Dwayne's lasso

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I sighed, putting my face in my hands. Iceland then got a five-on-none as they all skated down the ice towards Goldberg who was standing between his posts.

I watched as all the players on our team tried to back-check but they weren't fast enough.

And here's a five-on-none break for Iceland. Gunnar Stahl to Sanderson. Wide-open net and he scores!

Four-nothing, Iceland.

I groaned as the loud noise went through my ears indicating that a goal was scored but sadly the goal was not ours.

And Iceland is really taking it to Team USA. They are completely dominating this game. As we start the second period, you wonder how is Team USA going to get back in this.

It's like David versus Goliath.

Our players lined up again for the face of as the whistle blew and Averman was automatically hit into the ice.

Off the face-off, Averman gets hit by Gunnar Stahl. And heavy hitting by Iceland continues. It's gonna take something drastic for Team USA to turn this game around.

I looked over after I heard two grunts. Dean and Fulton were both putting headbands over their heads.

They both then put on their helmets and gloves before speeding onto the ice. "Party!" I heard them yell together as they shoved an Iceland player into the boards. Our team cheered as Fulton and Dean high-fived.

The two boys then saw a player on Iceland with the puck. They both skated side by side smashing their hands into the player's chest making him fall backwards.

"Yeah!" they screamed, hitting their helmets together and skating off. The crowd was going wild, cheering.

Iceland trying to pad their lead here in the second period. Number 74 spins around. He's right in the slot.

He shoots!

And a save by Goldberg.

Goldberg took the puck from front of the net and took it to the back before passing it to Kenny.

Kenny Wu picks up behind the USA net. Wu, the former Olympic skater, weaves his way up to centre ice; he's gonna try and split the Iceland defence.

Oh no.

I looked to my side to Stansson with an angry look on his face. "Get him!" he yelled from the bench as I looked back to the ice, seeing Kenny do a spin.

I watched in awe as his trick worked. He landed in front of Iceland's net. Fulton then took the puck passing it to Kenny.

Fulton back to Wu.

He shoots.

He scores!

"Yeah!" I cheered from the bench while standing up and putting my hands in the air. The team followed my actions doing the same, hooting and hollering could be heard everywhere.

Kenny Wu puts Team USA on the board!

I looked at Kenny. He was chirping the Iceland goalie before skating away. The goalie followed as I heard Kenny yell. "Hey, you wanna piece of me? Here, take that."

Kenny did the move Russ's brother taught him as I smiled. "Wait to go Kenny!" I cheered as everybody clapped and celebrated.

The ref then came over to Kenny, taking him away from the Iceland goalie. "All right. All right. Grim up. We still got a lot of work to do." Coach Bombay told us as Kenny got put in the penalty box.

I heard a small scream so I looked over to see Dean and Fulton.

"Oh, God." I smiled as they went up to the box, hitting the glass and Cheering for Kenny. "All right, Ken Wu! Our little bash brother! He's our man!" they yelled before skating off.

They both then took their helmets off and looked towards the crowd. Throwing their hands up in the air they signalled for the crowd to cheer louder.

I let out a loud laugh as Charlie smiled at me. "Hey, you guys, come on, get-- let's play hockey!" Coach Bombay yelled as Portman and Reed continued to bang their hands on the glass of the boards.

I put my hand out as Fulton went by the bench hitting all of our hands. He then moved on to Iceland but instead hit their heads.

"Oh." I snorted as Dean then did the same. Iceland then tried reaching their hands out to reach The bash brothers as the ref came in and blew the whistle.

"Come on." the referee said, pulling the two boys by their jerseys. They were both being taken to the penalty box.

Fulton and Portman are gonna get misconduct penalties here. They're ushered into the penalty box where they join Wu and they're still going wild.

Now there are three bash brothers!

It was now my turn to go out again. I put on my helmet and hopped out of the bench. "Y/N be careful out there. They're gunning for you." Charlie said as I smiled at his worrying. "I know. I'll be fine." I said before going onto the ice.

I was skating down the ice near the boards as the player next to me shoved me into them completely. I groaned as I hit the ice. Upset and angry yelling could be heard from my team's bench.

The player looked down at me giving me a laugh that sent shivers down my spine. I got up, getting back into the play as Iceland now had the puck.

Iceland is on the attack again. Uberjavik fires the puck in the corner.

I skated over to go get the puck. It was stuck. Every time I hit my stick at it it wouldn't budge.

Y/N L/N over to get it. Sanderson has her lined up.

"Get out of there Y/N!" Charlie yelled from the bench as I kept digging for the puck. "I'm comin', Y/N." I heard a southern accent yell.

Oh boy.

I looked up to see Dwayne with his lasso. He was spinning it around before throwing it at the player skating at me.

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