The mini game

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Iceland stood in front of the ball. Dirty glares covering their faces. Stansson picked up the ball before popping it, taking all the air out.

Their team skated forward towards us so that we could hear what they had to say. "Playtime is over. We have the ice now. You and your little rink rats must leave." Stansson said rudely as coach looked at him.

"We're right here coach," Dean spoke while Coach Bombay looked back to him. Dean gave coach a small nod. Bombay looked back towards Stansson. "The only thing little was your career in the pros," he told him as me and everybody else laughed.

"Gordon, no, let's go." Miss Makay told him trying to pull him out of the small argument. I was confused as to why she would try to get us to leave because they were rude first, so technically coach was just defending our behave.

"Well, at least I had a shot. I was there." Stansson said as coach's smile dropped. "You were a disgrace." Coach Bombay replied before looking back at us. "All right, team, we're outta here. Let's go, I said! Come on!" Coach demanded as we all stood still.

"Can you still move on the ice? Well, please, play a little with me. Show me the famous triple deke your daddy taught you. Or was it that old geezer over there?" he asked Coach as we all looked back to Jans while small gasps fell from our mouths.

Stansson reached his hand backwards. "Maria," he said, taking his stick from her hands. He threw it up in the air as it landed in coach's hands. Bombay looked down at the stick nervously.

"Three bar. First, one to hit both posts and the crossbar. Have to take it out past the blue line." coach explained as Stansson rolled his eyes. "I know the game."


Coach Bombay and Stansson both lined up facing each other until stansson took the puck and started skating down the ice.

"Come on coach, You got this!" I cheered as Coach and Stansson passed where our team stood. Cheers could be heard from all around me as Stansson had gotten the puck around Coach and was going to the net.

Coach had made it towards Stansson just in time making him not be able to shoot. They both skating with each other around the net before Stansson used his arm and pushed Bombay to the ice.

Stansson made it to the front on the net and took a firm wrist shot. The puck saucered through the air before hitting one of the posts and entering the net.

Our team sighed as Iceland cheered. Coach Bombay had now gotten the puck and was skating down the ice. He was now on a 1-1 against Stansson. "That's it. That's it!" I heard Connie cheer before Coach shot it making the puck hit the post.

"Yeah!" I celebrated with the rest of my team as Stansson and Coach fought for the puck. Stansson pushed Bombay again making him lose balance.

Stansson took the puck before coach got back on his feet, stealing it back. Coach Bombay took the puck and fired it at the post creating another point.

Everybody cheered before the game continued. Coach Bombay got the puck again and skated around Stansson. Stansson fell with a loud grunt before coach went over to him and probably made a snarky comment. I couldn't hear it though because I was too far away.

Coach then skated around him. Stansson got up quickly before taking his stick and hardly whipping it at coach's calf.

Everybody quickly skated over to coach after we saw him fall down in agony. He was trying his best to stand up as all the players on my team surrounded him. "Are you okay?" I asked as me, Adam and Charlie helped him up.

"I'm alright," he reassured us he glanced at Stansson. "Get your coach off the ice. We have to practice now," he said as Dean tried to push through the crowd. "Stay back," I told him along with everyone else.

We all then left the ice and went to the changing room to take off our gear before heading back to the dorms to go to bed.


I walked into my dorm, taking off my shoes and getting into my PJs. I went into the small bathroom attached to my dorm and started brushing my teeth.

As I was brushing I heard a small creek come from near my bed but I shrugged it off and went back to brushing. I looked in the mirror and saw Charlie behind me.

He rubbed his eyes with a small smile and came up to me putting his arms around my waist and pulling me into his body.

My back was touching his chest before and leaned down, spitting my toothpaste into the sink. "What are you doing here," I asked, turning around to face him before he picked me up off the ground.

"I couldn't sleep," he responded, lightly placing me on my bed before laying himself on top of me. "Oh." I simply said as I played with his hair.

After a few minutes, I looked down to see Charlie fast asleep. I slowly leaned down trying not to wake him up, pressing a small kiss on his forehead.

"Goodnight, Charlie, I love you."

My girl ❥ Charlie Conway Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz