Chapter 9

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Callies POV

I was still pacing the E.R floor with a sleeping toddler when Bailey came back down to me and I hurried over to her,

I need her to be okay, I knew I should have made her come in when she was feeling bad for so long, it's my fault. If I would have drove her in myself she wouldn't be here right now.

We shouldn't have when our last night, drinking wasn't a smart decision with her already being sick

"Bailey what's wrong?" I ask

"We should go talk to Shepherd" she says

"Dammit just tell me!" I yell and paisley jumps awake and I sigh and rub her back and she falls back to sleep

"Callie," she says calmly and leads me to a room where Amelia stand with scans on the wall,

"Someone tell me what's going on" I ask, starting to get even more worried

"She has a tumor, a big one. It's what is causing her to be unconscious right now, it also explains her feeling sick," Amelia explains

"Cancer?" I ask and they stay quiet

"Can you help her? Surgery? Chemo? Radiation?" I ask pacing the floor again

"I can operate, it may be a big tumor but I will have access to get it fully" Amelia says and I sigh, that's good news at least

"The risk?" I ask

"Same with any brain surgery, loss of vision, sight, motor skills, memory even, and death" she explains and I tense and let out a shaky breath

"Chance of survival?" I ask

"83" she says and I nod, that's good, really good

"Okay, do it" I say and she looks at me cautiously

" you're sure?" She ask

"Yea, I need my wife Amelia, you're the best neurosurgeon I know, do it as soon as possible" I explain and she nods

"I can do it now" she says and I nod

"Okay, I'll sign whatever just please save her" I say and she walks out of the room leaving me with Bailey

"Do you want some time alone?" She asked me and I nod

"I'll be outside when you're ready" she says and steps out and I sit down in one of the chairs and let the tears fall,

How had I not noticed my wife was actively growing a tumor inside her brain, thinking back to see if she was acting any differently,

The only thing out of order was her not feeling well, she never changed besides that's,

I need my wife and Paisley needs her mother

I let myself cry I'm the room alone with my daughter for a few minutes, letting myself process the information before walking out to be met with Bailey and all the papers I needed to sign

Surgery is scary, for the family, the surgeon, the patient. It always is. I never wanted to be on this side of the papers. The one filling out all the legal information. The insurance, the emergency contacts, all of it. It's the worst feeling in the world knowing all it takes is one thing for it all to go wrong

One nicked artery, an unexpected breath, anything can make you lose the love of your life and I'm not ready for that, I will never be ready for that,

I took the papers from Miranda and walked down to Arizona's office, if I couldn't be with her this was the next best option while still in the hospital

Her office was just like the one at home, she had family pictures everywhere, a fuzzy throw blanket and pillows and of course her keurig and mini fridge

I sat down on the couch and laid paisley down next to me and picked up my phone to call her mother, I couldn't do it alone

I wasn't even able to explain half of it before she starts crying, and said they were on the way,

I leaned back against the couch and felt more tears fill in my eyes, crying silently so I wouldn't wake up the sleeping 2 year old next to me

I finally got the courage to look at the papers for the first time, filling out everything,  I threw the clipboard on Arizona's desk and picked up my sleeping daughter, holding her closer to me,

I sat in silcene, for a while until someone knocked on the door, I didn't say anything and didn't want to move

"Callie, Mr. and Mrs. Robbins are here" Bailey says and I get up with Paisley clutching my shirt and open the door

"Oh Callie" Barbara says and wraps her around around Paisley and I

"She'll be just fine" Daniel says and I nod, she will be, she has to be

"Um Bailey, here" I say grabbing the papers off her deck and handing them to her

She gives me a sad smile and excuses herself leaving me in the room with Paisley and Arizona's parents

They sat down and I explained everything from
The time that we got home to know and how she want feeling good for the past week or so

"Callie this is not your  fault, no one could have seen this coming" Barbara tells me

"It is though, I should have known, she is my wife" I sigh and look down at our perfect little girl, her perfect sleeping features

An hour later she woke up and wouldn't move out of my lap, she didn't even want to go to Barbara

"Where's momma?" She ask

"Momma is sick, they are making her better" I say

"Sick? Her tummy hurts? Her was sleeping" she whispers

"Her head is hurt, thats why she was not awake," I say, how do I explain this to a 2 year old

"But her will be better?" She ask

"You remember Amelia?" I ask and she nods

"Amelia is going to make momma allll better, she might have to stay here for a little so she can rest but then she will Come home" I explain and Paisley nods

"we get momma a present,?" She ask

"You want to get momma. A present?" I ask and she nods

"Yea we can do that" I smile and stand up with her resting on my hip

"Do you guys want to come? We're only going to the gift shop" I ask Arizona's parents and they nod and the 4 of us go down to the gift shop

"What do you want to get momma?" I ask her

"Balloons? And elephant?" She ask, completely butchering the word elephant

"Of course, let's see what we can find" I smile at her

I took her over to to the stuffed animals and she picked an elephant she wanted and she picked 3 balloons

"momma like it?" Paisley ask after I had bought everything and we were all headed up to Arizona's office

"Momma will love it baby girl"

Till next time ❤️

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