Chapter 28

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Arizona's POV

It's been 3 months since paisleys party and I can tell everyone around me is getting anxious,

It's been 4 months since I got my diagnosis so I only have around 2 months left to live,

For the most part I have accepted that, there is no reason not to I guess, no matter how much fighting or complaining I do, nothing is going to change

We know the day is coming, I have been able to use medication to make it where I don't feel bad, which still is just constant nausea without it and headaches some days

Callie and I have been spending a bunch of time together and tomorrow , her paisley and I are leaving for the beach for a week,

It will be nice to spend some time with my little family away from Seattle, even if we don't get to relax much and are chasing after an energetic three year old we will still have a good time

I also think paisley knows something is wrong, she has always been a mommas girl but now.... She is almost constantly clingy. I can't even leave a room before she will start crying

It's a fight to even get her to stay with anyone but me and Callie, she won't even stay with Aria.

I'm hoping since she is younger it won't hurt as much though. She'll be able to adapt quickly

It's already passed paisleys bedtime and she won't let me put her down, we are leaving right after breakfast in the morning and Callie and I both would like to not have an upset 3 year old

"No momma, stay" she says and I sigh, her lights in her room already cut off, besides a small night light

"Bug it's bed time, we're going to the beach tomorrow remember?" I tell her and she shakes her head

Sighing once again I grabbed her blanket out of her crib, we are planning on trying to move her into a toddler bed soon but we didn't want too much change at once

I sat down in the rocking chair in the corner of her room with her in my Lap

She stopped crying and has her nini in her mouth

I cradled her in my arms and she laid her head against my chest and her other hand found it's way to my boob while I draped her cover over her

"Go to sleep baby girl" I say softly and rock her slowly

Less then 10 minutes later she was asleep and I put her down in her crib and shut the door before heading to my room

Callie wasn't in there so I just climbed into bed, I had showered earlier with paisley when she wouldn't leave me alone for 5 minutes and instead of having a tantrum that close to bedtime we just went with it

As soon as I got under the covers Callie comes in holding two glasses of wine

"Here baby" she says and hands me one and I smile and sit up

"She go down easy?" Callie ask I shrug

"She didn't want me to leave, I don't know what to do" I say and she kisses my head

"It'll be okay. She's probably just going through a clingy stage, I remember you telling me how many parents came in because they thought something was wrong" she tells me and I nod

"Yea... I guess you're right" I sigh and continue drinking my wine

Once I finished I climbed into Callies lap and kissed her deeply, wine always made me feel some type of way

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