Court game

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We started skating around on our rollerblades playing the other team as both teams cheered for their own.

I was on the sidelines taking a breather when I saw Dean get shoved into the fence by Russ's older brother.

That's not something you see every day.

Or at all.

I let out a small laugh before clapping my hands. "Come on guys we got this!" I cheered before taking a sip of water.

After I few minutes I saw the other team score. They all put their hands up in celebration. "Hey, ain't no whistles out here either. You keep digging until you score that goal." Russ's brother said.

I nodded at the rule as I watched Russ score again. "And then you take a few breaths, slug some water, and get out there and do it again!" Russ said skating past me and Charlie as he took a sip of water.

Charlie then took a sip of water as well but he spilled it everywhere. "You got a little something there," I told him stating out the obvious as he rolled his eyes.

A smile plastered his face as he spoke. "Yeah, thanks," he said before I wiped a few beads of water off his face. A crimson colour spread across his cheeks as he looked down at me.

I gave him a soft smile. "Now you're ready to go," I said as he grinned back at me. He leaned down and pushed his lips softly against mine giving me a short kiss before skating off and getting into the game.

I let out a soft laugh and sat back down watching the game again. I saw Luis get the puck as I cheered him on. "Go, Luis, go!" I cheered as he skated down to the goal. He shot the puck scoring us a point as I heard him scream.

"Whoa! Not again!" he yelled before flying straight into the chained fence. He grunted before limping off the court.

I was now out playing. I had gotten the puck and skated down to the other side I saw Fulton open so I passed it to him.

Once he received the puck he gave it back because a player was skating towards him and he knew he couldn't take the shot.

As soon as the puck reached me I winded up for a wrist shot. I fired the puck into the bin scoring us a goal.

I heard my team cheer out as the players on the court patted me on the back congratulating me. "That's my girl!" I heard Charlie yell as I felt a grin tug on my face.

I skated over to the bench and sat beside him as he smiled down at me. He wrapped his arm around me as I drank some water.

I almost choked as I heard a loud siren go off in the distance. I coughed a little bit as Charlie patted me on the back and laughed.

I slightly smiled as I saw Connie score. "Nice shot Connie!" I cheered while standing up and clapping my hands.

Charlie then stood up as well copying my actions. I sat back down as I watched the game again. I saw that Russ had the puck. He flipped the puck on its side and winded up for-- a slap shot?

The puck fluttered around as it flew through the air going into the goal. He cheered as my team looked dumbfounded.

I'm not gonna lie here, I probably did too.

I watched as Fulton skated up to Russ but I was too far away to hear their conversation. I zoned out before feeling a flick on my nose to which I refocused.

I looked to see Averman in front of me. "It's your turn to skate," he said as I rolled my eyes and stood up from the bench.

"Yeah-yeah," I answered as I looked at him and raised my hand to his face. I flicked my fingers on his nose before smiling.

"What was that for?" he asked irritated as I simply laughed. "Pay-back." I smiled while skating onto the court.

Kenny had now had the puck and saucer passed it over to me. I backhanded it into the bin creating another point for my team.

I put my hands up in the air. "Yeah!" I cheered as everybody else on the ducks did the same. I skated off and sat down. I soon felt arms wrap around my neck from behind as I looked up.

I was met with Charlie's face as he looked down at me. "Hi." he smiled as he rested his chin on the top of my head.

My cheeks felt warm as I looked back at the court. "Aw, you done messed up now! Come here, I'm gonna get you! Come here, come here! Come here, junior! Come here!" Russ's brother yelled at Kenny while skating towards him.

Russ's brother then smiled. "I'm just messing with you, okay. Listen. When a guy comes at you like I just did, you do this. Stick." he said throwing his stick to the ground. "Gloves." he continued tossing his gloves down as well. He then pushed Kenny down so his back was facing the sky. "Shirt," he spoke lastly pulling Kenny's shirt over his head.

"Okay?" Russ's brother asked as Kenny agreed. "Yeah, okay. My turn." He said repeating the actions Russ's brother taught him.

"All right?" Kenny asked smiling as Russ's brother agreed. "All right," he said lightly tapping Ken on the helmet.

Everybody on the court and the bench got up and went into a group huddle cheering each other on while patting each other on the back.

It was now time to go and Russ's team was cheering us on from the inside of the fence while we threw our fists in the air as well.

"Play hard!" I heard one of them say as we all smiled at them and waved goodbye before boarding the bus.

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