Gocheok Sky Dome

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Feb 18, 2017

"Hyung! Is there anything you'd like to say?" Jungkook was going around 'interviewing' all the members.

Dawa looked up to see the camera that he gifted Jungkook in front of him. He was sipping his tea, which he had made for himself early in the morning.

"What kind of tea are you drinking hyung?" Jungkook asked, zooming in on the tea.

 "Earl Grey. I decided not to buy tea from stores because it's a waste of plastic and I like the tea I make better." He said to the camera, honestly.

Jin plopped himself next to Dawa and entered the conversation. "Dawa, I think you're the only one I know who likes tea more than coffee." He pointed out.

"Oh, same! I don't know anyone who likes tea like you do Dawa." Hobi agreed.

Just then, Sae-Jun walked in. "Okay, is everyone ready? You guys are going to go up to the stage soon." Everyone nodded.

"Jungkook, hurry and put that camera away, okay? Okay. You guys are going to do grea-"

"Hell yeah, they are! They're BTS! They're bulletproof! We are bulletproof, argrah!" Do-Hwan started singing off-tune whilst punching the air. Sae-Jun watched him with an unamused expression on his face. Tapping his shoe and waiting for Do-Hwan to stop.


The group started with an opening song. It wasn't even five minutes into the concert and they were already performing with overwhelming energy. The crowd was going crazy, holding their signs up as high as they could. The fans were also singing along with the boys. Some crying, some laughing, some just enjoying.

When the song ended, Namjoon started the greeting. "Two, three!"

"Hello, we're BTS!" The rest of the members joined in. The crowd cheered, which only exited the members even more. Then the band introduced themselves one by one.

As soon as that was done, the members made some more commentary and performed another song.

After a few more songs, the band stopped for another quick break, talking to their fans.

"How you all doing?" Namjoon asked. The fans shouted back in full energy. Their energy only seemed to grow as the night drew out.

"We are so happy to be performing for you guys. Zero and Jimin have something special planned for this next performance. Do you think you can handle it?" Jin asked the crowd. Another wave of shouts erupted. "Judging from that response, do you think they can handle the next performance, Zero?" Jin turned to Dawa, who was standing right next to him.

"I don't know... Are guys sure you can handle it?" An even louder response came. Somewhere from the crowd, there were fans who were screaming at the top of their lungs to be heard. "I LOVE YOU ZERO!" Which surprised everyone.

Zero let out an awkward laugh. "Thank you, Jin Hyung. I-I think they can handle the next stage..." Dawa responded, looking at the crowd to see who busted their voice box to shout that loudly. "Will your throat be okay after that scream?"

"YES! YOU'RE SO CARING AND HANDSOME!" The person screamed again. The boys let out a hearty laugh at the quick response, which only caused Dawa to smile shyly. The camera caught it on the big screen, allowing all the other fans to see his shy smile peeking through.

The lights dimmed until it was pitch black. The members all went backstage. One of the staff had to get on stage to hand Dawa his beloved Fozzie the Violin. Jimin got into his position. Dawa got behind the sheet that had dropped from above and positioned his violin underneath his chin. And the lights came back on. And there stood Jimin, ethereal, and glowing. Slowly, the sound of a violin echoed throughout the arena as Jimin performed the dance that he had gone over a million times.

Everything else was so quiet. The fans were watching Jimin's movements, graceful as ever, but as dark as ever. Dawa's silhouette had a powerful presence. It seemed as if the string instrument and Jimin's dance were one. If Jimin were to stop dancing, the almost siren-like sound would stop as well. And then Dawa dragged out the last note, letting it bleed into the first note of "Lie". A staff member quickly took Dawa's violin. Hobi joined behind the sheet, and Jimin started the song. Dawa and Hobi danced behind the sheet, as Jimin did in front of the sheet.

"Tell me/With your sweet smile/Tell me/Tell me like you're whispering in my ear/Don't be like a prey..." Until the very end, the fans applauded, some threw flowers on the stage.

And then the next song was to be performed.

Halfway through, they took another break. They all took a sip of water. "Everyone, don't forget to stay hydrated!" Hobi shouted. Drinking more than half the bottle.

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