First game against Iceland P2

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"Yee-haw!" Dwayne exclaimed as he stickhandled through the other team's end while hoarding the puck.

Coach shook his head as he yelled out to Dwayne. "Pass the puck, Dwayne! Come on!" he spoke as Fulton banged his stick on the ice screaming for the puck.

"Dwayne pass it!" everybody called out from the bench as Dwayne got sandwiched by two Iceland players before they took the puck.

One of the players took the puck and skated it down the ice as he passed one of our players and deeked in front of the net trying to go for a backhand.

He shot it but couldn't quite get it in the air so it went straight into Goldberg's pad as Adam skated up and took the puck away from the net.

Adam took it behind the net and passed it up to Luis before Adam got taken out from the legs causing him to do a full-on front flip.

Luis starts flying through the neutral zone before he soon makes it into the Iceland zone. A defences stick flew to his feet as he tripped and got launched into the boards.

I stand up along with the rest of my team as we all trashed talked the refs for not calling anything. "That's a penalty!" I yelled as I made hand gestures pointing to where Luis was laying.

I looked over to my left as I heard coach speak. "Were in trouble, Ken. What can you do for us?" he asked kneeling next to the boy.

"Let's see," he said rocking back and forth before continuing. "Uh, a triple aerial with a double Hamil camel that should split the D, then a pirouetting half-toe-touch for the goal."

Coach patted him on the back before speaking. "Show it to me son," he said as Kenny put on his helmet and jumped out of the bench while skating onto the ice.

"Come on Kenny you can do this!" I told him as he looked back and smiled at me.

Kenny had gotten the puck and was skating down the middle of the ice as he pushed the puck forward. He spun around before getting hammered into the ice by Iceland's defence.

Me and everybody else watched as he skated back to the bench groaning in pain. Coach Bombay opened the bench door as Kenny skated in before sitting down with the rest of us.

Coach kneeled next to him. "Was that it?" he asked with an unimpressed look as Kenny nodded to him.

Iceland soon got the puck and was skating through the neutral zone before entering our blue line. Their player passed our defence as he skated down the ice to Goldberg.

He unexpectedly passes it to the player next to him after Goldberg had already jumped leaving the rest of the net exposed for goals.

The player who received the pass shot it top left corner scoring on us before he and his team celebrated.

The siren blared as I sighed and looked down putting my head in my hands groaning as I felt a rub on my back.

I looked up to see Charlie softly smiling at me. "I'm sure it'll be fine, don't worry about it," he reassured as I slightly grinned nodding.

Coach then interrupted the moment by calling us in. We all either skated or shuffled towards the huddle as coach spoke up. "Wheres our concentration?" he asked dissatisfied. "You guys are runnin' around like a bunch of chickens with your heads cut off!"

Everybody had sad looks on their faces as we all looked down in self-pity until Jesse talked back. "We're doing our best." He said sighing.

"Well, your best isn't good enough anymore. Blow this game and we are one loss away from elimination. You guys might want to go home early but I sure as heck don't." Coach Bombay said disappointed as he walked out of the huddle.

"My that was inspiring," Averman said as he rolled his eyes.

Four-nothing, Iceland, as we head for the third and final period. I hope Bombay's got some magic up his sleeve.

Because he's getting thoroughly manhandled here tonight.

The ref dropped the puck as both centres battled for it. Both teams were fighting their hardest to get the puck until we eventually lost and Iceland received it.

Iceland had gotten to our zone and one of their defence had it as he skated from the right side to the middle of the ice taking a shot.

He pulled his stick back before the puck flew into the net. The siren that I've heard way too many times filled my ears again as the other team cheered and coach Bombay called Goldberg off. "You're off, Goldberg!"

Julie put on her helmet and skated onto the ice as I did as well. "Good luck Julie." Goldberg huffed out of breath as he skated off. She thanked him as we both skated into our positions.

I looked over at Julie to see two Iceland players get shoved to the ice by Julie as the ref blew the whistle. "Intent to injure! You're out of the game! Let's go young lady."

I stifled a laugh as Julie smiled over at me before rolling her eyes at the ref. "See you around fellas." She spoke down to them as she grabbed her things and skated off.

I then saw Goldberg skate back on with Fulton.

After a few minutes, I had the puck in the other team's end as I saw Fulton skate to the blue line. I smiled as I passed it to him. "Fulton, fire it in there!" I yelled as he winded up for his slap shot.

He released the puck as it soared straight into the goalie's glove.

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