we got home I took paisley to her room and she picked out a book and I sat in the rocking chair with her

"Wait mommy nini" she says and I get up and got her pacifier out of the crib and gave it to her

We finished the book and I laid her in the crib. She was still awake but not far from falling asleep.

"Goodnight bug" I say and drape the cover over her and cut the light off in her room and walked back down to Arizona

"Easy?" She ask and I smile and grab her waist and pull her to me

"Mmhmm" I mumble and kiss her lips

" we have like an hour an half before she wakes up" she smirks

"Then we better get going"

Till next time ❤️

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