Car Sick

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As everyone was talking Do-Hwan walked in scratching his messy bed hair. He stared at the two strangers and stared back at Jungkook who was on the couch next to Essie. 

"Moonie, who is this?" 

Dawa cleared his throat trying to cover for the awkward introductions. 'I forgot to tell them my manager was here as well, lovely.' 

"Mum, Colette, this is one of our managers Do-Hwan. He came with us to supervise us." He explained in English. "Do-Hwan, this is my mother and this is Colette." He introduced and said it in English since he knew Do-Hwan could understand that. It wouldn't have been so awkward if Do-Hwan wasn't in his pajamas and it was now almost 12 pm. 

The two women and Dawa went back to their conversation. Kayla was still apologizing for the trouble she had caused, even though Dawa told her multiple times that it wasn't her fault. Do-Hwan sat next to Jungkook, looking over Jungkook's shoulder to see old pictures of Dawa. Essie was a cute little girl and she was excited about everything. Jungkook couldn't help but form a liking towards the little girl and he started wishing that he also had a younger sister like Essie. He liked the idea having a younger sister who bragged about him like Essie did for Dawa. 

Jungkook looked at Do-Hwan and smiled. "Can you ask her if Dawa used to play any sports?" Do-Hwan nodded but his head was still in a fog since he had woken up about five minutes ago and his brain still hadn't any nutriants to function properly. "Essie, did Dawa play sports when he was uhh younger?" Do-Hwan asked slowly, making sure he was getting the wording correct. Jungkook was staring at a photo of a little boy carrying a medal. First place, the boy was smiling from ear to ear, in a gray hoodie and sweat pants. 

Essie jumped at the question hands clapping at the topic. "He used to really love sports he got a lot of scholarships for high school for it! He played football and did gymnastics and he would spend so much time practicing. One time he stayed out late to practice football even when it was raining and Mum and Dad went mad! And then um after his foot got really hurt he kind of took a break from those and rode on horses a lot. Hid favorite horse was a black one named Leo but he doesn't like to mention him anymore because Leo died and he cried and he went to playing football and gymnastics." Essie ranted on and on. As Do-Hwan translated, Jungkook sucked in all of this information his excitement growing at every new thing he learned about him. 


"Don't go! Can Jungkook at least stay?" Essie had been trying convince them to stay. All the way to the airport she begged Dawa to stay a bit longer but Dawa just smiled at her, not really smiling fully. He bent down to get on Essie's level and wiped away her tears. 

"Star, you know we can't stay. But you know we can always call. Yeah?" He tried to comfort the now crying girl. She just nodded and hugged Dawa and then Jungkook, holding onto Jungkook as long as she could. 

Colette softly pulled Essie to her, freeing Jungkook and Dawa. "Alright, you guys have a safe trip back. And Moonie, I'm proud of you!" Kayla shouted as they walked away past the security and out of sight. 


Everyone was there to greet Dawa, Jungkook and Do-Hwan at the airport. The other members had arrived in Korea a day earlier and they were eager to reunite. 

"How was everything? Is Essie okay?" Jimin questioned while giving them a hug. His hug with Dawa was shorter than he would've liked but Jimin understood that Dawa wasn't much for physical contact. "Jungkook told me that you guys were good. But, is your eye okay?" Jimin now stood back to get a better look at Dawa's face. 

Jungkook just shook his head to explain that he didn't know what happened or how that happened as Dawa told him not to freak out since Essie was there. 

Dawa let out a smile that looked like a smile you'd give for a school picture. "We're okay, Essie's also okay. She said next time she would like to meet everyone. Her and Jungkook got along very well." He answered the other questions. 

"Sorry to break this reunion but we should get going, people are starting to recognize you." Do-Hwan herded the group to their transportation. They all went in chattering and catching up with each other as Do-Hwan drove them. 

"Their house is small but its cozy! And one time Essie I saw Essie on the couch and she was reading a whole book that was in braille and then she read it out loud to me. I fell asleep but it was so cool to watch! She just ran her finger across the page like this." Jungkook imitated the girl holding a book. His pointer finger running through air. "And she would read like it was a regular book!" Jungkook explained to everyone. "And when I heard we won album of the year I was so happy and I started hugging her and Do-Hwang hyung had to explain it to her!" 

Yoongi couldn't help but smile at the maknae who's eyes shone when he explained what they had done in London and what he had learned. And everyone else could see how much fun he had on this trip which made them happy as well. Plus, it was nice to see the pictures Jungkook took of Dawa's baby pictures. 

"Oh and here Dawa hyung is golding a medal for gymnastics. Essie said that he used to do Gymnastics and soccer and a little bit of horseback riding but he doesn't like to talk about horseback riding because it brings him bad memories..." Jungkook kept talking. As they pulled up in front of their building, Jin took a quick glance at Dawa to see if he was alright. The said boy had his hands in fists, his jaws clenched tight looking straight ahead. 

"Does he look a little pale to you?" Jin asked Hobi who nodded, frowning. 

"Shouldn't he be sleeping? Wait was he awake this whole time?" 

"Yes... something must be wrong..." 

Dawa wasn't aware of the whisperings or the conversations. He was too busy trying not to get sick. The smell of blood tickled his nose making his stomach to some spins and turns. He knew it was his mind playing tricks on him, just like how his eyes were playing tricks on him. Ahead the window looked cracked even though he kept telling himself it wasn't. The world was spinning again and his head was pounding again. He barely felt the hands on his shoulders shake him back. 

"Hyung!" Taehyung was now shouting a bit. "Are you okay? We're here!" 

Dawa just shook his head unsure about his own voice. He felt that if he opened his mouth more things other than words would also come out. 

As soon as the car was parked, Dawa did not waste a second getting out and hurling on the cement ground. The others looked away to give him privacy, they could hear him groaning and whimpering which shocked them since they almost never hear any emotion from him. Jimin and Taehyung shared a look of worry. Namjoon was patting Dawa on the back whispering words of comfort. Yoongi was cursing at himself for not noticing that he was in pain in the car for almost 2 hours due to traffic.

"I-I'm okay now. I-I didn't have anymore pills..." He explained, his eyes were still teary and his throat was stinging from the acid. "I'm okay now-"

"You should have told us." Hobi spoke as they were slowly making their way inside. He hated how Dawa just shrugged his shoulders casually as if he wasn't suffering. He despised that polker face of Dawa's. 

Dawa took a seat on the ground, laying down to get really get out of the traumatic zone. "There wasn't anything that could've been done and I made in the end." He stated as he stared at the ceiling. "Guys, really. I'm okay! Oh, my mom wanted bought you a shirt for each of you. She wanted to congratulate us on our win." He changed the subject to get their minds away from the topic of him. 

It was no surprise to all of them. By now they understood Dawa enough to know that he switched the topics because he didn't want them to keep worrying. But Namjoon couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed at how Dawa never seemed to share enough in fear of oversharing. And he understood that Dawa had lots of guilt, regret and heavy traumatic memories in him but some part of him hoped that Dawa would become more comfortable with them. 

"Let us see!" Namjoon said making himself sound excited. 'He also changed the subject when Jimin asked about his eye...could that be from when he was restraining that man from the video we saw? I wish he'd tell us these things.' 

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