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The next day

"Ancient Greece was the beginning of western civilization. See, in Greece, they didn't have professional sports. Or Wheaties boxes. So the athletes competed for another reason. Anybody?"

After miss Makay finished with the question Goldberg spoke up. "Falafels?"

Everybody then rolled their eyes and laughed saying things like "Oh Greg." or "You wish Goldberg."

"Charlie." Miss Makay interrupted referring to the brown-haired boy raising his hand.


"That's right. The various City-states waved their flags and wore their home colours proudly." She continued walking around staring at all of us.

"Did America always dominate?" Fulton asked with a big smile on his face.

Many people chuckled and slipped out his name a few times till Dean agreed. "That's a good question."

Miss Makay then started to explain. "No America wasn't around back then."

I then proceeded to pat Fulton on the shoulder. "It's okay," I told him giving him a soft smile which he returned.

"Don't forget that compared to other countries, America is still young, still forming its own identity. America's a teenager just like you."

"Like us?" I asked.

"You bet. A little awkward at times, but always right there on the verge of greatness."
After the lesson was done coach wanted us to use our rollerblades for practice.

"I don't know what I've been told." He sang as we skated behind a cart that coach was using to keep up. "I don't know what I've been told."

"Team USA's gonna win the gold."

"Team USA's gonna win the gold."

"Listen up and listen good."

"Listen up and listen good." We sang as we hopped off a hill.

"We're all headed for Hollywood."

"We're all headed for Hollywood."

"Sound off."

"One, Two."

"Sound off."

"Three, four."

"Bring 'em on down."

"One, two, three, four."

We were now on the plane headed for the tournament and I was sat in the middle of Julie and Connie.

We were sitting around looking at magazines and judging all the weird clothing pieces.

"Look at this one!" I said talking about the odd-looking neon patterned pair of pants.

Connie and Julie both laughed at the fashion piece and started flipping through the pages looking for more dumb designs until a voice interrupted us from behind.

Goldberg was standing up his head above Julie's seat and he started speaking. "Don't mind if I do." He said before taking the magazine out of my hands.

"Goldberg!" We yelled looking behind the seats to see Goldberg and Averman flipping through the pages looking at the models.

We just rolled our eyes and sat back down.

Time skip to after the plane

"Welcome To Los Angeles, California, and the junior goodwill games, As teams from around the world, compete in both winter and summer events.

The USA is expected to score well in the Medal count, especially in basketball, swimming and hockey.

We were all gathered around each other wearing our USA tracksuits while walking into the arena. Me and Charlie were walking beside each other when Julie spoke.

"Smile!" She yelled.

I blushed as Charlie put his arm around me. We both quickly flashed a smile to the camera. Julie then snapped the photo and walked away to Connie and Jesse and to show them.

And there's team USA hockey led by coach Gordon Bombay. They're looking fit and anxious to begin the competition.

Tonight's game matches the second-seeded team USA against the tenth-seeded team, Trinidad Tobago. This marks the first game for Team USA in this double-elimination winner-take-all tournament.

Gordon Bombay looks to have his team well in control here. They lead six to nothing.

We were finally playing and winning by six. Our player was skating down the ice when he passed it through his legs to the player behind him.

When the other player received it he passed to number 10 then they took the puck and shot it into the net giving us another goal.

Everybody started cheering and jumping around. Adam came up and gave me a hug in celebration which I returned.

"Yeah high-five some more. Man, my little brother could score on these guys." Said a boy with a backwards hat.

Jesse then looked up at him with an annoyed look. "Go bother him then."

The boy from the stands then laughed. "I ain't even got a little brother!"

"Hey, Jesse! Quit Gabbin' and get on the ice." Coach interrupted pointing towards the rink. "Yeah, show us you want it son go!" He said again clapping his hands.

"Yeah, show us you want it son. Go!" The backwards hat boy mocked before the coach turned around and gave him a glare to which he soon shut up.

"Kay." He muttered fearfully smiling before quickly running off.

Me and Charlie both looked at each other fighting back a laugh before it just busted out. "He looked so scared." Charlie laughed putting his hand on my shoulder to balance himself from falling.

I then chuckled back shaking my head with a smile. "He really did."

I then looked back at the ice to see Jesse with the puck skating down. To which a player from Trinidad took the puck and made Jesse trip and slide into the net.

"Ohh!" everybody yelled as the ref blew the whistle. "Faceoff!"

"This doesn't look good," Averman said as Jesse yelled at the guy who tripped him. "Hey, what's your problem, man!"

"Jessie, forget about it!" I yelled to him as he shoved the other player.

The rink announcer then spoke up as the ref moved Jesse to the penalty box. "USA penalty, number nine, Hall. Two minutes for roughing."

I looked over to see Jessie but I saw the kid with the backwards hat as well knock on the glass. "He dissed you bad, G." He said before putting his mouth on the glass and blowing.

Jesse then got fed up. "Yeah? Come here, man!"

"Ha-Ha. Bye-Bye. Have a nice day!" he laughed before walking off. Jesse jumped up and hit the glass.

My girl ❥ Charlie Conway Where stories live. Discover now