Chapter 13

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Arizona's POV

I'm finally off of bed rest. I have my appointment with Amelia today at 12 and my mom is picking up paisley at 10. She has slept in our bed ever since I got out of the hospital. Luckily we only had a tantrum one night and that was our fault for losing track of time and letting her stay up so late

I picked out my clothes, black jeans and a pink blouse and walked downstairs. Callie would still rather I wait for her to navigate the house which I probably should but I'm excited to see the living room again and she is feeding paisley so I didn't want to wait and walked down here myself

"Arizona" Callie says in a disapproving tone once she seen me and I shrugged it off and sat on the couch and she brought me out a little breakfast

"Thank you" I tell her and she smiles and gives me a kiss before returning to the kitchen

After breakfast paisley sat in my lap for a good 5 minutes before wanting to get up and run around the house and Callie sat next to me and wrapped her arms around my shoulder and kissed the side of my head as we watched our daughter burn the energy we wished we had

A little before 10 my mom showed up to get paisley, a normal greeting between the two would consist of paisley running into her arms, refusing to let go but that didn't happen this morning

"I no want to leave momma" she cries and climbs into my lap

"It's only for a little bit bug, momma will come and get you later" I explain to her

"Paisley, Grammy thought we could make some cookies for your moms and go to the park later.. how's that sound?" My Mom ask and paisley picked her head up in interest

"Go bug, you'll have fun and me and mommy will come get you in a little" I assure her and she gives me a hug  then reaches for my mom to pick her up

She says goodbye to Callie and they leave,

"So you want to head to the hospital early or wait?" She ask me

"Let's go now, I want to make sure my service is still standing" i Chuckle And she smiles while helping me off the couch

"Coffee?" I ask and she smiles and takes us to Starbucks

"Your usual?" She asked me and I nod

"Iced vanilla latte with sweet cream" Callie orders

"God I love you" I smile when she hands me my coffee and we head to the hospital

"Are you nervous?" She ask me

"No. Amelia is a great surgeon and I feel way better then I did. I am confident it's all gone" I say and she she squeezes my hand

"I'm fine Callie. I'm sorry I scared you. But even Amelia said it was gone" I say and she nods

"I know. I just don't know what would have happened if you didn't make it Arizona" she sighs as we pull up to the hospital

"And I hope you'll never have to find out. The same way I hope I will never have to find out" I say and kiss her while using the pad of my thumb to wipe her stray tear

"Let's go inside, we still have an hour until my appointment we can just stay in my office" I tell Callie and take her hand when we get out of the car

Once in my office Callie sat on the couch and I sat at my desk to look over some cases, looking at the cases that have been coming in Alex has done a wonderful job keeping up with everything

"Hey... Amelia wants to know if we can do the appointment now" Callie tells me and I nod

"Yea. That's fine" I smile and stand up from behind the desk

Callie and I walked out of my office and down to a patient room

"Hello hello" Amelia sings coming into the room

"Hey shepherd" I chuckle

"How you feeling?" She ask

"I'm fine, no headaches" I say And Callie gives me a look

"Okay one the other night that god bad but that was only because Paisely was getting upset and tired" I explain and she nods

"Is there any constant pain?" She asked

"None" I say honestly

"Great, I want to do a follow up CT, is that okay with you?" She asked me and I nod

"That's fine Amelia" I assure her and she nods

"Right we'll we can head down now" Amelia tells us and I get off of the bed to follow her, Callie and I linking our fingers together as we followed Amelia to CT

"So how's the little one been holding up with you on bed rest?" Amelia ask and we sighed

"She has been a lot more fussy" Callie says

"Well hopefully when this this scan comes back clean you will be able to get back to normal activities" she tells us

"That includes sex yes?" I ask, just wanting to make sure and she laughs

"Yes Robbins that includes sex" Amelia says and I smile and look to Callie who was shaking her head

"Maybe we can be a little late picking up bug?" I say to Callie

"Last week you wanted to pick her up early" she counters

"Yes well I couldn't exactly have sex last week" I smirk

"Okay okay break it up you two" Amelia says

"You know what to do" Amelia says and I nod and lay down on the table inside the machine

"Alright stay still, don't move" Amelia says over the intercoms

Once she was done I was helped out of the machine and walked to stand next to Callie and Amelia looking over my scans

"Congratulations Robbins, you're cleared" she smiles and I turn to Callie taking her in for a kiss

"Thank you thank you thank you!" I exclaim and quickly hug Amelia and back to Callie

"You're welcome... now you can return to work next week if you want. But if you want more time off take it" Amelia says firmly and I nod just ready to get out of here

"Ready to go home?" Callie chuckles and I nod

"Okay baby, where to first?" Callie ask,

"Home... then we can go get bug later" I say and she smirks and rolls her eyes

"Yes boss lady" 

Callie and I just arrived to my parents house, we spent the afternoon catching up on some much needed alone time...

We walked into their house and Paisley was on the floor playing with some barbies

"Momma! Momma!" She shrieks and gets up running over to me and I pick her up and twirl her around

"Hi baby girl" I smile and kiss her cheek and she giggles

"I take it went well?" My mom ask

"Yes, very well. I'm cleared!" I say excitedly as she comes over to hug me

"Oh thank the heavens" she says and kisses my cheek like i has just done to paisley

"Are you going back to work?" My mom ask

"I am, next week" I can't wait for my life to get back to normal

Till next time ❤️


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