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Nov 15th, 2017

It was finally the day that Dawa dreaded, but couldn't wait for. His heart was in pain from the rejection but he decided not to force his feelings away. Instead, he would cherish these new feelings, and let them pass gently. As long as Do Hwan was by his side, he was okay. That's all he needed.

"Dawa, are you ready? You've worked non-stop on this single."

"What time is it, Yoongi Hyung?"

"About to be 7 am," Yoongi responded sipping coffee. They were currently in the studio.

"Do you know if Do Hwan hyung is here?"

"He arrived a while ago. Why?" Yoongi suspected something had happened ever since the plane ride back to Korea. Dawa seemed much more at ease with himself. He seemed much less tense around Do Hwan. "Did something happen?"

Silence descended between the two. Dawa started looking at the piano, playing with the keys. "I was going to tell him today, about my feelings. I was going to play him this song, but I ended up telling him sooner than I thought." Dawa let out a sigh.

"So...he doesn't know that the song that's being released today is a love song dedicated to him?"

Dawa shook his head slowly, still playing with the keys. Yoongi understood what Dawa needed. Without Dawa asking, Yoongi sensed that Dawa wanted his honest opinion on what he should do, or say. "The way I see it, you have two choices. Either you tell him the truth about this song, as awkward as that may be, or you don't say anything. He doesn't have to know that this song is for him, although I can't guarantee that he won't figure it out."

"I wanted him to hear it before it officially got released. I still want that, but that can't happen if I don't tell him the truth."

Yoongi smiled, seeing that the younger had already made up his mind. "I'll go tell him you want to see him here. I told Jimin that I would practice the choreo with him anyway."

"Thanks, Hyung."


"Yoongi said you needed me." Do Hwan entered wearing a soft gray hoodie, and porting a messy bedhead.

"Yeah..." Dawa was starting to rethink his decision. This was a little too much, it was like confessing all over again. "I, you know what never mind-"

"No, no. Tell me what's up. Please?"

"Well, I mean, it's just a little awkward."

"That's fine, awkwardness is part of life. We need these awkward moments to get to the comfortable moments." Do Hwan smiled, encouraging the younger to say what he had to say. "I'll listen to whatever it is." Dawa let out a little laugh, unable to understand Do Hwan. 'When he's with the others, he's so goofy and unserious, but when it's just us, he's such a wise dork.'

"Ok...it's about the song that's being released today. I wanted you to hear it before it officially gets released." Dawa quickly pulled up the song on Yoongi's computer and connected it to the system. "This was originally how I was going to confess to you but...well, that didn't go according to plan."

"So you're saying this is a love song for me?"

"Yes...but, it's more than that. It-"

"I'm sure whatever you have to say, your song will tell me." Do Hwan clicked play and the room was consumed with the sound of music.

Unlike the other songs that Dawa had written, this song didn't start with an instrumental intro. Instead, it was Dawa's voice, all alone. If his voice were something tangible, one would have had to hold it with utmost care. It was raw and tender. Do Hwan could feel what Dawa was trying to say.

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