First game against Iceland

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Mostly everybody on the team was skating around our side of the ice except for Averman and Goldberg who were pretending to be on live television.

Averman was being the interviewer as he was pretending to look into a nonexistent camera. "Tonight's matchup, Team USA faces off against team Iceland."

"Cakewalk." Goldberg interrupted as Averman kept speaking.

As they were doing the 'interview' me and Charlie were skating around together. "So what do you think?" Charlie asked as we skated around the net.

I gave him a confused look through my helmet. Before asking. "What do you mean?"

He slightly laughed as we were now near the blue line. "You know like the game," he said before the whistle blew and coach called us in.

"I don't know," I answered as he softly smiled nodding as the sports announcer spoke.

Hi, everybody. Welcome to today's game. This is a very important matchup, Team USA against Iceland.

In what could be the preview of the championship game.

We all threw our hands in and cheered before we skated off to the bench. Charlie and I were both sitting beside each other as he gave me a side hug. I turned my head and smiled at him before looking back at the game.

Iceland coached by wolf 'the dentist' Stansson. He'll be taking on Gordon Bombay.

Jesse was lined up for center as he was face to face chirping with another player. The puck dropped as Jesse and the other player were battling for the puck, pushing and shoving each other trying to get to the puck as dean then came in.

Dean shoved the guy as the referee blew the whistle. "Come on, fool! Get up!" he yelled as the ref skated over to him. "You ran at him unprovoked."

"Huh?" he asked before moving his arm up knocking the ref to the ice along with the Iceland player.

The other referee skated over noticing the fact that his partner was knocked down. "Calm down, son. You're out of the game," he said pointing to the exit.

"Give me a break!"

"You're throwing him out?" I yelled from the bench standing up as Charlie's arm slipped off from my shoulders.

Coach continued my protest by yelling at the refs as well. "You can't do that! It's three seconds into the game!"

After a few minutes, Iceland had the puck and was skating across the ice. One of the Iceland players passed it up to another player who was closer to our blue line.

The player skated down beside the net as Goldberg dove for the puck as the player passed it to another player who was standing in front of a practically open net.

Once he received the puck he stopped for a few seconds before shooting the puck into the top left corner, showing off.

Everybody on Iceland cheered as they switched up their players. the siren was a bit late but it blew, making a loud irritating noise go through my ears. It probably sounded like victory to them.

It was a new shift and I was on the ice. One of our players had the puck and completely wiped out because an Iceland player had shoved him over.

Charlie had taken the puck and passed it to me. I looked at my stick to see the puck in my hands. I started stick handling with the puck when I heard the coach yell.

"Y/N watch out!" he warned as I felt my body be launched into the ice.

I hit the ice with a hard grunt as I felt a wave of pain fly through my shoulder. I looked up to see the guy that pushed me he had a smirk on his face as I moved my eyes towards Charlie and saw him skating towards the player.

"Don't touch her." He said pushing the guy as he glared daggers at the other player.

"Oh yeah? What are you gonna do about it?" the player asked. His Icelandic accent coming through.

Charlie's eyes then darkened as I saw his hands tighten into fists. I quickly got up from the ice and rushed over.

I put my hand on Charlie's chest and whispered to him. "I got this," I spoke quietly so only he could hear.

He nodded and gave me a soft smile before it turned cold as he glared back at the Iceland player.

I turned around to face the boy that shoved me before I pushed him straight into the ice. He fell with a hard grunt as he looked up at me.

"Oops, guess I slipped." I said as I rolled my eyes and skated back over to Charlie.

The ref skated over. "Back up," he told us putting a hand on my shoulder pushing me back slightly.

Charlie looked at me worriedly. "Are you okay?" he asked as we skated to the bench. "Yeah, I'm fine. It was fun anyway," I said as Charlie still had a worried look on his face. "Really I'm fine, no pain," I reassured him as he softly nodded.

"Are you okay?" everybody asked in sync as I sat on the bench.

I let out a soft chuckle. "Yeah I'm fine," I spoke as I took off my helmet. Charlie then did the same moving my head to face him before giving me a long passionate kiss on the lips.

After we let go I softly smiled at him before looking back at the rest of the team. Everybody's mouths were wide open staring at the two of us. Even Coach Bombay had a shocked look on his face.

'Oh yeah,' I realized. 'I knew we were forgetting something.' I thought as a blush crept up my face.

"Suprise..?" I said as Charlie chuckled pulling me back into a tight side-hug as everybody on the bench cheered.

Coach walked over to Charlie patting him on the back. "Finally got the guts to ask her, huh?" he asked flashing a big smile.

Charlie just gave him a wide grin. "Yup," he answered tightening his grip on me as everybody continued smiling but now focusing back on the game.

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