Chapter 7

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Okay I lied when I said I was gonna confront Camila about this whole thing yesterday. But it's hard when the subject is determining if the person is a vampire or not. It's not everyday thing to confront to someone about.

I walked into school struggling to keep my eyes open as I made my way to my locker. I haven't had much sleep at all since the second day I got here. I'm not sure why though. It started when I began feeling really cold at night out of a sudden, making it hard to sleep with my teeth chattering. Then always feeling the presence of someone else which, I'm pretty sure everyone feels the same, isn't a good feeling to sleep to when your in the dark and alone. I started waking up to my window open making me to think maybe my parents opened it up while I was sleeping? Causing it to be chilly. I honestly doubted it but it kept my mind at peace rather than thinking about some creep watching me. But after I started locking my window the feeling had simmered down a little.

I still hadn't had good sleep though. I yawned as I grabbed my books for class. It was exhausting like who decided to have school so early? Especially high school.

"Hey Laur, have you seen Normani or Dinah by any chance?" Ally greeted as she smiled brightly at me. Ally will and will always make me wonder how she can be so happy and bubbly all the time, especially in the morning.

"Hey and no sorry. I just got here." I apologized and greeted back with a lazy smile.

"Tired?" She asked obviously noticing my inability to keep my eyes open.

"Yea, for some reason I haven't been able to sleep well." I shrugged yawning, looking into my biology book making sure I had my homework done. When I went to close it some of my papers flew out.

"It's okay I got it." Ally assured as I was about to pick them up. "Maybe it's your mattress? Did you get a new one? That could be it." She guessed as she picked up the papers that had fallen. She gently organized them neatly before handing them back. I smiled.

"Thanks Ally and no I don't think so. I still have my same one since before I moved here and never had a problem with it." I grabbed the papers and shoved them in my locker causing Ally to frown since she had neatly put them together.

"What's up guys!" Dinah greeted, interrupting our conversation as she put her arm around Ally. Which was funny to see, comparing how tall Dinah was to Ally. I giggled at the sight.

"Hey Dinah." Me and Ally both greeted. We headed to class after that and the day continued.

We then sat in class as Dinah began throwing paper balls in the trash can near us. We were suppose to be working on our writing in silence but Dinah of course got bored. I quietly laughed as I looked at the teacher to make sure Dinah wouldn't get caught.

"Dinah be careful." I whispered, warning her. She waved me off.

"I got this." She threw another one, landing perfectly inside. "Dang did you see that guys?" She asked as she turned to me then behind her to Camila. Camila was too focus on her work and didn't acknowledge Dinah or even do her casual shrug or nod.

"Yea that was cool." I complemented feeling bad Camila ignored her but it didn't seem to phase Dinah. Just as she was about to throw another one the teacher looked up. Dinah immediately tried covering up what she had been doing by pretending to raise her hand.

"Yes Dinah?" The teacher had called.

"Uhhhh um can I uhh go to the bathroom?" She made up. I tried holding in my laugh how not smooth she was. The teacher nodded and allowed her to go.

"Smooth." I whispered sarcastically, laughing quietly.

"Shut up." She whispered back as she got up to go to the 'bathroom'.

When I finally got to work, an annoying kid in front of me started bothering me.

"Can you please stop." I whispered as nicely as I could. Trying to be calm. But he kept poking my arm with his pencil. "Seriously stop." I growled as I tried swatting his pencil off. But he continued while snickering. Obviously I wasn't gonna tell on him. We're not in kindergarten where I need the teacher to do everything for me. But I was seriously about to punch this kid.

"She said stop." I heard someone growl directly behind me. Like always my body got chills and sent a shiver down my body. The boy immediately stopped and looked at Camila. I slowly turned around to see her death glaring at the boy.

"Or what?" He challenged. Camila's eyes narrowed and to be honest I was scared for him. His eyes grew in fear and immediately turned around in his seat and began doing his work.

I slowly looked at Camila and noticed she was gripping her pencil tightly. She had her eyes closed and looked as if she was in pain. I cautiously leaned forward and gently placed my hand on top of hers. I gasped feeling like I had just touched a block of ice. Her hand was so cold. Her eyes snapped open and she looked at me with wide eyes. She yanked her hand away and got up and bolted through the door just as Dinah had came back.

"Camila?" The teacher got up and chased after her. Everyone around looked at each other all confused as to what happened. Then looked at me as I sat there with my mouth slightly open in shock as well. It's like they were expecting me to tell them why Camila had bolted out the classroom when I couldn't even process what just happened myself.

"What the hell happened. Why did Camila run out?" Dinah immediately asked me with concern in her eyes.

"I-I don't know. She just-I..." I couldn't find the words to explain what had happened between the small amount of time she had left. "I just touched her hand and she bolted out...." I mumbled confused.

"Wait, you touched her?" Dinah asked as if I was crazy.

"Well I mean I was just making sure she was okay." I defended myself even though I didn't know why.

"Lauren," she sighed. "Camila probably doesn't hate anything more than when someone touches her." She explained.


"I don't know. She just doesn't like it." She shrugged.

"That's weird." I bluntly said.

"Yea well it's Camila we are talking about." She shrugged.

"Don't get me wrong I love her but she has to be the most weirdest and mysterious person I know. Not to mention confusing."

I nodded slowly and turned foreword to face my paper.

"Are you sure that's all that happened?" Dinah asked leaning in.

"Yea, let's just get back to work before the teacher comes back." I tried changing the subject. Dinah didn't say anything but quietly sighed and went back to her paper as well.

My eyes slowly looked towards the class room door. I'm gonna find out today. I'm gonna find out what you are Camila.


Of course Camila had disappeared all day. No surprise there. I don't even know how she is still in this school or even passing with the amount of days she misses. Like isn't there a rule of how long you can ditch school before getting kicked out?

After saying goodbye to everyone I walked out through the back lunch doors instead of the main doors. I had wanted to watch the softball players play since I hadn't been able to get in because of my late arrival. I always loved softball and had a pretty big passion for it besides many other things. As I walked down the hill I had seen movement on the corner of my eyes. I snapped toward the direction to see someone disappear into the woods. I frowned my eyes and moved closer toward the direction of it instead of the baseball field. I was trying to get a closer look to who it was when I saw the familiar brown locks.


My eyes widen as I bolted after her. This is it. Where I confronted her. This will either turn out good or the worst thing that has ever happened to me. And honestly I'm feeling like the second option is what I'm leaning more toward to as I walk in the woods to soon hear a low mincing growl behind me.

A/N: Yay another update! Told you this will now be running smoothly. Or at least until I get to my last pre-written chapter haha. But no worries many more updates to come!

Hope your enjoying it. Thanks.

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