Preparing for Iceland

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As soon as the puck dropped everybody including me started pushing players out of the way and knocking them down.

Charlie had gotten the puck as all five of us skated to our zone creating a regroup. Charlie slid the puck over to me behind the net as I stood there.

Charlie gave me a small smile of encouragement. "Come on Y/N," he said as Goldberg looked back at me. "Y/N, just do it!" he yelled to me I nodded my head in response.

"All right, let's go! Flying V!" I hollered out as the rest of the players skated behind me. The man in the speakers started speaking as soon as we left with the puck.

L/N was joined by her teammates behind the Team USA net in the third period. They start back out and they form a V.

I heard our team cheering us on from the bench. I smiled softly at their encouragement before focusing back on the play.

I've heard of this before but I've never seen it. It's the flying V led by Y/N L/N. I can't believe it! L/N up to center ice. L/N with it toward the Germany blue line.

L/N--Shot by Reed. He scores!

Hollering and hooting surrounded me as I cheered in excitement. Me and the boys on the ice went in for a group hug. We all put both our arms in the air in celebration.

After a few minutes, I was on the bench sitting next to Charlie with my helmet off watching the game. Before I knew it the buzzer went off.

We had won.

I put my hands in the air cheering with the rest of my team before I feel a hand on both my cheeks. I look up to see Charlie looking down at me with a smile. He then pressed his lips against mine as applauds from the crowd filled up the arena.

I wrapped my arms around his neck as we shared a long passionate kiss. I felt butterflies erupt in my stomach as we both let go and went to celebrate with the team.


Time skip


Our team was all sitting together, spread out on two benches. "I've had a lot of big distractions since I've been here in LA." Coach Bombay said picking up a cardboard cut out of himself. "This is a distraction." he continued as everybody on my team started making sarcastic jokes.

He lit a match and threw it in a metal bucket. "This is a fire in a barrel." he started taking the cutout of himself out of Jan's hands and placing it in the fire-filled barrel. "This is a distraction in a fire in a barrel. Any questions?" he finished as me and my team let out applause.

"It's fun to watch arson," I said clapping my hands looking towards Averman. He laughed and agreed as we continued cheering.


Time skip


"We've got a lot of work to do. We've gotta study our opponents and study ourselves." Coach Bombay told us. We were all standing in front of a TV watching our old game against Iceland looking for our mistakes and their weak points.

"We have to learn from our mistakes. You all have special skills. Now we have to refine them. We need to get back to basics." he told us before we all got ready in our gear and headed onto the ice.

Everybody was now on all fours crawling on the ice. It was actually harder than it seemed because our jerseys and socks were sliding on the ice making it hard for us to move at all.

"That's it. Dwayne, hustle!" he yelled as he skated past us all. "Move that big butt. Go!" he told a teammate. I'm not sure which one because I was too busy trying not to accidentally faceplant into the ice.

"Having a little trouble there?" Charlie asked from beside me. I continued attempting to crawl as I spoke back. "You could say that," I told him. He laughed in response before sliding over to me.

"Here I'll help you," he said to me as he wrapped an arm over my back so that his hand was holding me in place from my stomach. Heat rose to my cheeks as he pulled me in closer to him so that our bodies were touching.

We crawled together in sync. Laughing whenever somebody slightly fell. "Better?" he asked as we were reaching the end. "Much," I answered with a big grin covering my face.


After we were done crawling we had to run on the treadmill. I had a towel wrapped around my neck as I ran. My earbuds were placed in my ears and I was listening to music.

Something bad is 'bout to happen to me
I Don't know what, but I feel it coming
Might be so sad
Might leave my nose running

I look up from my shoes. To look at myself in the mirror as I run to see my form.

I just hope she Don't wanna leave me
Don't you give me up
Please, Don't give up, on me
I belong with you
And only you babe

I feel eyes on me so I look around to lock eyes with Charlie. I roll my eyes playfully and smile giving him a small wave. He gives me a big grin back while still staring at me.

Only you my girl only you, babe

I give him a confused look after he stares at me for a few more seconds. Is there something on my face?

Only you, my girl
Only you, babe

He gives me another big smile.

Only you, darling
Only you, babe

I soon return the grin as I keep running trying to focus on him and not tripping at the same time.

He continues to look at me before he gives me a wink. He chuckled at his own stupidity. I laughed at both his wink and chuckle at the same time.

His laugh wasn't funny, it was just contagious. There's just something about it, something that just makes me so happy.

Only you darling

Maybe it was the fact that he had a nice smile or maybe his laugh was just addictive.

But maybe I had just fallen in love, fallen in love so deep with this stupid boy. The boy who tries his best to make me happy in the weirdest ways. But it works, it truly works.

Only you

My girl ❥ Charlie Conway Where stories live. Discover now