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July 13, 2017

Today Dawa didn't have therapy today. Ha-Eun had to take care of something in the city so she was going to be out for the day.

"I still can't believe you guys came here instead of going back home." Dawa sipped his tea fogging up his blue-light glasses. Across from him was Namjoon, who was also an early bird, but he was sipping coffee with his legs crossed. He too had his prescripted glasses on as it was too early to put on contacts.

Namjoon noticed how much calmer Dawa seemed. His muscles were much more relaxed and his face seemed younger. "We missed you and wanted to check up. I think we might stay for the month and then go back and start to work on some new albums."

"Oh! I've had some ideas, I've been recording on my phone and computer. I wrote some stuff down too, but nothing is set in stone yet. I'll send you some files." Namjoon was taken aback by this. He knew that Dawa loved music but he thought he was taking a break from music altogether. Besides his schedule made it sound like he didn't have free time at all.

As if Dawa read his mind he continued to talk. "I know that I'm supposed to be on break but I keep getting ideas, so I end up recording them at night or writing it down somewhere. At night I organize the ideas and try to piece them together. Do-Hwan hates it because I play the violin at night and he usually is watching some show." He chuckled.

"Oh, do you need anything from the market? I'm going to get some fresh, organic food." He smiled. "Do-Hwan's been learning to cook and asked me to get some ingredients."

Namjoon shook his head. "I don't but I'm sure the others might. Maybe some clementines and banana milk?" Dawa nodded.


The boys were all hanging out in the living room talking amongst themselves. It had been hours since Dawa had left for the market. They were starting to get anxious.

"Do-Hwan, How far is the market from here?" Yoongi asked eyeing the door as if Dawa was going to show up any minute.

"It's about a 15-minute walk."

Namjoon frowned at this. "He should be back by now. I'm going to try calling him." And Namjoon left the room with his phone in his hand.

Taehyung turned to Do-Hwan with a serious look. "Can you tell me something?" He didn't wait for Do-Hwan to answer. "I don't understand it. I know Dawa was and still is in a lot of pain from his father's death and car accident. But so many others also have lost someone or have been in a car accident. Why don't those suffer as much? It's not fair that Dawa Hyung feels all this pain when others don't."

Do-Hwan thought about this for a bit. He didn't want to say something that would upset the kid even more. He could tell by the way Taehyung's lips pouted that Taehyung was upset by Dawa having to be separated from them for a while.

"Well, Ha-Eun can explain it way better than I can explain it. But I'll try to explain it to you. The thing with trauma is that one person's trauma is not always other people's trauma. It's like this; you might think ghosts are scary because you thought you saw a ghost when you were younger but someone else is fine with ghosts because they never had that same experience. They might have a fear of zombies because they had their own experience where zombies were involved." Taehyung soaked in every word finally getting the gist of it.

"He's not picking up. I don't know where he is and he didn't share his location with-

"Sorry I took so long!" Dawa rushed in with hands full of reusable bags filled with fresh ingredients. The boys all let out a sigh of relief.

"Dawa Anderson! Where the hell were you? We were worried sick! You could have texted or called us! Why didn't you answer Namjoon's call? And next time share your location!" Jin shouted, face getting a bit pink. He was about to continue scolding but he paused. Everyone else looked around too, trying to find the source of a quiet, soft sound.

Jimin looked at Dawa, who was standing weirdly. His belly seemed more round. No, it was definitely more round. "Hyung, what's under your shirt?" Jimin asked. And then that's when a small head popped out from the shirt. Its ears twitched, and greenish blue eyes stared. It let out another soft meow.

"This is why I was so late. I found it next to its mother on the side of the road. The mother was barely alive and I took both of them to the vet." Dawa explained.

Jungkook reached out to pet the soft fluffball. "So, where is the mother?" He asked as the kitty purred.

Dawa shook his head, staring at the kitty. "She didn't make it. The baby is healthy though. I think I'm going to keep it, she has nowhere else to go. The vet said she was malnourished and she's been cold. That's why she was under my shirt."

"The vet is like almost 30 minutes in the other direction of the market." Do-Hwan marveled at the younger in front of him. He had a soft heart, which he kept sheltered. The shell that made him intimidating, stoic, and cold, but once you break that shell, there is a tender and gentle heart.

Yoongi stared at the cat. "What breed is it?"

"The vet said that it's a Norwegian Forest Cat."

"So what are you going to name her?" Hobi asked, also petting the little cat.

"Astrid. It means divine strength and beauty in German."

"Welcome to the family Astrid. Now, I hate to interrupt this but shouldn't you be studying the rules and regulations of cars on the road? Ha-Eun said that you should still study that so you don't fall back on your progress. Yoongi and Jin please help me make lunch for everyone." Do-Hwan ordered pushing everyone out of the room.

"Can someone go and get some things for Astrid from the pet store. Do-Hwan can tell you where it is." And with that Dawa reluctantly left with Astrid in his hand.

Jimin, Taehyung, Hobi, Yoongi, and Namjoon all ended up going. And let's just say, Astrid is going to be one spoiled kitty with seven doting uncles and 1 godfather (Do-Hwan insisted that he be the godfather of Astrid, even though Dawa had said many times that a cat didn't need a godfather.)


So this is what Astrid looks like! I got this from Pinterest and I want one! 

Hoppsan! Denna bild följer inte våra riktliner för innehåll. Försök att ta bort den eller ladda upp en annan bild för att fortsätta.

So this is what Astrid looks like! I got this from Pinterest and I want one! 

Also, I saw a lot of people asking what the name of the eighth-member fanfic I was reading was. It's called 'Who Again' and the Author's name is sketchy_dealer! It's really good so I definitely recommend it! 


Have a great day/night!

~da vinchen


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