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this was requested <3

h/n = his name
h/l/n = his last name

"him" in this chapter is being referred to as the person whom you are imagining, who is usually being referred to as "y/bf" in my other chapters :)

i flung my head back, a frustrated sigh loudly escaping my mouth, "why do i have to marry him?" i questioned, my two parents walking around the kitchen as i sat down at the dining table. "y/n we've already discussed this, you are marrying him and that is final." "but why? why do i have to what is the reason?" "because he's going to take good care of you" "great care of you," my dad pitched in "you'll never have to worry about anything, and he's a great young man" "i can take care of myself, i'm an adult ... who doesn't need her parents finding a husband for her!" i explained my hands flinging in the air and dropping to my sides, expressing my frustration.

"yes you are, legally" my mother emphasized "but you still live under our roof, and you follow our rules, therefore we decide where you go and what you do with your life, and also who you marry" she spoke with a grin on her face. "that's not how it works!" i exclaimed, getting up from my seat. "you're over stepping literally all the boundaries between a mother and a daughter, you're setting me up to be unhappy for the rest of my life because god forbid i get a divorce." i spoke, my feelings spewing out of my mouth and ending our heated discussion. she sighed "he's coming over tuesday for dinner, be nice and look presentable, you'll want to show his parents that you're the right choice" "but i'm not" i retorted. "okay y/n enough, he's a very nice young man and if his parents approve of you, you will marry him." "i can't marry someone i'm not in love with" "look at your mother and i, we worked out great didn't we?" i rolled my eyes, knowing that was a load full of bullshit. "mhm" "enough with the attitude, there's no point in arguing anymore when the decision is final." i went to my room and cried out of pure frustration. we've had the same argument over and over and nothing has changed, i'm being forced to marry someone i don't even know, my whole future depended on this and i was going to end up extremely unhappy and miserable.

fast forward to tuesday

i looked at myself in the mirror, i looked cute and the simple dress i was wearing was very dainty, it was the perfect look to woo his mother. i sighed at the thought of my future marriage. i heard the doorbell ring, and sprayed some perfume on and exited my room.

well here goes nothing

i walked down the stairs and made my way to the front door. "oh hello y/n!" his mother exclaimed "hi miss h/l/n" i greeted her with a smile and a hug, his dad also said hi but he was more of a handshake kind of guy. and the last person to greet was him. i hadn't seen him since we were both 13, pre-puberty. needless to say, puberty hit him like a truck. his eyes were beautiful, his lips plump and his jawline sharp. he was also now a little less than half a foot taller than me. his arms were toned and i could tell that he had some sort of abs going on underneath his shirt. "hi" i said, trying to not sound awkward "hi" he chuckled and pulled me into a hug. it caught me by surprise, his cologne made it's way into my nose. i pulled away, "let's eat!" my mom exclaimed, leading everyone to the dining table. the dinner was a bit awkward, our parents were making small talk, occasionally a few jokes thrown in and both of our parents bragging about the good qualities of their children. "why don't you two go talk to each other, get some time alone hm?" my mother suggested with a smile on her face. i looked up at him, our facial expressions the same. "uhh sure yeah" i awkwardly spoke, getting up from my seat and leading him to my bedroom.

he sat down on my bed, "this is kind of awkward isn't it?" he joked "yeah, not exactly ideal to get married to someone you don't know" i spoke "yeah but i mean at least i'm marrying someone attractive" he sent a smirk my way. his comment instantly making me blush. "you've changed a lot since well you know we were like 13" he continued "yeah you too, i almost didn't recognize you" "i don't look that different i'm just a little older now" he chuckled "do you still want to be a fire fighter?" i questioned, he laughed "no no not anymore, my parents want me to be a doctor or a lawyer but that's not what i want to do, but being a fire fighter is not for me" "so you're planning on going to college?" "yeah, i'm just not sure for what, are you?" "yeah, it kind of seems like a safe bet and my parents would kill me if i chose to do something that doesn't require a degree" "i know that they want the best for us but sometimes it's kind of hard to believe right?" "yes!" i agreed passionately. "but hey, i think we'll end up happy right?" he looked at me with a hopeful gaze and placed his hand on my thigh. his action made me feel timid. "i-i hope so" i spoke, it seemed like he could read some of my thoughts. "aw c'mon i'm not that bad, am i?" he joked "no no it's not that it's just a lot to take in you know?" "yeah, normally people don't get married at 18 to people who they've only spoken to a handful of times. we'll make the most of it and i think i can tolerate you" he teased "oh whatever!" "seriously you're not gonna go all bridezilla on me right?" "i wouldn't even have a choice! they'd pick everything for me!" i expressed making him laugh "well, if they do, make sure i look good." "oh please they could put you in a paper bag and you'd still look good" his smile growing larger.

i did not mean to say that out loud

my cheeks were now a bright red, "i could say the same for you beautiful" he said flirtatiously, at this point i looked like a stop sign and i was smiling like an idiot. he looked at me with the gorgeous eyes he had and started to lean in. right before our lips were going to touch, "h/n! it's time to go!" his mother knocked while mine opened the door. he rose from my bed, and hugged me "next time" he whispered in my ear and left my room with a huge grin on his face.

maybe this won't be so bad

this took me 3x longer than i thought it was going to lord

requests are closed (unless you're willing to wait a month)

word count: 1210

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