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The woman put her arm around Goldberg as we walked towards a table. "Now, I want you to make yourselves comfortable. Carole, beverages. And I will be with you in a moment." She spoke politely as she stepped out of our way.

As soon as we got close enough, we saw five glasses filled with an orange liquid.

"Gosh, this store sure is nice." Dwayne complimented picking up a glass as we all walked over to a small couch and sat down.

"Cheers," Goldberg said as we all let out a short laugh and clanged our drinks together.

I took a sip of my drink. "Orange juice." I hummed. "I love orange juice." The four boys laughed in return taking a sip of their drinks as well.

I looked to my left to see a lady in a fancy black outfit smiling at us all. "I know you kids. You're um--"

Goldberg moved his eyes quickly to us before back at the woman. "Aaron Spellings nephew," he fastly spoke cutting her off.

"No, Team USA hockey," she told us before the lady next to her spoke up. "You guys are just great!"

We all awkwardly smiled and nodded looking at each other while thanking the woman before intensely sipping our orange juice in sync.

"Now, a gift for your mother." the woman said, the clanking of her high-heels echoed as she walked around a mannequin. "You'll want something light, airy. It is summer, after all."

She then smiled warmly before continuing. "I'm gonna show you my private collection," she spoke as three girls walked into frame.

They were all dressed up in beautiful dresses as they struck a pose in front of us all. I looked over to see the boys practically drooling all ready I rolled my eyes letting out a soft chuckle while picking up a magazine.

After about 10 minutes I picked up my glass of orange juice and took a sip. I then heard Goldberg speak. "You know I gotta be honest. My mom really needs a bikini." I completely spit out the drink all over the magazine as I looked up at the woman's face.

She looked furious.

"YOU LITTLE BRATS DON'T EVER COME BACK INTO THIS STORE!" The lady screamed shoving us out the door.


When we got back to our dorms I remembered that Charlie and I had plans to walk around downtown. So I quickly picked out an outfit, threw on some shoes and walked to the shop he wanted to meet at.

When I got there I saw Charlie with his back pressed to the wall of the building with a hand in his pocket as he looked the other way.

I strolled over there and tapped on his shoulder. His head turned towards me as he smiled. "You look nice."

Heat rose to my cheeks and butterflies filled my stomach. "As do you," I responded letting out a soft laugh.

He removed his back from the wall and his hand from his pocket as we walked by the buildings. "Look at the flower," I said pointing at the colourful plant as it laid in a pot on the windowsill of a building.

He chuckled softly as we continued walking. We then found a bench facing towards a small pond and decided to take a break and sit down.

He looked over to me and smiled, a smile that I had returned after a few seconds before turning my head back to the pond watching the bright light of the stars reflect onto the moving water.

"So what do you love to do for fun," I questioned looking over to Charlie who had moved his eyes to mine.

He furrowed his eyebrows. "What do you mean?" he asked confused.

I slightly laughed. "I mean what the question asked. What do love to do for fun, like your hobbies and stuff like that."

He chuckled at himself as well. "Well I mean I guess I love hockey."

"Well, I know that. I want to know more. Tell something I Don't know, like something you've never told me before."

He didn't say anything but look down at his hands. It was quiet for a few minutes before I heard him mumble. "You."

"What?" I asked thinking I heard him wrong.

"You," he said clearer. "Y/N I love you."

"I-" I closed my mouth in shock. I then saw his eyes sadden. As he quickly apologized and got up from the bench.

I was shocked. It was like time froze as he was walking away. I thought about our night talks, our shared laughs, and our long conversations about random topics we made up on the spot.

Until everything clicked.

And only am I realizing it now.

After all the blushing, the butterflies and the constant thoughts about him.

That I love him.

I love him with every inch of my heart.

And I guess I was so blinded by the pressure of the tournament that I didn't understand my true feelings.

The true feelings that prove that I'm in love, in love with a green-eyed brown-haired boy.

My girl ❥ Charlie Conway Where stories live. Discover now