It's settled then

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"Moonieeee, I- I didn't mean to make you an-angry-" Essie finally cried.

Dawa's jaws were tight shut, but seeing his little sister cry finally cooled down his temper, and he felt guilty for making her cry.

"You have exactly five minuates to explain." He huffed out. He sat on the edge of her bed, wiping her tear-stained face.

"I-I didn't think they would call you. I did it for fun because your singing is really good and I was just imagining how cool it would be if you were famous and stuff!" She was speaking fast, not taking a single breath in between. "But they called back! Did you pass?"

"Yeah but Essie, that's not important, do you know where I would have to go if I did decide to become famous?"

Essie nodded her head, her beads chiming against each other. "Korea, mum said you were born there, which was also why I sent it to them."

"I'd have to leave you and mum and London. That's really far, you know." Dawa explained. He had underestimated his little sister, but now, he wondered where she found the link. "Plus, I don't speak korean, this is for a korean band."

"Oh...I'm sorry Moonie."

"What is baby Essie sorry about?"

Dawa turned around to see their mother standing in the hallway with a cup of tea in her hand. "She sent a video of me singing to a korean entertainment company and this morning I got a call saying I passed the audition and-"

"YOU PASSED?" Dawa and Essie both jumped like a sacred cat from a cartoon. Meanwhile, Kayla, their mother ran up to Dawa hugging him! "Honey, that's great! Congratulations! What did they say? Wow! WHo knew my son had so much ta-"

"Mum, Mum, Mum. You're squeezing too hard, and you don't understand. I would have to fly to South Korea, leave you guys, and learn how to speak korean! It's a korean band."

"Honey, you're so smart, you know french and germen, your teachers say you're the fastest learner, you can totally learn Korean! And don't worry about us, right Essie?"

Essie nodded her head, bouncing along to her mother's excitement.

"Mum, I'm not leaving you guys-"

"Sweetie, my moon, this is a great opportunity for you to connect with your Korean culture. And if you become famous enough, you can go on tours all over Asia and you can learn more about Tibet and your Tibetan culture, maybe." Dawa stayed silent, as his mother looked at him. He did want to learn more about his Korean and Tibetan culture. His first name was Tibetan, and he has always wanted to learn Korean. On the day he came to the Andersons, there was an envelope from Dawa'a biological father. It was in Korean so Dawa could never read its contents. Those were the only two things Dawa had from his parents. And it never failed to remind him of what he had lost. And everyday he questioned his identity, he didn't really meet people that looked like him, or had the same background as him. He stood out like a sore thumb whenever he went anywhere with his mother and sister. When he picked up Essie from her after school, they'd squint and ask who he was. He'd say he was her brother and they would stare at him with doubt swirling in their eyes.

He'd be lying if he said the offer wasn't tempting.

"Plus, you love music, and singing. You're always listening to something new. You love all kinds of music. You even begged me to get you Violin and a violin tutor. You tought yourself how to play the guitar. Sweetie, as far as I can see, your eyes shine the brightest when you play and talk about music. I, of course, won't force you. But I do think this is a great opportunity, and I don't want you turning it down if you haven't even considered, okay?" Kayla kissed her son and tickled Essie, before leaving. "just think about it. When did they say they want you to fly there?"

"In two days."

Dawa just sat there, Essie next to him. "Moonie, can you please do it? You know, when you sing "I Cam't Help Falling in Love", I can really hear love in your voice, and it might because you love me, but I also think it's because you love music. Plus you would be able to see so many cool places and you can buy me presents for me when you come and visit!" Essie clapped her hands. Dawa let out a half chuckle. "Fine, I'll do it, but you have to be good to Mum, okay? Do all your chores and homework, then I'll get you presents okay?"

Essie nodded her head excitedly. "Mumm! Moonie said he'll do it! Mum! mum!"

"Essie, no running!" Dawa called again but too late.

"Well, that was fast. Are you really going to?" Kayla wrapped her very old cardigan around herself. It was worn out with holes here and there, but Kayla didn't mind because it was the cardigan that her late husband had given to her on their last annaversary together.

Dawa just nodded his head yes, not believing he was going to go through with this crazy, surreal whatever it was.

"well, it's settled then. You best get packing kiddo." His mother pushed him to her room, no doubt getting her big suitcase that she kept in the back of her closet.

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