Chapter 13

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"Have you seen mila lately Lauren?" I heard Dinah ask me as we were working on our history packet together. I stiffened for a bit before I mustered up an answer.

" Why?" I replied as casually as I could.

"I know she has her absences but damn now it's too much." She sighed, scribbling on her packet as she rested her cheek on her left hand. "It used to be once or three times a month where she would leave but she would come back like a few days later, now it's like everyday." She muttered.

I looked over at her and frowned. The last time I saw Camila is when she came to my room with scratches and marks on her. Which was a week and half ago. I told myself not to worry, that this is just what Camila does. Disappears. But now Dinah's concern for her is starting to make me a little uneasy.

"Maybe...maybe she's sick?" I lied, grimacing right after as I regretted how dumb that sounded.

"Yea I don't think so. But whatever it is, I hope she comes back soon. Like tomorrow soon. I miss her a lot. Yea she's a little weird, I'll admit that. But she's really cool once you get to know her." Dinah said looking at me like she needed to convince me. I knew she knew that I heard about the famous Camila Cabello, and how she's strange and weird. I know she doesn't know but she has nothing to convince me about.

I smiled at her and nodded. "Don't worry she'll come back." I assured her. I looked out the window and into the woods. "I know she will." I mumbled to myself.


"Hi Lauren," I heard a soft shy voice behind me as I finished putting my Physics book away. I turned and smiled as I shut my locker.

"Hey Brad, what's up?" I kindly greeted back. Me and him have been getting along really well these passed days and turns out we have a lot of things in common. Like music, books, favorite artist, painters, etc.

It was like a perfect match, me and him.

"You're staying for practice today right?" He had a hopeful expression on his face.

"Yea of course." I smiled but I soon remembered something my dad had told me this morning. "Oh wait, I forgot I have to go home for something as soon as school ends." I frowned, "sorry." I apologized

His face fell a little but replaced it with a quick smile hoping I wouldn't see, but I did. "Oh okay. No it's okay, I understand." He smiled and shoved his hands in his pockets. A habit, that I noticed, he seems to do when he's nervous.

"I feel bad, so you think you can wait here for an hour or so? It shouldn't take me long but if you don't want to that's fine too." I offered shrugging.

"No! Yea that's fine. I can wait, it's not a big deal to me." He answered smiling.

"Okay so I'll see you later then." I waved goodbye as he bid his farewell as well.

I turned and bumped right into a smirking Normani. "Awe y'all are so cute." She cooed as I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Whatever," I mumbled as I stuck my tongue at her and moved around her to keep walking as she followed.

"Looks like someone is getting a little close to someone..." She sang as she nudged me with a wink.

"We're just friends." I claimed, making it to my last class of the day.

"That's what they all say." She teased.

"Ugh Normani..." I whined. She put her hands up in defense.

"Okay, okay I'll stop. Making sure you know we're all aboard the Brauren ship."

"Brauren ship? What the hell?" I asked puzzled.

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