Meeting Iceland

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"Y/N I want you out there. Dean, Fulton you two as well. Show them what you got!" Coach Bombay said as he hit me on the back and pointed to the ice.

I looked at Fulton and Dean to see them look at each other nod, fistbump then grunt.

Oh lord.

Me and the two boys went on the ice and circled the net. Then I heard them talk. "All right, Fulton, let's have some fun!"

"Yeah, Portman, let's do it!"

After they said that I heard Dean yell at me "Y/N just skate to the net we'll get it to you!"

"Okay!" I agreed as I trailed quickly behind them. They took the puck from a player and started knocking more kids down skating down the ice to the net.

I quickly skated to the net as Fulton and Portman pushed down the last player. Portman took the puck and started skating faster. He then faked the shot and passed it to me. I received the puck and quickly shot it into the net.

"Yeah!" my team yelled as they congratulated me. I skated back to the bench and sat down. "Nice shot kid." Coach Bombay said as he patted me on the head.

I smiled. "Thanks, coach."

I started drinking my water when I heard Charlie speak. "Hey, you got a girl in the stands?" he asked Adam as he looked into the seating area.

Adam then responded. "No. Scouts, man. Look at 'em."

Charlie looked at him with a reassuring look. "Don't worry about scouts Adam just play your best."

I smiled at his kindness then looked back to the ice to see that Trinidad took the puck from us. The sports announcer then spoke through the loudspeakers.

Team USA loses the puck at center ice. Here's Bellafonte across the goal line with a great move. Walks right down in front. He shoots, he scores!

Everybody on the Trinidad bench started yelling out excitement and cheering for the player when music started playing in the stands.

Time skip 5 minutes

Nearing the end of the game, Team USA with it out at center ice. Here's Connie Moreau. Moreau stick-handling in the Trinidad zone. Moreau still with it, moves around a pile-up, gives it to Kenny Wu.

Wu, The former figure skater, back behind the net, ducks underneath the check. Wu in front of it. A wraparound. He scores!

Everybody in the crowds was cheering like crazy, clapping, yelling and chanting before the final buzzer went off.

"Good job team! That wasn't a game that was a statement!" Coach Bombay told us as we all broke from the group hug and skated off the ice.

Time skip

We were now standing in front of a bunch of people while Tibbles introduced us. "Ladies and gentlemen, Team USA hockey. And the man chosen to lead them to the gold, Gordon Bombay."

The crowd was clapping, whistling and cheering when they got interrupted by Tibbles. "Bring The bear up here. This is Henry, The Hendrix bear. I want you guys to come in and take some shots with the bear okay? Okay."

Everybody then huddled around the bear and posed. I put my head on Charlie's shoulder and gave the cameras a thumbs up to which he put his head on mine. The cameras kept clicking and flashing and I'm not gonna lie it was pretty overwhelming.

The bear then walked off and Tibbles started speaking to the crowd. "Thanks a lot. Okay, we're gonna open it up to questions."

Tibbles then pointed to a blonde woman wearing a blue blazer. "Team USA, how does it feel competing on the international level here in Los Angeles?"

"Love it!" Charlie said moving closer to the group of microphones placed in front of all of us.

"Yeah, it feels great!" Goldberg agreed smiling and nodding towards the crowd.

A woman in a hot pink coat then stood up. "Coach Bombay, The Vikings from Iceland are the heavy favourite. Their coach has already guaranteed victory. How are you gonna handle them?" She asked.

'Already guaranteed victory?' I thought 'that's a bit cocky.'

"Um. Hard work." Coach answered nodding his head while nearing the microphone. "I think our team is ready to go up against the best in the world. We're not worried about 'em. Iceland may be tough, but, uh, we're Team USA and we're going all the way."

Everybody on my team started cheering when I look to my left to see Team Iceland. They look huge. they all at least have to be 5'11 or taller. Their coach smirked at me when he saw how shocked I was.

"Team USA's going down that's where you're going." Their Coach started. "See you on the ice Bombay!"

I looked at our coach to see Tibbles talking to him. "That's, uh, Stansson. Coach of the Iceland team. He's wound a little tight."

"Stansson from the NHL? Wolf "The Dentist" Stansson is coaching? You didn't tell me that." Coach Bombay said to Tibbles astonished.

"That guy's a dentist?" Ken asked pointing to Stansson.

Charlie shook his head. "That was his nickname. Played one year of pro, collected more teeth than goals. He even punched out his coach."

"I heard they ran him out of the league and country," Julie said as I looked down at my feet.

Those guys are huge! I couldn't help but feel a little nervous. they were like our team, but all Dean's. I got knocked out of my thoughts when I heard Charlie say my name.

"Hello, earth to Y/N. Are you okay?"

I nodded my head before looking back at Stansson. I noticed a guy next to him starring at me and smirking. I laughed as Charlie noticed as well and flipped him off. The smirk fell right off his lips as we heard Stansson speak again. "What happened to freedom of speech, huh? isn't this America?"

"Those guys are huge!" Ken said while we walked off.

I nodded looking back at him. "I couldn't agree more."

My girl ❥ Charlie Conway Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora