Chapter 26

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Callies POV

We are stopping by Arizona's parents tonight so she can tell them her cancer is back. She seems awfully calm through all of this and I don't know why

I don't know if it's because it just hasn't set in yet or she is trying to be strong in front of paisley and I

All I know is I am Terrified. I hate the thought of losing my wife,

I hate the thought of having to raise paisley by myself, how do you tell your two year old she is going to lose one of her moms?

It's an impossible situation and it's not fair, no one should have to go through this but especially not Arizona

She is the most kind hearted person in the world, she wakes up happy, she skates in a hospital for crying out loud

She gives parents their kids back! She is an actual miracle worker, she doesn't have a bad bone in her body and still. Cancer chose her

"Hey" she says softly and I look over at her, I have been so focused on my thoughts I hadn't even realized the light turned green

"Sorry" I mumble and go, the rest of the drive to her parents house I couldn't look at her, I kept my eyes on the road

I knew if I looked at my wife, my wife that is dying I would cry and I cried so much today,

When we got to her parents I got paisley out and she was happy to be at Grammys house,,

She wiggled down and I put her down and she ran up to the door and knocked on it while me and Arizona watched

"I love you" Arizona says and I smile,

"I love you more" I say and kiss her gently and the front door opens and paisley runs into her grandmother's arms

"Let's go?" I ask Arizona and take her hand and she nods

We walked into the house and I closed the door as Arizona went over and hugged her parents

"I'm so happy you decided to come over tonight! Dinner will be done in 5 minutes" Barbara says

"Sounds good mom" Arizona smiles and Barbara takes paisley into the kitchen with her

I walked with Arizona out to the living room and we sat down next to her dad and they talked a little about something I had no input on

Once dinner was done I sat next to Barbara and Arizona next to her dad while paisley was in her high hair sitting

Dinner was mostly quiet, I think her parents realized something was wrong, Arizona wasn't as bubbly and cheerful as usual. I mean what does she have to be cheerful for?

I would take away her pain in an instant if I could

Once we all finished paisley went back to her room that she has here at her grandparents, leaving the four adults alone

"Zona hunny what's going on?" Barbara ask and we all sit down in the living room

Arizona leaned on me before she answered

"You know how a few months ago I had the tumor and Dr.Shepherd removed it?" She ask and her parents nod

"Well, a few days ago I got scanned again because I felt bad and.." she says before taking a deep breath

"The cancers back.... And. It's worse" Arizona says in almost a whisper

"What does that mean?" Daniel ask while Barbra had tears in her eyes

Arizona looked to me and squeezed my hand, her eyes silently telling me to take over

"It means that, she has 6 months" I say

"What? Well isn't there anything someone can do?" Barbara ask

"There's cancer all over her stomach as well as her brain.... There really is nothing" I say, my own tears threatening to fall

"What does that mean? Is she going to be sick for 6 months until she dies?" Daniel says

"Daniel!" Barbara exclaims

"What? I already lost one child I would rather not lose another" he says and gets up to walk away

"Dad" Arizona sighs and he walks back the hall

"I um, I shouldn't be sick the entire time, Amelia prescribed me something for nausea and that's really my only symptom, once I start feeling bad and quickly is when we will know" Arizona answers her mothers silent questions

"Oh my baby" Barbara cries and gets up to come over and hug arizona

"Momma?" Paisley says coming out of the room in concern

"I'm going to take her outside" I tell Arizona and her mother and I get up and pick paisley up before walking out the door

"No! Want momma" she fights and straightens her body. Almost making me drop her and I sigh

"Hey! Stop it" I scold and she immediately starts crying

"I want my momma" she cries and I sit down on the steps on the front porch holding paisley to my chest

"I'm sorry bug, mommy didn't mean to snap." I say, I really didn't, everything with Arizona makes my emotions go in over drive

"I want momma" she says while still crying but she wasn't trying to get away from me. Instead she is tightly holding the collar of my shirt

"I know, I know, momma needs some alone time right now," I say softly and began to rock her side to side until she stopped crying

"Momma now?" She ask

"Let's give momma a few more minutes" I say and she nods and yawns against me

"Are you tired bug?" I ask and she shakes her head but rubs her eyes anyway

"Got it" I chuckle and she lays her head on one of my breast while her hand finds the other, it's something Arizona and I both had noticed she does when she gets upset or tired,

It's something she has always done to kind of soothe herself so we don't even notice it anymore

I noticed her eyes start to close and I debated keeping her up,

If I let her fall asleep now she will probably wake up on the car ride home and be awake all night

But on the other hand it's probably easier for Arizona to talk to her parents while she is asleep

I decided on letting her sleep and once she fell asleep her little hand still remained on my boob

After a few more minutes I carefully stood up with her still asleep and walked inside

"Is she okay?" Arizona ask me and I nod

"She's asleep" I say and she nods and reaches her arms out and I put paisley into them

She pulled our daughter close to her and kissed her head

"I love you" she says up to me, some small tears still apparent in her eyes

"I love you more"

Till next time❤️

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