Hi...I'm back

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Wow, where do I even begin?

Being back on Wattpad feels so nostalgic to me. Like a place I've always known yet also feels so different. A lot of my favorite books and authors are no longer active, many of my readers have gone out of this fanfic world and back into reality, but the biggest change has been me.

I'm about to graduate with my bachelors specializing in Civil Engineering. I'm 21 now. I will be starting my internship in a week. I no longer cope away my life in a wattpad book on afternoon nights...
I'm sure many of you have gone through so much change as well. I hope for the better of course.

Never did I ever think when writing my books that even one of them would hit 1,000 reads and now I find myself with all of them having thousands and thousands and one particular one having hit one MILLION. It still blows my mind. I was just a 16 year old girl still navigating through life (still am), and I can't believe that anyone would even like my (very) poorly written stories.

There was a huge feeling inside of me that wanted to delete Wattpad and never go on it again as a newly grown "adult" I no longer needed it. But funny enough, going through my notes on my phone I spotted a particular note that made me stop scrolling and freeze. I smiled and couldn't help but feel a moment of nostalgia. It read;

"She's not normal sequel story outline"

I clicked on it and realize that last time I had edited or added to it was August 13, 2019. While looking over it I couldn't help but laugh at my story line, and think "what the hell were you thinking?"

But without boring the few of you that are left, I'll get straight to the point. In all honesty I'm not sure I see myself writing a sequel anymore. I know that news isn't the news you wanted to read, but it's my honest one. In a very shocking moment to me, I realized She's Not Normal was completed in 2016!! 5 years ago...Where in the hell has time gone?! But because of this I have no idea how I even thought of doing a sequel, how the hell I would even continue it, and what the plot and ending would be. The sad truth is I don't even really remember much of SNN, and I don't even want to look back as It would cause me too much cringe and embarrassment to see what my 16year old self thought was sooo amazing back then.

Another pondering question to answer is will I still at least continue writing?


I actually have two different stories I might do but I want to finish them before saying anything. And yes they will continue to be GxG lol but unfortunately I don't see myself writing about Camren anymore. Although Camren will always hold a special place in my heart, I've moved on from that point and out of respect for both of them, I don't have a passion in writing about them anymore.

I'm sorry if this isn't the message you all wanted to hear but after 5 years I thought to be honest with you all, and give some hope that I might release something new.

For those of you also reading The Trio. I honestly don't even know where I was going with that since I begun it 4 years ago. (I know I'm a disappointment). I'll see if I can continue it, but I don't have a definite answer yet. I will let you all know for sure over in that story.

But anyways to finish this long and lengthy message. I hope you all are doing amazing, staying safe, and being kind to each other. I genuinely Can not thank you all enough for everything. I hope this answered your anxious questions even if it wasn't the answers you wanted. But as always, thank you.

She's Not Normal (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now