Chapter 11

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Callies POV

Arizona gets to come home today, after a week and a half. These days have gone by so slow. They tell you doctors make the worse patients and that is so true. The day after her surgery she slept most of the day.

Amelia have her some medicine to help with the headache and it made her sleepy,

Paisley has been a little grouch while Arizona has been in the hopsital too, she has been staying with Barbara and Daniel while Arizona has been in the hospital since I have been staying with her

They bring her in after lunch  everyday and she refuses to leave so we end up having to carry a crying toddler out of the hospital everyday

Barbara has also told me she has been biting, and throwing things, she said they have gotten after her and they deal with it when she does but we think it's just be she because she doesn't get to stay with Arizona so she is acting out

They decided on not bringing her in today since we were leaving. Anyway and would just bring her to the house later if Arizona was feeling okay. But of course Arizona is stubborn and wouldn't admit to it even  if she wasn't feeling okay

"Can I go home now?" Arizona  asked impatiently when I walked back into her room

"As soon as Amelia comes and discharges you" I tell her, putting some of her things into a bag so we could get out of here quicker, she had already changed into her clothes

"I just want to go home" she frowns

"I know you do" I say and sit next to her

"I miss my baby, my bed, sex. Oh my god I miss sex" she chuckles

"Zona" I chuckle

"Good morning Robbins, the nurses are tired of you, are you ready to go home?" Amelia comes in laughing

"What!? I am a wonderful patient" she frowns

"And where is your bed side manor?" She jokes

"How about you be very nice to me and I'll let you go home?" Amelia smirks holding up her discharge papers

"Give me the papers!" Arizona chuckles and reaches for them

After everything was signed I grabbed all of our things and followed Arizona out to the car

Once we got home she went upstairs and laid down and I followed her, laying down next to her

"Go to sleep my love" I whisper and she nods and backs up into me, we haven't been able to lay together comfortably since the accident and I didn't realize how much I was craving her touch

We both ended up falling asleep holding on to each other

A few hours later I woke up and just held on to Arizona while she slept, it didn't take long for her to wake up,

"Hi" she says sleepily

"Morning" I chuckle and kiss her head

"How do you feel?" I ask her

"I'm fine, really" she says and I sigh

"Okay.... Now how do you actually feel" I ask and she groans

"Just a headache, I swear" she says and I nod,

"Much better of an answer" I say and she rolls her eyes

"Can we go get our baby?" She asked

"Do you want me to tell your mom she can bring her over?" I ask

"Yes please" Arizona Says and I Quickly send her mom a text,

"They will be on their way soon" I tell her after getting her moms reply

"Okay, I'm going to get ready" she says and I stop her

"No no, you're still on bed rest" I say and she frowns

"Callie" she pouts and I kiss each corner of her mouth

"Dont Callie me. You promise to stay in bed or I'll tell your mom to wait" I say seriously

"Fine" she frowns and lays back in bed

An hour later Barbara walked into the house with Paisley

"Mommy!" She squeals and I take her from her grandmothers arms

"I missed you" I tell my daughter

"Miss you mommy" she says

"Arizona's upstairs, you want to see her?" I ask Barbara and I take her to Arizona's room

"Momma! Momma!" Paisley shrieks and tries to wiggle out of my arms

"Be easy" I tell her firmly and put her on the bed with Arizona

"How you feeling?" Barbara asked her

"Just a headache" Arizona replies, holding Paisley in her arms

"Did you have fun with Grammy?" She asked her and paisley nods

"Grammy mean" Paisley frowns

"Why?" Arizona asked her

"Because Grammy tapped her fingers when she was pulling hair" Barbara says

"Why were you pulling hair?" Arizona frowns and Paisley shrugs

"You don't know?" I ask and she shakes her head

"I think she was just upset with not being able to stay with you" Barbara says and we sigh

"Yea Maybe" Arizona says

"I'm staying with momma!" Paisley fights

"We know bug" I say and she smiles triumphantly

It's after dinner now and I had Paisley in the bath, she has bubbles in her hair and was playing with some bath toys

"Do you want to watch a movie with me and momma?" I ask her, gently massaging the soap into her hair

"Yes!" She giggles

"Okay.. lean your head back" I smile and cover her eyes with my hand and use a cup to rinse her hair out

"Let's go get dressed and we'll get in bed with momma" I tell her,

After I helped her out of the bath I wrapped a towel around her and carried her to her room,

I put a pink shirt on her with a fox on it with matching pajama pants and carried her to our room

"Hello my baby" Arizona smiles and paisley goes to cuddle up to her side

"I'm going to change and ill lay down" I say and Arizona nods and puts on a movie

I put on a t-shirt and got into bed with my girls

"Mommy?" She ask

"Yes?" I ask

"Want nini" she says and I sigh but get out of bed and got it out of her room

"Thank you" she smiles when I give it to her

Once she had it back she laid her head on Arizona's chest and she took hold of her shirt

"She'll be asleep soon" I chuckle

"That's for sure" Arizona smiles and was playing with Paisleys hair

"I love you arizona, and I'm so glad you're okay" I say and she smiles softly

"Hey... I love you calliope."

Till next time ❤️

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