Getting Better

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As the weeks passed the sun shined a little brighter and Dawa was getting a grip of the langauge. He was aware that their loads more he had to learn but now, he could hold a conversation without panicking or giving Namjoon confused looks. 

The group's teamwork was getting better by the day, their practices getting a little easier. But Dawa was still a stranger to them. Before him, Jimin was the most recent member to join, a year before. Jimin was shy at first but it didn't take long for the rest of them to crack his shell. By the time Dawa had joined Jimin was like their brother. By the third week, Jimin was comfortable enough to tell the others about his family, his fears, and all his favorites. Dawa had been in Korea for about a month and half, and the rest of the members still knew nothing about Dawa's family. 

Namjoon dropped Dawa off at his korean lesson, patting him on the shoulder as he left. "See meet you at recording studio!" 



"Can you read this to me?" Ms. Choi asked pointing to the cover of a children's book. Dawa paused for a second, remmbering all the sounds that the characters made. After a few moments of silence he finally trusted his reading ability. 

" dog?" The end of the sentence pitched up a but making it sound more like a question.

"Great! For homework, I want you to read this book and write a summery in English, no cheating but you can ask members for help if you're stuck on a word." Ms. Choi gave him a picture book, which he put straight into his gray and black backpack. 

"Goodbye, thank you Ms. Choi!" 

Dawa passed the small hallway, down the stairs and opened the first door to the left. he room was small and the lights were dim. Yoongi was sitting on the main chair. Jimin was on Taehyung's lap. Jungkook was sitting in the corner of the couch. Jin was recording. Namjoon was standing next to Yoongi's left and Hobi on Yoongi's right. There was barely any space to breathe with all eight of them now. 

"Dawa, come here!" Hobi was walking towards the door a piece of paper in hand. He followed Hobi into the hall. 

"This is the lyrics. I'll sing your part so you know how it goes and then you can run it over and preactice with me before recording!" 

Dawa listened carefully, Hobi talked slower than usual, which was great for Dawa. He knew that Hobi usually talked faster than this but he didn't mind. 

Hobi sang Dawa's part a few times then he told Dawa to do it with him a few times. 

"Okay, now just you." And Hobi listened as Dawa's usualy deep voice rose a few notes, and higher and higher. When he sang the lyrics, his eyes were glued to his sheet, but he couldn't read fast enough, causing him to stumble over on a few lines. 

After a few more tries, Dawa had gotten it without messing up. And then the two of them headed in. Taehyung and Jimin were in the booth now, harmonizing beautifully, perfectly balanced.

"Can I have a pen?" Dawa whispered to Namjoon whoc silently gave him a black pen. And as the rest of them recorded, Dawa was writing away on his sheet, translating the korean lyrics into English. Jungkook watched over Dawa's shoulder, transfixed in the strange letters and slants of words. To him, all the letters seemed to be one. He watched how Dawa wrote the words, never lifting his pen until the word was fully written, then a space, then again writing so that the pen never left the page and the letters all bled into the other letters. 

"Dawa! You're up!" Namjoon cheered, which made the rest of them cheer. They were excited. None of them had ever really heard Dawa's singing in person, they had all seen his audition video though. They all watched as he went into the booth. They watched as Dawa picked up the headphones.

"Whenever you're ready." Yoongi stated. He too was curious how Dawa's voice would fit into this song. 

Dawa put the sheet in front of him and the music started playing. He waited for the right time. he could feel the excitement from the others through the glass, he could see the curousity dancing in their eyes. None of them moving their lips. 

The music paused for a beat and as the music started again, Dawa's voice raised along with it. He skimmed a little ahead reading the lyrics in English and then translating it back in Korean to sing out loud. 

"Whoa! His voice doesn't sound real at all." Jimin commented. He was in awe of Dawa's voice. He knew that Dawa was also getting vocal lessons, but not when he, Taehyung, Jin and Jungkook was. Since he always had korean lessons around that time.

Taehyung nodded. He closed his eyes soaking in the pure talent. 

"I think him and Tae hyung have a unique voice but yours is smoother and his is like more..." Jin rubbed is fingers together trying to motion his meaning.

"Gritty?" Jungkook suggested, tilting his head to the side. The rest of them nodded. 

"He sounds different from his audition video." Yoongi simply stated, which was an understatement. 

His voice was a sweet mixture of sweet and sour. Their was a deep soothing tone from the bottem of him, but then on the top layer of his voice was soft and higher. Somehow. Then just as easily as he started he stopped. 

"Dawa, that was great but can you try it again? Just the second bar, from light up?" Suga instructed. "Announciate that first word on the third line." 

Dawa followed the direction, soon hearing the difference in the two ways he sang it. 

"You're done now." 


As the eight of them walked back to their dorms, Hobi explained how Dawa did an awesome job and wouldn't stop comparing his voice to Taehyung's. No one minded of course, but Dawa didn't understand how this guy was equvilant to the sun. 

'This bloke is the litteral definition of Sun.' Dawa thought, he did find his energy a little too much for him, he could barely keep one feet in front of the other, yet this guy was skipping. 

"The next few weeks are going to be like today. Recording the rest of the album. But luckily, we can sleep in a bit tommorow!"


"Yup, we don't have to go in till 10." Jin explained as he read the text from Bang Pd nim.

"Gordan Bennett! That's brilliant." Dawa muttered, which no one heard except for Namjoon, who gave him a very confused look.

"Whose Gordan Bennett?"

"What?" Dawa turned to face Namjoon, the dark had casted a shadow over their faces, but Namjoon couldn't help but notice the frown on Dawa's face. 'Did I annoy him?'



When they reached their dorms, Dawa's phone dinged, indicatng that he had gotten a text. 

"Hello, I know that the rest of your members come in at 10, but our lesson is the same time as usual. -Ms.Choi"

"bloody Korean can wait a day." Dawa grumbled as he got his book and his Korean notebook. He sat on the floor as they common area didn't have a couch and started reading, stumbling every few words as everyone else slept soundly. 

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