'You're Not Fine'

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That night everyone slept soundly except for Jungkook. His eyes were burning through the dark, wide awake. He was in Dawa's room, his manager sleeping soundly. Jungkook let out a sigh, the disappointment of not being able to perform with the rest of his group was killing him. He didn't understand how Dawa is so calm about this. 

He looked around, noticing the desk lamp on the desk. "If I can't sleep, might as well do something..." He whispered while turning the desk lamp on. He opened the drawer which revealed a folder. He took it out, his fingers running along the front of the red folder. It had a sticker with raised dots. When he ran his finger along it, it felt like soft nibs. 

He opened the red folder, not sure what he was expecting. The contents inside was nothing he could process. He took one paper out, noticing what he had felt on the front of the folder. More raised dots. It was piles of paper with raised dots in different orders. 

"Maybe I can ask Dawa Hyung about it...No, would he be mad that I looked through his desks?" Jungkook scratched his head putting the folder back in the drawer. He looked through the books. They were organized by authors, alphabetically. He took one out, it was about the human brain and he put it back. He took another one out, it was about dinosaurs he skimmed through it. Then he took out another book, it was on video editing and he took it to the desk to read it. 


"Jungkook..." Dawa shook him gently. It was almost 12 in the afternoon and the younger had been sleeping through the brightness of the sun. "Jungkook, wake up." Dawa shook him again. Jungkook began to stir, his hair in all directions. The bags under his eyes were dark and he groaned as his eyes met the bright room lit by the sun. 

"Jungkook, I'm going to do some shopping okay. Essie is going to be here and also our manager. He's having tea out in the living room." Dawa explained as he put on a sweatshirt. It was a little too small on him but it would have to do at the moment. 


As Dawa left to do some light shopping for food, he let out a small smile. Jungkook had been sleeping on one of his books, which meant that his book helped him get sleepy and rest. "That kid worries too much for his age." Dawa shook his head. He hoped everything was going well with the other members. He looked around and entered the small food market. 

He only needed milk for tea and Essie had asked for strawberries. He decided to buy some vegetables as well and was heading towards the check out when he heard some muffling in the corner. 

"Just give me your number." A man around his age was chasing a women who seemed to be trying to get away from him. She looked about Dawa's age as well, maybe a bit younger."I just want your number so we can be friends."

"No, please stop following me." She replied, her voice was wavering as she passed the fruits. 

'This bloke is metal.' Dawa thought. He stepped in between them right as the man grabbed the women's arm. "Mate, she said no." Dawa spoke, ripping the man's grip from her. 

"Are you her boyfriend?" The man asked sizing Dawa up. Dawa's eyes rolled as he clenched his jaw. The guy was now gulping aware of the attitude change. 

"Why the bloody hell does that matter? She said no so leave her alone." Dawa then turned to the women. He let out a small smile, not big enough to reveal his single dimple but enough to show he meant no harm. " You should go." He said waving. 

"You, on the other hand are going to stay with me until I'm done here." Dawa spoke while turning around. He decided he would get a few more things before checking out to give the women more time to get as far away from the guy. 

Dawa was making sure the guy was following him to the freezer section. He planned to buy ice cream for Essie and Jungkook and his manager. And right as he turned around a fist was flying right into his face. "You little f*****! Now I won't be able to find her!" The man yelled. He was getting ready for another punch, his fist swinging but before it could make contact with Dawa, Dawa caught the punch and flipped the man's arm to his back. By now, people were calling security and explaining  the situation. 

"No, that man punched the young man first out of no where." An old women explained. It seemed she had her grandaughter with her who poked her head out from behind the old women. "And then the guy with the ice cream used self defence." Another middle ages man agreed and they let Dawa go and took the violent man to deal with. 


Essie was handing Jungkook all the photo albums that their family owned. She of course couldn't see the pictures herself but she sometimes liked to hold the book just for comfort. Knowing that everyone she loved were in those books, always. A constant. 

Jungkook took it, and on the sides he felt the raised dots again, they felt same as the once last night in the red folder. The manager knew just about enough English so Jungkook turned to him. "Hyung, can you ask her what these bumpy things are on the side?" 


"Essie, Jungkook uhh, asked what the things are on the book side? The bumpy things?" He asked not really sounding confident in this language. 

Essie smiled big feeling the bumpiness with her own fingertips. "It's braille, Since I can't see I can't read how your would read, I feel the bumps and they're formatted so they make words and sentences. So, I read by feeling the bumps instead of seeing letters. This says family photos book 3." She explained while leaning back into the couch. 

"She said it's braille. It's how blind people read and write." He translated to Jungkook who was now looking through the pictures. 

"Tell him Dawa also knows Braille!" Essie jumped up, suddenly remembering this fact about her brother. "He learned it with me because he thought it would be cool to write secret notes to each other!" She explained which then got translated to Jungkook. 

Jungkook kept on seeing so many pictures of Essie and very few of Dawa. And the once that Dawa was in, he always standing next to or with a middle ages white man. But Dawa was always making a face at the camera. It was so clear that he did not like his pictures getting taken. Jungkook marveled at how Dawa used to be do expressive with his face. There was one of him laughing, his eyes slightly squinted and his cheeks flushed. Another where he looked disgusted at his hands, which were covered in mud, his face wrinkled like raisins. And another, where he looked sad. His lips were in a pout, with eyes full of tears. 'Dawa Hyung was so different...' 

"I'm back!" Dawa said both in English and Korean. "Sorry that took longer than-"

"Oh my god! What have you done to your face?" Do-Hwan yelped. He was up in a second rushing to Dawa, arms out to reach Dawa's face. Jungkook whipped his head back, trying to see what D-Hwan was freaking out about. Dawa's eyes were swelling and was turning a slightly purple around the left eye. 

"Hyung..." Jungkook just whispered. He didn't know what to say or ask. 

Dawa just shrugged his shoulders and put his finger to his lips, then pointed at Essie and shook his head. 

"Moonie! Are you here?" 

"Yeah! I got you ice cream!" He exclaimed hugging her. Jungkook watched as Dawa ignored his pain to keep his little sister happy. He didn't understand why Dawa always went through all that trouble to hide his pain or even his happiness or anything Dawa thought would worry the others. He was always a blank slate or acting. But, sometimes he came home looking like this. Or he came home without shoes and his sweatshirt and he would always say he was fine. 

'Hyung you're not fine and I don't know how to help.'

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