Dark & Wild

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"Wake up you lazy bums! It's today! Our album gets released today!" 

"Guys wake up for real!" Jungkook and Taehyung were running around their dorm, trying to wake the others up. They tried to be patient. They really did, but they just couldn't hold in their excitement any more. 

Namjoon woke up just so the two boys could be quiet. Jimin was stirring up. Hobi and Jin were still sleeping. Dawa and Yoongi's bed was empty, both Yoongi and Dawa's bed messy and unmade. 

"I swear they're like father and son in so many ways." Jungkook shook his head, shuddering. Namjoon and Taehyung nodded, starting to see the many similarities. First how their addiction to caffeine, their love for sleep, their observation skills, their bluntness and their easygoing attitude. "But where are they?" 

Namjoon looked down to see a note posted on the top of the bunk. Written in English. "I wanted to work more on rapping, Yoongi hyung offered to help. See you at the company." He showed it to the others. "They must've been in a hurry."


They were all in one room, waiting for the exact moment when the album would be released. They were on live, so that their fans could also celebrate with them. 

"Everyone! Thank you for supporting us, we're really excited for today." Namjoon started off. The rest were too nervous to actually say anything at the moment. None of them were paying attention to the comments except for Namjoon. As he kept scrolling down he saw quiet a few comments telling Dawa to smile cause he looks scary. He tried to ignore the comments that singled out members in bad way and tried to read the positive ones. 

"5. 4. 3. 2. 1! It's here!" They all shouted, jumping up and down. "We still can't spoil anything because the MV isn't out yet." Jimin pouted. They all talked amongst themselves, Yoongi and Dawa stayed more in he background. 

"Doesn't Taehyung look handsome in the purple hair?" Hobi complimented, there was a lot of agreement in the comments section. "Jimin looks good too!" Taehyung complimented causing Jimin to blush. He didn't really think he looked that good, but it did make him better. Namjoon started talking about the production of the album, Jin and Jungkook chiming in. This was Yoongi's language so he of course joined in. Dawa still didn't say much. 

He instead read the comments section. He let out a small smile at the supportive comments, barely visible but if you looked closely you could see the ends of his lips in a curl. 

"J-Hope, you are my joy!" He read out. Hobi looked up and gave the brightest smiles, to which Dawa couldn't help but stare at. 'Please never lose that smile.' 

"Rap Monster, where can I find someone like you?" 

"I love you guys!"

"We love you too!" Jimin screamed causing Yoongi to jump a little.

"I don't understand why Zero's in BT-" He stopped mid sentence. "Why Zero is so cool!" He recovered. He didn't want the members to hear anything negative about him because he knew they would worry. As the live went on, he read more comments in his head that were directed towards him. They were almost all negative. 

"Bye guys. Stay healthy!" 


"Thank you all for coming. We have some new updates for you. You guys are going to be going to an interview to promote Dark & Wild and answer questions. That is in two days. The MVs will be released over the weekend. You also will perform at the Golden Disk award." Bang PD  informed. 

"Really!?" Hobi couldn't believe what he was hearing. It was all happening so soon.

"Well, that's it for today, please rest, none of you are allowed to be in this building for the rest of the day!" He eyes Yoongi, Jimin and Dawa. Out of all eight of them, the three of them were the most frequent visitors. 

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