Team USA

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Former PEE WEE coach and minor league player Gordon Bombay makes the move to the national stage as he steps behind the bench for Team USA.

Coach Bombay's ducks will be joined by some of the top young players from around the United States.

Your POV

All of the ducks were grouped up together around two older men. One of them was wearing a brown leather coat and the other was wearing a bright blue tracksuit.

"Tell me about my new kids." Said the one in the blue.

"That's Luis Mendoza, he's from our Miami club. A real speedster. Incredible skater. I clocked him at 1.9 seconds, blue line to blue line." The leather jacket man spoke as Luis skated around and showed off his skills.

I was watching him skate until I heard a feminine voice speak up.

"Good-looking skater." The voice said while another voice agreed.

"Very good looking. What do you think Guy?"

"Shut up, Averman." The curly-haired blonde said as he pushed the other boy down.

Averman fell with a small scream and a hard grunt as the leather coat man spoke again.

"He has one minor problem-"

He was soon cut off by Luis skating straight into the boards. Everybody including me cringed as he yelped and hit the ice.

"He has a little trouble stopping."

"I'd say so." Another voice said as I and the other new kids skated over to Luis.

"Are you okay?" I asked while everybody helped him up off the ice.

"Yeah. I'm alright. I almost had it that time." He spoke as I shook my head and slightly laughed at his response.

While we were skating back to the group I could hear faint chuckling coming from the team but I refocused my attention when I heard a southern accent.

"Yee-haw! How is everyone? Y'all ready to play some puck?" The voice said excitedly as he took of a cowboy hat and replaced it with his helmet.

"Hey, look it's Hopalong Gretzky." somebody joked as he and the rest of the team laughed.

"That's Dwayne Robertson from Austin. He's the best puck handler I've ever seen." The man explained.

"You mean for his age?" The blue one asked confidently.

"No, I don't."

"Hey, this is easier than ropin' hogs!" Dwayne exclaimed as he stick-handled.

While he was moving the puck around I looked back to the team and studied everybody's faces until one caught my eye.

He had green eyes, shaggy brown hair and was a little bit shorter than the blond boy he was next to.

I kept staring at him till I saw his eyes move towards mine. I quickly cursed at myself and darted my vision back to the leather-coated man as he spoke for the third time.

"Then there's Julie "The Cat" Gaffney. She won the state championship for Maine three years in a row."

"Well, we already have a goalie, Goldberg." The coach responded looking towards the boy who was banging his stick and hyping himself up.

Goldberg soon got stuck in a position after he fell. He then let out a groan and asked for help.

"Watch this." The man said as Julie saved every shot taken at her with minimum effort.

"Well, we could use a backup." The coach said as I quietly laughed at his quick decision change.

"Isn't that the kid from the Olympics? The figure skater?" The coach continued as the kid did a small spin and glided forward.

"Yup. Ken Wu. What can I say? I convinced him that hockey had more of a future. We put a stick in his hands and nobody's been able to touch him." The guy explained as Ken now did a bigger and longer spin.

My jaw dropped as I saw how fast he was spinning. It was really impressive. If that was me I would have fallen a long time ago.

A very tall boy then walked off the bench and started singing to some music.

"That guy's a teenager?" Asked coach referring to the boy who was singing and pushing the other kids around.

"Uh yeah. Hormones."

"He's a goon." The coach said again as the boy kept singing. Everybody was either getting pushed or was trying to be quiet so they would go unnoticed. "My kids don't play that kinda hockey."

"I believe they're called enforcers, Gordon. And when you play Iceland your gonna need him."

After the voice finished talking a tiny scream went through my ears. I turned to see that Dean lifted Kenny onto the top of the net.

"Who does this guy think he is." I heard a voice say until I realized it was my turn.

"And last but not least Y/N L/N. She can skate so quick that one time she got asked to practice with the San Jose sharks," he told the coach as I skated around as fast as I could.

As soon as I finished I saw dean push another player.

"Alright, that's it!" the goalie yelled as he skated over.

"Let me take care of this." coach Bombay said as he glided over to all of us.

I and the other five players started arguing with the ducks pushing and shoving as we all screamed at each other. A whistle was then blown and a voice yelled.

"Everybody freeze!" Coach screamed "now, we didn't come here to fight! We came here to play hockey."

Both sides were separated. The ducks and the new players. I looked around to see that I was standing next to the boy I was staring at earlier.

He was paying attention to the coach and listening intently to what he was saying.

"We're team U.S.A. You represent your country."

"That's right." the man with the leather coat agreed.

"Now I want you to be-" the coach was soon cut off by the other guy speaking again "To be all that you can be, right? You gotta raise yourself up, guys! You got-"

He was then cut off by the coach giving him a cold glare. all of us laughed at how quickly the man stopped talking it was hilarious.

"Alright guys let's start with a scrimmage." the coach continued.

"Great scrimmage!" the guy in leather screamed excitedly blowing his whistle "you heard your coach! now-"

He was cut off by the coach blowing his whistle and taking the whistle from the other man before he walked off the ice.

"Alright, show them what you got! Let's scrimmage!"

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