Chapter 22

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Arizona's POV

It's been a week and a half since callie and I decided to have another baby, guaranteed we are still waiting a few months,

We are both at work but while Callie was in surgery I am in my office finishing up my latest report

As I was finishing someone knocked on the door of my office

"Come in" I call out and Amelia comes in

"You paged?" She ask and I nod

"Lock the door" I say and she looks at me confused but does it and sits down in front of me

"What I am about to tell you. Falls under doctor, patient confidentiality" I say seriously and she nods

"Arizona. What's going on" she ask and I sigh

"I think I may need.... You to give me a a follow up" I say, still not looking up from my papers

"Whats happening?" She ask alarmed and I sigh

"I may just be over reacting but- after last time I- I just... I don't know" I say, looking at her for the first time and she nods

"Okay... okay. What are your symptoms?" She ask

". Now if What happened a few months ago never happened I wouldn't even think about it but" I say and she stops me

"You can't be too careful" she says and I nod

"I'll work something out and get you down to CT without anyone knowing. Just run it as a Jane Doe" she says and I nod

"Amelia I appreciate this" I say and she smiles and stands up

"Of course" she sighs and leaves

the past week I have felt completely sick but, I have done everything I could to make sure Callie hasn't noticed and I think I did a pretty good job.

I'm hoping And thinking that it's just a cold or maybe the flu going around. I seen the scans, Amelia got the entire thing so I don't know why I'm so worried

I finished my paper and took it out to the nurses station before heading down to the ER to see if I could help out anywhere

"Arizona!" April exclaims and I smile and walk over to her

"How's it going?" I ask

"Not too many cases today" she says from behind a desk

"I know... I had one surgery this morning. Well... I monitored an appendectomy" I say and she smiles

"Well I have news" she says and we walk to an empty trauma room

"I'm pregnant" she says and I smile

"April! That's amazing oh my god! Congratulations" I say happily and give her a hug

"Thank you. And on the topic... I was wondering if you could give me an ultrasound? Since we have the time" she ask and I nod and smile

"Yea of course. Sit up here I'll get what I need" I tell her

Once I got everything she lifted her shirt and I put some gel on her stomach

"How far along are you?" I ask her

"Should be around 9 weeks" she says and I nod

"Yea the ultrasound confirms that" I smile and turn the screen where she could see and I hovered over the baby

"Thank you" she smiles while looking at the screen and I print a picture off

Once she had wiped the gel off and pulled her shirt down I gave her the photo

"Is Jackson happy?" I ask her and she nods

"He's so excited to be a dad" she smiles

"That's amazing" I smile, thinking of the first time me and Callie decided to have a baby.

We tried more than once until her pregnancy took and I know we both fell in love with the blob on the screen. The love we have for our daughter is like no other.

"I just hope I can be a great mother like you" she says and I smile

"April you will be an amazing mother. Me and Callie still have our troubles. It's not all sunshine and rainbows. Sometimes we lose our temper and forget she's only a toddler. We make mistakes. But we learn from them to make us better" I say and she wipes her eyes and I hug her

"You got this, and if there's anything we can do don't hesitate to ask" I say and she nods and we walk out of the room

"Congratulations again" I smile and she goes to the ambulance bay and I go back up to the PEDS floor

"I have been looking for you" I hear and turn around to see Callie

"Hi baby" I smile and give her. Kiss

"Where were you?" She ask

"Down in the ER. I went down to see if April needed any Hands" I say and she nods

"Well I have a break, we can go get paisley and get lunch?" She suggest and. I nod

"Good idea" I smile and she takes my hand as we walk to the daycare

As usual she was very happy to see us, she is an all around happy child.

"Where we going?" Paisley ask as Callie carried her

"To get lunch" I say and she claps

When we made it to the cafeteria Callie sat down with paisley while I got out lunch

"I sit with momma" paisley says and I lift her into my lap

"You having fun at daycare?" I ask her and she nods

"I played lots! And color" she smiles

"Well I'm glad. And even more glad to see your hair is still up like I had it this morning" I chuckle, sometimes she will keep it up others she likes to pull it down, so we never know what we are going to get

"I forgot" she shrugs and continues to eat her lunch

While we were eating I forgot all about talking to Amelia earlier, that was until she paged me

"Oh... I'm being paged can you take her back?" I ask Callie and she nods and I give her a kiss and then paisley

"I love you. And I'll see you later" I tell them both and leave the cafeteria to meet Amelia down at CT

"Hey" I smile and walk in

"You ready?" She ask and I nod

"Breathe." She says and I sigh

"I'm okay. I'm okay" I say out loud and she nods

"Okay..... go lay down" she says and walks in to help me get situated

" you ready?" She ask me and I nod

"As I'll ever be"

Till next time❤️

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