Chapter 12

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Callies POV

Arizona is still on bed rest and she has been a pain in my ass. She knows why she is on bed rest. She knows it's going to help her heal faster and yet she tries to get up and walk around the house when I'm not looking!

We have only been home 4 days and it is driving me crazy. We have 3 more days. Left of this

After her week of bed rest is up I have to take her back into the hospital so Amelia can do a check up and do some more scans

Paisley just woke up and I went and got her out of  bed and brought her back into Arizona and I's bed

"Mommy will cut cartoons on if you lay down for a little" I tell her and she nods and climbs under the covers in between Arizona and I

"Peppa!" She claps and I nod turning on the show she requested and closed my eyes again


"Mommy! Mommy! Wake up!" Paisley says and hits my stomach until I woke up and turned to face her

"Good morning pretty girl" I. Smile and yawn, looking over at the clock to see it's a few minutes past 8

"I'm hungry" she says and I chuckle and get out of bed, Arizona was still sleeping and I took paisley downstairs to get her some breakfast

I made her some oat meal and sat her in the high chair while I took Arizona a bowel up

She was sitting up and getting ready to get out of bed

"Arizona" I sigh

"I have to pee Calliope, that's all I'm doing. I can walk to the bathroom" she says and I nod and she gets up and walks into the bathroom and back out a few minutes later and gets into bed

"I brought you breakfast" I say and hand her the bowel

"Thank you" she says and I nod and lean down to kiss her

"3 more days" I say and she nods

"Yea... 3 more days" she replies sadly and I give her another kiss and walk back downstairs to paisley who had oatmeal everywhere

She was eating it with her hands and therefore most of it was on her face or in her hair

"I knew I shouldn't have left you down here alone" i sigh and she just giggles and uses her hands to feed herself more. No point in stopping her now

Once she managed to actually eat the oatmeal I carefully took her out of the high chair and immediately upstairs into her bathroom so I could give her a bath.

I let the water run to the right temperature before letting her get in and start playing while I knelt down on the side of the tub

While she was distracted playing with the toys I poured water over her head so I could wash her hair.

"Mommy stop. I want to play" she frowns and moves away from me

"Let me wash your hair then you can play" I say and she shakes her head and goes back to playing with her dolls she has in the bath

"5 minutes bug and you have to let mommy finish your hair" I say and she agrees

After the 5 minutes had passed she still fought at the beginning for me to wash her hair but then let me after I told her we could take a few toys into our room and she could play with Arizona

I got her dressed in a pair of leggings and a pink top with a unicorn on it.

She then picked 2 barbies and a baby doll to bring into our room

"You have to be easy with momma" I explain to her

"I know." She replies full of sass as she walks into our room

"Momma!" She shrieks and Arizona smiles

"Hi bug, what do you got?" Arizona ask and I lifted paisley and her toys into the bed

"You play with me?" Paisley questioned

"Of course I will. " Arizona says and sits up with pillows behind her

"I'm going to clean up from breakfast. You have her?" I ask Arizona

"I got her" Arizona smiles and I nod and began to walk down the steps

Arizona's POV

I am entirely grateful for Callie, she has stuck by me through all of this and I know I don't show her the appreciation she deserves

I hate having her do everything. She cooks and has to take after Paisley and now me too!

I can't wait to get off of bed rest so I can finally do what I want to do.

I don't like only being able to play with my daughter in a bed. I can't chase her around or play with her in the living room. And I miss it

"Momma, you feel better soon?" Paisley asked me once Callie had left the bedroom

"I'll be better soon my love" I assure her and she smiles and hands me one of her Barbies she had brought in so we could play together

Its currently way past paisleys bedtime and she is fighting with Callie about having to get changed into some night clothing

"No no no" she says shaking her head

"Who taught her that word?" Callie asked and I chuckle softly, even knowing it's not a funny situation

"Paisley.. you have to get changed" Callie tries again

"No mommy! No!" She yells and I wince as it sends a small pain through my head and I was hoping Callie wouldn't notice

"Paisley, go with mommy" I tell her and she just starts to cry,

"I no want to!" She cries out and makes the ringing in my head louder, this time, Callie had noticed and picked paisley up and rested her on her hip and walked out of the bedroom

I hate this, I absolutely hate how the smallest things now give me a headache. It wasn't like this before, i could sit with her and play while she laughed loudly, or when she cried because she was upset or tired.

She's not even 3, she can't express her emotions like we can. She doesn't know how to tell us she is tired so when we don't understand she gets frustrated and cranky. Which leads to being upset like what just happened

Callie and I both knew she was tired but also needed to change her into pajamas before bed.

After they left I laid back against the pillow, hoping to make the pain go away

A few minutes later the bedroom door opened and Callie brought in Paisley on her hip while she had her nini in her mouth and blanket in her hands and she sat her down on the bed

"I sorry momma" she says and comes over to hug me

"I know bug. Mommas okay I promise" I tell her and she yawns and lays her head on my chest

"Go to sleep baby girl" I say softly and pat her bottom until she was out a few minutes later

"Are you okay? Im sorry I didn't take her out sooner I wasn't thinking" Callie says

"It's okay Callie really, she is still my baby and we are used to the tantrums when she is tired so I didn't even think about it myself at first" I explained, looking down at paisley

"Do you need anything? Any pain meds?" She asked

"No, I'm just going to sleep it off" I reply and she nods and climbs into her, leaning over to give me a kiss before laying down

"I love you calliope"

Till next time ❤️

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